新加坡递档,03/03/08 FN. Now share it for checking.Thanks my LG to type them. -------------------------------------------------------------Dear Applicant, We have received your application for permanent residence in Canada in the Federal Skilled Worker[Inverstor][Entrepreneur][Self-Employed] Class on 03Mar2008. We have created a file with the file number pasted above. You must quote this file number in any future correspondence. A receipt for application fees submitted is also enclosed. If you submitted additional supporting documents, these are being returned to you and are enclosed. We will request supporting documents at a later date. This letter explains our procedures for your case and gives information on what you can do to prepare yourself for immigration to Canada while your case is in process. At the present time there is a queue of applications in this catergory. We regret the delay. If you wish to withdraw your application during this waiting period, you may obtain a full refund of fees paid. Once docuemnts have been requested and the asssessment of your application has begun, no fee refunds is available. No processing will occur on your file for approximately 42-48 months. This is our current estimate; however, circumstances may change. Please consult the CIC website for up-to-date information on processing time at our office: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/times-int/menu-perm.html You may also check basic case status on-lint at the Citizenship and Immigration website (http://www.cic.gc.ca ) using the "e-Client Application stauts" function that is found in the "Online Services" section of the website. Next Steps When our office is ready to assess your file, we will send you a complete list of required documents. You will be provided with 4 months to prepare and submit this supporting documentation. A list of documents that we currently request is attached at the end of this letter for your reference as to the type of documents needed. Do not send these documents now. If you send these documents now, they will be returned to you. Documents must be submitted in a single package. Do not submit any documents until you have prepared the entire package. We will make a decision on your application on the basis of the documents you provide at that time. Until we request your supporting documents, we will not accept, respond to, or attach to your file any interim correspondence, except: Change of address of contact information, including change of e-mail address; Change of immigration representative; Request for withdrawal of your application and refund of fees; For Skilled Workers only: Submissioin of an Arranged Employment Opinion approvide by Human Resources Development Canada. Prepare yourself for immigration to Canada Languages We strongly recommend that during this time you prepare yourself for immigration to Canada. You should learn about living and working in Canada so you can decide where to live and prepare yourself and your family for life in Canada. For example, Canada has two official languages, English and French. Depending on where you want to live in Canada, you will need excellent speaking, reading and writing skills in one of these languages. If you do not have strong English or French skills, study the language before comeing to Canada and learn the vocabulary of your profession or trade. Remember: you will be competing against many native speakers of English and French for any available jobs. Please notes:just prior to assessment, the visa office will required third party language test results, or other written evidence of your language ability as part of your supporting documentation. If you submit the results of an authorized language test, the visa officer will accept these results as determinate. Because authorized test results are independent and verifiable, cases for which authorized language test results are submitted are likely to be processed more quickly than those that rely on a written submission regarding language ability. In either case, as the visa officer will make a decision based on the language examination in order to provide the visa officer with definitive, verifiable results. In addition, while your file is in queue, you may wish to take courses, try practice examinations, and otherwise improve your language ability. Information on the IELTS test in English can be found at www.britishcouncil.org . Information on the French language test, Test d'evaluation de francaise(TEF) is available at http://www.fed.ccip.fr Work Finding work is a challenging process for Canadians and for immigrants. It is essential that you prepare to work in Canada before you move. Even if you have many years of work experienc in you home country, you may not be able to work in your trade or profession in Canada. There are many things you can do in your home country to prepare for working in Canada and make your job search easier. One of your first steps should be to begin researching potential employment in Canada. Most occupations in Canada are not regulated. For those occupations, the employer is responsible for assessing and recognizing your qualifications. However, some occupations are regulated and do not permit persons to practice without a license. To obtain a license to practice a regulated occupation, you must go through an assessment and an acceptance of your educational and professional qualifcations by a regulatory body. This assessment will compare your training, education and further experience to Canadian standards. The assessment will also help determine whether further training and evaluation may be needed before you acquire a license to practice your occupation in Canada. For more informatin, we encourage you to visit "Going to Canada" Internet sit at www.directioncanada.gc.ca where you will find important information about living and working in Canada. On this site, you will also find the "Working in Canada Tool" which will tell you what the current prospects are for your occupation across Canada. It offices information on essential skills, job descriptions, work conditions and opportunities. It will also tell you whether your occupation is a regulated profession in Canada. Document Checklist This list gives you general information about the type of documentation you will have to provide at a later date. Do not send any documents now. We will request documents later, and provide you with four monts to send them to us. Immigration Forms An updated application form(IMM008) for your self, your spouse, and each of your children over age 22. Schedule 1 for each person Additional Family Information form(IMM5406) These forms are available at http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/applications/skilled.html Civil Documents The following documents will be required, if appliable, for yourself, your spouse, and for each of your dependent children: Birth certificatesMarriage certificatesDivorce certificatesChild custody ordersAdoption decreesDeath certificates Education The following documents are required, as applicable, for yourself, your spouse, and for each of your dependent children over age 22. Official transcript(s) for secondary and post secondary courses.Diploma(s) for secondary and pos sencondary courses. Work History Appointment/confirmation letters.Pay slips issued from your present employers.Detailed description of your job responsibilities( past and present). If you are self-employed, you must provide: Copies of business registration.Proof of business conducted with clients, such as invoices/bills.Balance sheets.Income tax returns.Proof of your license to practice ( if you are a private practitioner). Proof of Funds Bank statements and passbooks Fixed deposit receipts Securitys (shares, debentures, bonds) Other Documents Authorized language test results ( IELTS, TEF ,etc) or a written submission providing evidence of your language ability. Passport photocopies. Proof of relationship to your relative in Canada. ( Self-sworn affidavits do not constitute satisfactory proof of relationship.) Recent original Police Clearance Certicates for you or your dependents aged 18 years and above, issued by the police authorities for each country in which you or your dependants have resided for six months or mor since you turned 18 years, except for canada. Photographs as per attached specifications, height, and eye color information for principal applicant and all dependents.
