加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民关于工作经历分数问题
我第一份工作只干了8个月, 是在物流公司做进出口.现在的工作干了将近两年,是在一家生产型企业做进出口.请问这两段工作经历可以相加累计工作经历分数吗? 我即将开始的下一份工作还是在一家生产型企业做进出口,是不是可以继续累加呢??
回复: 关于工作经历分数问题第一份工作不可以累加,因为不够一年,第二份以后的可以累加。A) One-year continuous full-time experience: this means one year in one skilled occupation to demonstrate an ability to establish oneself economically; or (B) The equivalent in continuous part-time employment in one or more occupations. In (B), this continuous part-time employment could be made up of two part-time jobs held simultaneously or of one part-time job held over the equivalent of one year of full-time employment. Once the qualifying year has been established, further experience in one or more occupations can be calculated by adding up the number of months spent in full-time and/or part-time work in one or more of the NOC categories.
The only predictable thing about life is its unpredictability.回复: 关于工作经历分数问题现在的工作干了将近两年,但不到两年. 那超过一年的部分就不算了还是可以跟下一份工作累加?
回复: 关于工作经历分数问题可以
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