加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民I want to HG to pick up my visa before the Chritmase
and want to know the proper time to go there,I do not know the schedule of them,when they begain to take their holiday?Please help me.Give me some advice,and I will book the air ticket to HG,Thanks in advance.
日日是好日.04/12/2007 PL回复: I want to HG to pick up my visa before the Chritmase顶
回复: I want to HG to pick up my visa before the Chritmase板凳.
回复: I want to HG to pick up my visa before the Chritmase慢着,等偶取副眼镜。
A sane man in an insane world.回复: I want to HG to pick up my visa before the Chritmase恭喜恭喜,取签顺利!
回复: I want to HG to pick up my visa before the Chritmase路过。
http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=386790回复: I want to HG to pick up my visa before the ChritmaseI want to HG ?
28/03/06 FN04/10/06 ME signed31/10/07 ME examined19/02/08 DM17/03/08 PL回复: I want to HG to pick up my visa before the ChritmaseGXGX
forever眼中的加拿大http://www.canadameet.com/member/index.php?uid=foreverhttp://www.canadameet.com/member/index.php?uid=forever&action=article回复: I want to HG to pick up my visa before the Chritmase转载:版权--商业版ROY HE香港加拿大联邦总领馆和魁北克香港办事处最近的放假时间为: 圣诞假: 2007年12月25-26日 两天新年假: 2008年1月1日 一天北京加拿大大使馆的放假时间与上同。
回复: I want to HG to pick up my visa before the Chritmase楼主是主申还是副申?是主申的话,请问楼主的雅思是怎么过的?楼主的大作被我用来给小学生做找错有奖的题目了,谢谢楼主出题!
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