THE COMPANY'S TITLE Date: May 24, 2007 To whom it may concern:This letter is to certify that Ms. XXX has been employed by our studio in the 3D animation department as a full time Computer Graphics Technician from Nov, 2005 to June 2007. (Our studio is one of the biggest animation studios in Beijing)Being the Computer Graphics Technician of this company, she is mainly responsible for producing various 3D Effect animation of our projects. Ms. XXX’s main duties include:1, Analyzing and testing the possible 3D effect animation according to our client’s requests in a pre-production; 2, Produce various 3D F/X visual effect in our production using specialized 3D software, and the 3D F/X effect animation are including: Fire/Smoke/Clouds/Water/Rain/Fog/Fur/Hair/Cloth3, Also responsible on the lighting and rendering effect on our game projects4, Do necessary compositing work of both effect animation video files and a single frame picture by using 2D compositing software.Ms. XXX has mainly taken part in the following projects:1, Done the Clouds and engine effect in our trailer project : XXXXX2, Made the Fire effect and done the final compositing in our game project: XXXXX3, Made the raining and water effect in our game project: XXXXX4, Produced the Fur effect on requested character in our movie project: XXXXX5, Produced the Ocean effect in our TV project: XXXXXMs. XXX is well experienced with 3D animation production and CG movie making. She is skillful at using several 3D software, including: Maya, 3dsMax, Real Flow, as well as painting and compositing software, including: Adobe Photoshop, Apple Shake and Adobe Premiere pro. We were satisfied with her performance during her working period. She has deeply impressed us with her strong computer skills on computer graphics and conscientious personality. She was also a quick learner and took every chance to improve herself. I’m sure that Ms. XXX is able to do the job well independently.If you want to know more about Ms. XXX, please feel free to contact me.Yours Sincerely,
Feb. 08, 2007 HKJul. 20, 2007 FN VO:KTADec. 13, 2008 IELTS L:6.5 R:6 W:6.5 S:6.5 赏

Feb. 08, 2007 HKJul. 20, 2007 FN VO:KTADec. 13, 2008 IELTS L:6.5 R:6 W:6.5 S:6.5回复: 推荐信写好了, 各路牛人帮改改吧?啊!應該發到英語版~
个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。――――――――――――――――――――――――――回复: 推荐信写好了, 各路牛人帮改改吧?Being the Computer Graphics Technician of this company, she is mainly responsible for producing various 3D Effect animation of our projects. 这句后面似乎应该接着说明你的收入情况
喂,请问是中国移动吗?我是中国联通,我的小灵通坏了,你们能派中国铁通来修一下吗?回复: 推荐信写好了, 各路牛人帮改改吧?哎!LZ介紹你認識一位老師~~他叫Beijing2008~
个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。――――――――――――――――――――――――――哎!LZ介铰你帐滓一位老?~~他叫Beijing2008~点击展开...广告
喂,请问是中国移动吗?我是中国联通,我的小灵通坏了,你们能派中国铁通来修一下吗?回复: 推荐信写好了, 各路牛人帮改改吧?I LOVE BEIJING 2008
个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。――――――――――――――――――――――――――回复: 推荐信写好了, 各路牛人帮改改吧?AIM JJ~~ I notice many paid representative comes to our 9.1 and wearing a lot of jacket.Sometimes I really feel lazy to entertain them~What shall I do??!!!
个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。――――――――――――――――――――――――――回复: 推荐信写好了, 各路牛人帮改改吧?I also feel that the this is difficult to maintain a BBS without an solid income. I have requested few TZ that requires my assist in checking and reviewing the SAP to see how they could donate $$$ to this BBS.Actually they could save at least 10k RMB without any paid representative and could get "free" advise from this DIY BBS. Aim and Panda needs some incomes to sustain this BBS~
个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。――――――――――――――――――――――――――回复: 推荐信写好了, 各路牛人帮改改吧?Roxa, I would suggest you please a draft copy of this recommendation letter and kindly request your American boss to edit for you!
个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。――――――――――――――――――――――――――回复: 推荐信写好了, 各路牛人帮改改吧?月收入要写上.如果有参加过比较大的项目或取得过优异的业绩可以写上.
http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1251330883 回复: 推荐信写好了, 各路牛人帮改改吧?在please feel free to contact me后应该提供电话和电邮的联系方式吧?另外是否写的太长了?
回复: 推荐信写好了, 各路牛人帮改改吧?学习
新手教程1:9/1新程序版导读及填表问题索引地址、住址英译(简表问题12 & 13) ☆★☆ 喝小茶 养养身 来尚云号坐坐 ☆★☆Roxa, I would suggest you please a draft copy of this recommendation letter and kindly request your American boss to edit for you!点击展开...曼谷,是你说要我写了发上来你们帮我改改啊,现在又说让我boss改.她最近比较忙,我想找她的时候她能大概看一下然后签字就好了
Feb. 08, 2007 HKJul. 20, 2007 FN VO:KTADec. 13, 2008 IELTS L:6.5 R:6 W:6.5 S:6.5月收入要写上.如果有参加过比较大的项目或取得过优异的业绩可以写上.点击展开...谢谢,我会加上
Feb. 08, 2007 HKJul. 20, 2007 FN VO:KTADec. 13, 2008 IELTS L:6.5 R:6 W:6.5 S:6.5I also feel that the this is difficult to maintain a BBS without an solid income. I have requested few TZ that requires my assist in checking and reviewing the SAP to see how they could donate $$$ to this BBS.Actually they could save at least 10k RMB without any paid representative and could get "free" advise from this DIY BBS. Aim and Panda needs some incomes to sustain this BBS~点击展开...啥意思啊,要偶给钱吗??
Feb. 08, 2007 HKJul. 20, 2007 FN VO:KTADec. 13, 2008 IELTS L:6.5 R:6 W:6.5 S:6.5Being the Computer Graphics Technician of this company, she is mainly responsible for producing various 3D Effect animation of our projects. 这句后面似乎应该接着说明你的收入情况点击展开...收到!
Feb. 08, 2007 HKJul. 20, 2007 FN VO:KTADec. 13, 2008 IELTS L:6.5 R:6 W:6.5 S:6.5回复: 推荐信写好了, 各路牛人帮改改吧?等我有時閒就幫你看看~畢竟還有最少2年的時間~我收藏了~
个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。――――――――――――――――――――――――――回复: 推荐信写好了, 各路牛人帮改改吧?请问BENKOK,现在hongkong是每人3610$吗,怎么少了呢
2013年9月16日登陆温哥华,长租于Richmond, BC请问BENKOK,现在hongkong是每人3610$吗,怎么少了呢点击展开...不知道~要?Linear~~
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