加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民91新法尚未开审,超新法又要来了
Amendments to Modernize the Immigration SystemOn March 14, 2008, the Government of Canada introduced legislative amendments to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act to modernize the immigration system, to ensure that families are reunited faster and skilled workers arrive sooner. One of the challenges facing our immigration system today is the large number of people waiting in the queue. This is especially a problem in the skilled worker category which makes up most of the backlog. Under the proposed measures, Citizenship and Immigration Canada would have greater flexibility in processing new applications, especially from skilled workers. The legislation is intended to provide greater flexibility in addressing a range of labour market needs. It will not apply to refugees and does not affect our objectives related to family reunification. Ultimately, this will result in reduced wait times and improved service. It will also help manage the growth of the backlog of applications. Once passed, the new measures will apply to applications received on or after February 27, 2008.Those who applied prior to February 27, 2008, will not be subject to the new measures and will be dealt with fairly under the existing rules. 核心内容:2008-3-14日,加拿大政府推出《移民法修正案》,一旦通过,CIC将加大主动权,将‘先来先得’的审理模式改为‘择需而取’,不再逐一审理。将影响到的申请人:2008-2-27后入表的申请人有关修正案的Q&A中的几个要点:1. 截至07年12月,CIC积压案上升至90万例,其中技术移民60万例。2. CIC将积案原因主要归咎于现行移民法,CIC依法必须不顾申请人数和能接收人数,逐一审理每份申请。3. 修正案将使CIC能致力于‘Getting the people we need'.4. Anyone will still be able to apply, but CIC would no longer be required to process all new applications. The new provisions would allow the Department to select among the new applications and choose those that best meet Canada’s labour market needs. 这里提到的'select'的标准将成为关注焦点,暂未明确,只给了一个大框架--加拿大劳工市场最需要的人。具体选择人数和办法需由移民部长的指示'instructions'确定,于每年11月1日公布。5. There are flexibilities that allow Canada to be more selective – to take certain candidates quickly, hold some applications, and return others. That shouldn’t deter good candidates from applying(言外之意:将deter bad candidates from applying, 大量减少入表人数). In fact, the current system deters many well-qualified skilled workers from applying because they have to wait so long. The end result of the changes will be reduced wait times and improved service. 核心词:快取,慢拖,清退,嚇阻6. 团聚类和难民类移民申请不受该修正案影响。
回复: 91新法尚未开审,超新法又要来了gx
齐二爷回复: 91新法尚未开审,超新法又要来了有人欢喜有人愁啊
08.08.05登陆calgarygx点击展开... gx?? 不懂。 迷茫。
回复: 91新法尚未开审,超新法又要来了谢谢分享
回复: 91新法尚未开审,超新法又要来了一波未平,一波又起啊!这移加之路越来越难了。
回复: 91新法尚未开审,超新法又要来了对2008-2-27之前递表的好象无影响啊?
回复: 91新法尚未开审,超新法又要来了不移也罢。
回复: 91新法尚未开审,超新法又要来了可能会加专业分数,紧缺专业就能得高分,相反的假如你的专业加拿大不需要,你的分数会被打的很低,或者即使你够分也不能移,简直在翻版澳大利亚的标准.
回复: 91新法尚未开审,超新法又要来了Q12. In addition to the legislative amendments, what other measures are being considered to make the immigration system more efficient? The 2008 budget provided resources for efficiency improvements to better manage the backlog. Budget resources will be used for this purpose点击展开...这点听起来倒象是好消息..更多的Q&A在这里: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/about/laws-policy/irpa-questions.asp 谢谢LZ分享新POLICY
回复: 91新法尚未开审,超新法又要来了可能会加专业分数,紧缺专业就能得高分,相反的假如你的专业加拿大不需要,你的分数会被打的很低,或者即使你够分也不能移,简直在翻版澳大利亚的标准.点击展开...加拿大在移民甄选上似乎有仿效澳大利亚的嫌疑。在Q&A中有提到‘移民竞争对手国澳新审理时间短,抢走了很多global talent’。"Skilled workers are currently waiting up to six years to come to Canada, compared to 6 to 12 months in Australia and New Zealand, two of our key competitors for global talent."
回复: 91新法尚未开审,超新法又要来了加拿大移民部最应该做的是增加人力去支援积压案件严重的移民局.
回复: 91新法尚未开审,超新法又要来了也好,这样大家都少浪费对方的时间。。。。。。
回复: 91新法尚未开审,超新法又要来了所以已递表又仅仅刚够移民线的兄弟姐妹们(包括我)应该好好庆祝一下!
花香满园庭,庭园满香花。第一次烤鸭很失败只考到1个7,意外得知按1128标准,变成2个“7”!欢迎点击下面链接,参与长登城市统计!http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=98593回复: 91新法尚未开审,超新法又要来了08年2月27是指签收时间还是划款时间还是有FN的时间?
回复: 91新法尚未开审,超新法又要来了看来难度加大啊!!
http://blog.sina.com.cn/riyawang回复: 91新法尚未开审,超新法又要来了花样多多
2007.4.20FN HK VO:MAC08年2月27是指签收时间还是划款时间还是有FN的时间?点击展开...就是 这个问题值得研究 大家不要开心的太早
2008.1.30 顺风寄出 2008.2.4 签收 2008.4.9扣款 2008.8.20fn2009.3.7 烤鸭熟了我要干净的空气!耐心是美德!回复: 91新法尚未开审,超新法又要来了估计又有得扯皮了...
回复: 91新法尚未开审,超新法又要来了不知是喜是忧
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