加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请教申请材料中SCHEDULE 1 BACKGROUND
请教各位,急,非常感谢! I hold a work-permit. When I fill the form IMM0008" Schedule 1 Background/Declaration", I fond I have some questions. IN the form: 5. Current country of residence: Canada (my answer) 6. Your status in that country: Temporary resident, work permit. (My answer) Am I right to these two questions? Besides, in the form 9. Have you, or, if you are the principal applicant, any of your family members listed in your application for permanent residence in Canada, ever: Previously sought refugee status in Canada or applied for a Canadian immigrant or permanent resident visa or visitor or temporary resident visa? My answer is yes. I provide details: Temporary Resident Visitor Visa ISSUED ON 12/06/2007 IN Beijing, document no.:E250489887; Temporary Resident Visitor Visa issued on 21/10/2005 in Beijing, document no.:E250489252; Work permit: date signed 20EFB 2007, Valid until 20 FEB 2008, CLIENTID 5600-0696; Work permit: date signed 29 DEC 2006, Valid until 29 APR 2007, CLIENTID 5600-0696. Is my answer to the above No.9 question right? My multi-entry visa is Temporary Resident Visitor Visa?
回复: 请教申请材料中SCHEDULE 1 BACKGROUNDI submitted my application last December.Below is my answer.5. Canada6. Work Permit9. I answered No to that question, although I did have applied for work permits and re-entry visa before. Hmm.... Well, I'm not quite so sure on that. Check with iask.ca and they should be able to sort that out for you.
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