加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民求助,为何FN还不到
各位老师、同学,好, 我是2007/9月划款,递HK。最近在朱朱的统计贴里,我周围的人都拿到fn了,我的还没见影。想问问大伙: 1、大家收到FN都是平信吗?2、寄来时是寄到递表时的“住址”还是“通信地址”?3、如果想发email去问,我应该提供对方什么信息? 非常非常感谢大伙!!
回复: 求助,为何FN还不到恩,其实官网上基本啥都有,刚看到的,发email注意事项,供大家参考---------------------------------------------------------If you would like to send an email enquiry to the Immigration Section, please include:Who are you (Applicant; Authorised Representative; Designated Individual, Canadian MP) The subject of your message Full Name (SURNAME, Given names) Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) Enquiry Type (General; Family Class Immigration; Business Immigration; Skilled Worker Immigration; Visitor; Student; Worker; Refugee) File Number in our office (if you have) - A letter follow by 9 digit FOSS Number in our office (if you have) - 8 digitNOTE: We will respond only to enquiries sent in either English or French. Immigration Enquiries: [email protected]
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