加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请问递交申请后,一般多长时间就需要提供雅思
[FONT=宋体]看官方网站的说明[/FONT]http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigra...how-simple.asp[FONT=宋体]关于简化程序递申请是这样说的[/FONT]There is a waiting list to come to Canada as a skilled worker. This means it may be several years before your application is processed. The simplified application process guarantees your place in the processing line. Your application will be processed based on regulations that are in effect on the date that you submit your application, even if they change after you apply. 这个may be several years 具体多长时间呢,2006年9月1后申请的有要求提供材料的了吗?
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