加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民实在忍不住了, 再发EMAIL 询问CIC!
回复: 实在忍不住了, 再发EMAIL 询问CIC!如果真是寄丢了,这将是很及时的邮件....
回复: 实在忍不住了, 再发EMAIL 询问CIC!苏州,支持你,如果我等了22个月也没ME,我也会查个究竟
The village in the city回复: 实在忍不住了, 再发EMAIL 询问CIC!支持!
10.18.10: 短登温哥华03.29.11:长登温哥华回复: 实在忍不住了, 再发EMAIL 询问CIC!有什么建议?
回复: 实在忍不住了, 再发EMAIL 询问CIC!you are supposed to inquire where you currently are with your application and what may cause your lagging behind your peers. Not that straight asking for ME. In my opinion, ME will satisfy you in a couple days. Please always bear this in mind that China Post should be held accountable for a possible delay of your ME in this whole process.
2008/08/02 - 2010/06/30 Vancouver2010/07/01 - 2012/05/31 Toronto2012/06/01---------------- Montreal回复: 实在忍不住了, 再发EMAIL 询问CIC!我要不要再问问呢? 不过我现在似乎心态很好,哈。
已登录蒙特利尔回复: 实在忍不住了, 再发EMAIL 询问CIC!同意 天使的说法。
06.04.11-FN (HK);07.11.26-补料信;08.11.26-签发ME;09.02.09补料签收;09.02.10划登陆费;09.03.30-DM;09.04.08PL;09.09.30短登温哥华。回复: 实在忍不住了, 再发EMAIL 询问CIC!过来人劝你再耐心等一下,如果确实紧急要问一下,尽量象发电报一样简短,如:洞妖!洞妖!我是妖洞!ME地OK?补料地需要?
回复: 实在忍不住了, 再发EMAIL 询问CIC!口气要客气,用客气的句型,不要太直接,不要直接说 i want找一个理由最好,比如,我的家庭计划,我的职业计划是什么样的, 比如是按照中介说的或我了解到的时间来计划等等
回复: 实在忍不住了, 再发EMAIL 询问CIC!我也发了mail询问为何体检后近6个月没有消息?可是为什么没有回复啊?绿绿安慰我说没有回复也许意味着没有背调,如果背调就告诉我了。难道真是no news is good news?
回复: 实在忍不住了, 再发EMAIL 询问CIC!Angel, will you revise his sentence?
人生何处不相逢,与人为善,乐事也!我也发了mail询问为何体检后近6个月没有消息?可是为什么没有回复啊?绿绿安慰我说没有回复也许意味着没有背调,如果背调就告诉我了。难道真是no news is good news?点击展开...也许是没收到你的EMAIL,也许VO忘了回复了,也许你的信太长,被VO转发给诺奖评估委员会了。。。无论哪种情况,没有回复是不正常的,你一定要再问一下,选个心平气和的日子。
回复: 实在忍不住了, 再发EMAIL 询问CIC!Angel, will you revise his sentence?点击展开...If he thinks it necessary. But the one I wrote for inquiring my PL days ago, bore no fruits. HK seems determined to ignoring my existence. They don't even know who they've been dealing with.
2008/08/02 - 2010/06/30 Vancouver2010/07/01 - 2012/05/31 Toronto2012/06/01---------------- Montreal回复: 实在忍不住了, 再发EMAIL 询问CIC!Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. My name is xxx, I am an educated and skilled individual who has applied for permanent residence in Canada. My application file number was issued on xxx. We have not yet received a response or any feedback in approximately 22 months.We hope you can provide us with any additional information regarding our application status and the next step involved in this process. It would be very gratefully appreciated.Angleonduty , 觉得以上的询问如何?
回复: 实在忍不住了, 再发EMAIL 询问CIC!楼主已经等到了心里最焦急的时刻了,如果你的材料是没有疑问的,分数是计算准确的,那ME会很快来的.当4月FN的ME批量出现的时候,你的ME绝对来了.
回复: 实在忍不住了, 再发EMAIL 询问CIC!那蒙蒙牛你的意见是现在不要发信询问?
回复: 实在忍不住了, 再发EMAIL 询问CIC!黎明前的黑暗
修合无人见,存心有天知。The journey ...may be a reward !回复: 实在忍不住了, 再发EMAIL 询问CIC!Suzhou, try this if you like.Dear Sir or Madam,I am an applicant for Skilled Workers and Professionals. My File number is *******, and my name is *****. I am writing inquiring where I am currently with my application in your office.Almost 24 months(递档时间) have elapsed since I submitted my application. The long waiting of no further notice has started interfering with my work, as the old contract is getting terminated, and a new one soon needed to be signed. For which I have shared information with several people who were supposed to be on the same timetable as I was, surprisingly, they have all been instructed to take their medical check one month back. It occurred to me that perhaps there is something on my end that is still hampering you to push ahead my application. I would like to be enlightened on what exactly I can do to keep me stay on schedule, so no further foreseeable trouble would occur if I was the one to break a newly signed contract. Your prompt response would be highly appreciated.
2008/08/02 - 2010/06/30 Vancouver2010/07/01 - 2012/05/31 Toronto2012/06/01---------------- Montreal那蒙蒙牛你的意见是现在不要发信询问?点击展开...Just give you both a little more time, Suzhou, your chance of getting the ME as a nice present for Chinese New Year is close to 99.9 percent, given your status changing history.
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