加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民魁省技术移民 - 2005年魁省的案子,4月面试被拒,是


subject:Decision concerning your application for Quebec Selection Certificate independent(worker)category. Madam,Sir, We would like to inform you that the amendments to the Regulation respecting the selection of foreign nationals and the Regulation respecting the weighting applicable to the selection of foreign nationals came into effect on October 16,2006. Your application will be studied in light of these new provisions. These criteria are based on factors that are intended to assess each prospective immigrant's chances of successfully settling in Quebec. They include education,work experience,age,knowledge of French and English,financial independence,and if applicable,an accompanying spouse or children. Our examination indicates that your application as a worker does not meet all the statutory requirements: -Your score is not high enough,as determined under our entire set of selection factors in accordance with the Regulation respecting the selection of foreign nationals, sections 31,32,38,in Appendix A and Regulation respecting the weighting applicable to the selection of foreign nationals. -Your score is not high enough as required as a cutoff score factor in accordance with the Regulation respecting the selection of foreign nationals, sections 31,32,38, Appendix A and Regulation respecting the weighting applicable to the selection of foreign nationals. We regret to inform you that we cannot accept your application. You may file a request to have this decision reviewed, provided that the request is substantiated,which means that it must identify the elements that are assessed incorrectly and specify in what respect an error was made, that it must be based on the facts that existed at the time when the decision was made,and that it must be accompanied by a photocopy of the letter of refusal and the assessment record that was attached to the letter of refusal. Where applicable,the request for review may be supported by original documents that pertain to the facts that existed at the time when the decision was made and that you have not already submitted. Your request for review must be submitted to our central administration office at the address listed below,and must be filed within 90 days of the date of this letter.

回复: 2005年魁省的案子,4月面试被拒,是申诉还是转投联邦?(附拒签信)你到底什么地方分数不够 法语?专业?? 这个信上看不出来 楼主也没有具体说

西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016)回复: 2005年魁省的案子,4月面试被拒,是申诉还是转投联邦?(附拒签信)到底什么地方分数不够??

回复: 2005年魁省的案子,4月面试被拒,是申诉还是转投联邦?(附拒签信)申诉多半没希望,还是转投联邦吧,到时把你为何被魁省拒签原因在联邦申请中解释清楚;不知你拒签的原因是什么,如果因语言不够没问提,如果体检不过转哪都不行

齐二爷回复: 2005年魁省的案子,4月面试被拒,是申诉还是转投联邦?(附拒签信)分数不到, 很难申诉的,还是转联邦吧!!!

回复: 2005年魁省的案子,4月面试被拒,是申诉还是转投联邦?(附拒签信)技术类被拒,申诉渠道就很有限了.我建议您递联邦吧,但请确保67分,并如实在以后的表格中写明曾被魁技术拒过.

http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1251330883 回复: 2005年魁省的案子,4月面试被拒,是申诉还是转投联邦?(附拒签信)我们的得分,不知道是按新法还是旧法算的,当初面试完之后面试官说先给我们按新法算了一遍,差12分,再按旧法算一遍,差10分,可寄回来的分数好象没有差那么多啊:Formation Max pts 10 Niveau de scolarite 10 Diplome du Quebec 0 Domaine de formati 0 Deuxieme specialit 0Employabilite 51 Formation 10 Experience prof. 9 Age 18 Francais inter orale 3 Anglais inter orale 4 Sejour au Quebec 0 Famille au Quebec 0 Conj. scolarite 2 Conj. Diplome du Q 0 Conj. Domaine for 0 Conj. 2e speclalite 0 Conj. exper.prof. 0 Conj. Age 3 Conj. Francais 2Autres facteurs 4 Offre emploi valide 0 Entants 0 Autonomie financier 1 Adaptabilite 3 总共得分应该有65分,俺的法语实在是太差了,也不知道哪里的分数没有得到,请各位大侠给评评.

回复: 2005年魁省的案子,4月面试被拒,是申诉还是转投联邦?(附拒签信)我辛苦排好的格式,怎么发上来全都变啦?

回复: 2005年魁省的案子,4月面试被拒,是申诉还是转投联邦?(附拒签信)我们的得分,不知道是按新法还是旧法算的,当初面试完之后面试官说先给我们按新法算了一遍,差12分,再按旧法算一遍,差10分,可寄回来的分数好象没有差那么多啊: 总共得分应该有65分,俺的法语实在是太差了,也不知道哪里的分数没有得到,请各位大侠给评评.点击展开...很明显,你被拒签的真正原因是法语太差 对于魁北克技术移民,VO最重要的是考查你法语能力,相对于其他方面,法语能力始终排在第一位,如果法语OK,后面一切好商量;魁省面试移民官有很大的"自由量裁"权,也就是主观性占很大比重,不象联邦分数直观; 因你语言不过关,移民官找个理由说你不够分,而真正拒签原因他们不会对你讲的

齐二爷回复: 2005年魁省的案子,4月面试被拒,是申诉还是转投联邦?(附拒签信)很可惜呀,魁省那么快就给机会让你面,没当场抓住,替你惋惜.不过没关系,递联邦,付上比较好的雅思成绩,继续排队等吧,需要耐心.祝你好运!

回复: 2005年魁省的案子,4月面试被拒,是申诉还是转投联邦?(附拒签信)

2007.4.20FN HK VO:MAC回复: 2005年魁省的案子,4月面试被拒,是申诉还是转投联邦?(附拒签信)楼主的情况无语了,具体的魁省分数我没有研究过,不过现在递联邦,个人感觉北京比较不错。

2007-03-28 递材料 香港2007-4-13 银行划款2007-8-1签发FN 2008-6-28 IELTS 6/5/5.5/6太多了。回复: 2005年魁省的案子,4月面试被拒,是申诉还是转投联邦?(附拒签信)遗憾!大家告诉我为什么要移民吗?

回复: 2005年魁省的案子,4月面试被拒,是申诉还是转投联邦?(附拒签信)很想知道你的面试经过法语只有3分,

回复: 2005年魁省的案子,4月面试被拒,是申诉还是转投联邦?(附拒签信)没别的原因,就是法语太差

  ·生活百科 我被骗了,对吗? (水管工/热水器。)
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