加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民Statistical Information: Applications Processed at Canadian


Skilled Workers ? FederalApril 2006 to March 2007Citizenship and Immigration Canada staff work at locations around the world. Officers in Canadian embassies, high commissions and consulates process applications abroad for permanent residence for people wishing to immigrate to Canada.The tables below show the number of months that were required to approve or refuse applications at visa offices around the world.The length of time it takes to finalize applications may be different at different visa offices.Past processing times may not indicate the length of time it will take to finalize applications in the future.All Regions / Africa and the Middle East / Asia and Pacific / Europe / AmericasMonths Required to Finalize Applications [see note]ALL REGIONS 30% of cases finalized in:(months)50% of cases finalized in:(months)70% of cases finalized in:(months)80% of cases finalized in:(months)Processing Times at Visa Offices in All Regions27556366AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST 30% of cases finalized in:(months)50% of cases finalized in:(months)70% of cases finalized in:(months)80% of cases finalized in:(months)Processing Times at Visa Offices in Africa and the Middle East56616467 Processing Times at Individual Visa Offices in Africa and the Middle East30% of cases finalized in:(months)50% of cases finalized in:(months)70% of cases finalized in:(months)80% of cases finalized in:(months)Abidjan12182326Accra59616465Cairo36395664Damascus61636771Nairobi29395257Pretoria37465963Rabat29313233Tel Aviv24596364ASIA AND PACIFIC 30% of cases finalized in:(months)50% of cases finalized in:(months)70% of cases finalized in:(months)80% of cases finalized in:(months)Processing Times at Visa Offices in Asia and Pacific58636668 Processing Times at Individual Visa Offices in Asia and Pacific30% of cases finalized in:(months)50% of cases finalized in:(months)70% of cases finalized in:(months)80% of cases finalized in:(months)Beijing58616467Colombo24606466Hong Kong57636974Islamabad59626365Kuala Lumpur35373941Manila58616263New Delhi65676870Seoul22252829Singapore37455054Sydney23262830Taipei24262728EUROPE 30% of cases finalized in:(months)50% of cases finalized in:(months)70% of cases finalized in:(months)80% of cases finalized in:(months)Processing Times at Visa Offices in Europe29345863 Processing Times at Individual Visa Offices in Europe30% of cases finalized in:(months)50% of cases finalized in:(months)70% of cases finalized in:(months)80% of cases finalized in:(months)Ankara57636871Berlin16192224Bucharest52566165Kyiv31597274London29313555Moscow39606972Paris47545761Rome43536165Vienna8111624Warsaw43606770THE AMERICAS 30% of cases finalized in:(months)50% of cases finalized in:(months)70% of cases finalized in:(months)80% of cases finalized in:(months)Processing Times at Visa Offices in the Americas18212531 Processing Times at Individual Visa Offices in the Americas30% of cases finalized in:(months)50% of cases finalized in:(months)70% of cases finalized in:(months)80% of cases finalized in:(months)Bogota49737884Buenos Aires12173641Buffalo18212532Caracas16202223Guatemala City8121723Havana18253245Kingston14162024Lima11131515Mexico City15182022Port-au-Prince13141718Port of Spain28303233Santiago19263232Sao Paulo13141517

2007.4.20FN HK VO:MAC回复: Statistical Information: Applications Processed at Canadian Visa Offices你这样贴,是人都看不懂哦,还不如直接给个连接

一家之言,仅供参考,谢谢!联系本ID,请通过“悄悄话”或者email,非常感谢!回复: Statistical Information: Applications Processed at Canadian Visa Offices疯了,北京50%在61个月内完成,那不是说另外50%要超过61个月吗?超过5年?现在要这么长?

一家之言,仅供参考,谢谢!联系本ID,请通过“悄悄话”或者email,非常感谢!回复: Statistical Information: Applications Processed at Canadian Visa Offices大使馆网站的 没有编辑好 就讲究点把

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