回复: 我的FN信,里面有check listup 又approximately 42-48 months
2007.4.20FN HK VO:MAC回复: 我的FN信,里面有check list还可以在新加坡递档吗?FN的速度是挺快,可是processing怎么要42-48 months这么久呢?
回复: 我的FN信,里面有check listthanks for sharing
六年等待后,终于获得重生。2012年11月1日登陆爱城,在这里,我开始我的第二人生~!回复: 我的FN信,里面有check list收藏!
[FONT=宋体]时间的煎熬本来就是磨炼[/FONT]!还可以在新加坡递档吗?FN的速度是挺快,可是processing怎么要42-48 months这么久呢?点击展开...
回复: 我的FN信,里面有check list42-48months???新加坡一般都快过bj和hk。。。。。
花香满园庭,庭园满香花。第一次烤鸭很失败只考到1个7,意外得知按1128标准,变成2个“7”!欢迎点击下面链接,参与长登城市统计!http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=98593回复: 我的FN信,里面有check listThe following documents are required, as applicable, for yourself, your spouse, and for each of your dependent children over age 22.Official transcript(s) for secondary and post secondary courses.Diploma(s) for secondary and pos sencondary courses. 很惊讶需要这样的材料!和一前严重的不同,初高中的成绩单上哪儿找去啊?
回复: 我的FN信,里面有check list感谢分享,老外办事越来越周到了,要是能把速度再提上去就更好了可惜我那时没有check list,呵呵
回复: 我的FN信,里面有check list楼主的LG辛苦了,扫描一下传上来就行
回复: 我的FN信,里面有check list谢谢分享,可以MSN联系一下吗?申请费怎么交呀? 谢谢[email protected]
回复: 我的FN信,里面有check listGo to bank and get a cash order then post it with forms to Canada Immgration. Expericed in Singapore. Don't know how about in China. Sorry, fail to use MSN in office, and havn't time after work, we need to take care my bb. 谢谢分享,可以MSN联系一下吗?申请费怎么交呀? 谢谢[email protected]点击展开...
回复: 我的FN信,里面有check list楼主的LG辛苦了,扫描一下传上来就行点击展开...Good idea. He just thought of typing them, and save to his e-mail box and share it to me.
回复: 我的FN信,里面有check listCheck Instruction of ICA website, inculding fee, very detail information. Go to bank and get a cash order then post it with forms to Canada Immgration. Expericed in Singapore. Don't know how about in China. Sorry, fail to use MSN in office, and havn't time after work, we need to take care my bb.点击展开...
回复: 我的FN信,里面有check list目前SIN也不比BJS快啊?更别提HKG了。不过鼓励,给楼主加声望了。无论各位在哪里地申请,从哪里去CA,我们都是家园的兄弟啊!
跌宕的命运,总是令人兴奋,令人绝望。 ――alexcc 杨小壮目前SIN也不比BJS快啊?更别提HKG了。不过鼓励,给楼主加声望了。无论各位在哪里地申请,从哪里去CA,我们都是家园的兄弟啊!点击展开...
回复: 我的FN信,里面有check listme too.I think it's not the finial version. At S2, VO will send detail checklist for us, and maybe it will be different.The following documents are required, as applicable, for yourself, your spouse, and for each of your dependent children over age 22.Official transcript(s) for secondary and post secondar需要这样的材料!和一前严重的不同,初高中的成绩单上哪儿找去啊?点击展开...
回复: 我的FN信,里面有check listthanks for sharing
2007年6月FNVO:TCW 自评68分回复: 我的FN信,里面有check list谢谢
回复: 我的FN信,里面有check list如果本人在中国的话,不知道是否可以在新加坡递档的。Please view its website of Sin, sorry. 因为我们现居住在这里,而且没有别的事情的话,会一直在这里生活的, because we're PR of Sin, I think it's more convenience than HongKong for my family. Yes, now in Sin, it need to take too long time to process.点击展开...凡在新加坡生活工作一年以上都可以在新加坡申请,就像在法国等几个欧洲国家一年以上即可在巴黎申请魁北克移民一样;但是因你只是新加坡pr,所以一样会比香港慢(above 42months),但是如果是新加坡公民(Citizen)的话,会相当快;
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