加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民其实大家所说的background check一般就是指security
下面我在网上找的一些资料, 和大家share一下:Security Clearance/ Background ChecksBackground checks are carried out on every Permanent Resident applicant over the age of 18. These checks are used to identify criminals and known security threats (espionage, subversion or terrorism). To ensure that the protection and safety of Canada is maintained, various sources are consulted for the completion of background checks, including but not limited to visa application forms, intelligence information, criminal conviction records and immigration records. Once all information is received, it is carefully reviewed to determine the likeliness that the applicant is a threat to Canadian security. If any questions or concerns arise a Security Interview will be scheduled in order that the Immigration Officer may discuss these findings with the applicant. Failure to pass the background check is grounds for an immediate refusal of the Permanent Resident Application.Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) in conjunction with the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) administers the background checks. Since Canadian officials confer with other governments, departments and/or organization it may take several months for the completion of the background checks.A PERMANENT RESIDENT VISA CANNOT BE ISSUED UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE BACKGROUND CHECKS ARE CLEARED. CSIS provides security advice on immigration and citizenship matters to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). CSIS provides security screening on Canadian visitor visa applicants and prospective immigrants in cases where the applicant's background presents security concerns, based on a determination performed in cooperation with CIC officers posted abroad. CSIS provides CIC with security assessments on applicants for Canadian citizenship, and advises CIC of any security concerns relating to a particular application.
回复: 其实大家所说的background check一般就是指security check多谢分享
我在TORONTO回复: 其实大家所说的background check一般就是指security check谢谢分享,我想也是这样的意思
坐牢中回复: 其实大家所说的background check一般就是指security check谢谢
回复: 其实大家所说的background check一般就是指security check谢谢分享!
回复: 其实大家所说的background check一般就是指security check多谢!!!LZ有消息吗???
回复: 其实大家所说的background check一般就是指security checkthanks for sharing
回复: 其实大家所说的background check一般就是指security checkthanks.
等闲识得东风面,万紫千红总是春。我的春天你快来。2007.3 FN. 有亲属。回复: 其实大家所说的background check一般就是指security checkThanks a lot!!
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