加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民发现IMM ESAP7000前后矛盾的地方


17. Identity cards issued by a foreign national, provincial, municipal or other government, as well as cardsissued by a recognized international agency such as the Red Cross, can be used to identify yourself. If youhave such a card, print the number in the space provided. Make a copy of both sides of the card and includeit with your application. If you do not have an identity card, print “N/A”.You can also check the details from the link below:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/guides/ESap.pdf The assessment of your applicationWhen the visa office is ready to assess your application, it will contact you, ask you to provide an update ofyour situation, and ask you to fill out a form with your history for the past years. The visa office will alsosend you a list of documents to submit, such as passport, proof of medical exam, police certificates, identitydocuments, proof of language test results, diplomas, etc.You can also check the details from the link below: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/guides/ESap.pdf That is why some people submited a copy of ID card with the application form and the others didn't.

回复: 发现IMM ESAP7000前后矛盾的地方楼主高明, 先赞一个沙发

回复: 发现IMM ESAP7000前后矛盾的地方没矛盾.当时需要拷贝的是"Identity cards issued by a foreign national, provincial, municipal or other government"可好多人把大陆发的身份证给拷了寄了....

所谓命运,就是你什么也没做..仍是错...直到看见这世间闪烁万千灯火,超越梦里所有想象....没矛盾.当时需要拷贝的是"Identity cards issued by a foreign national, provincial, municipal or other government"可好多人把大陆发的身份证给拷了寄了....点击展开... 你真的很细心,this ID card mentioned above is not the resident ID card issued by the government. 但问题更严重。因为按照中国的情况,绝大部分的人都没有“Identity cards issued by a foreign national, provincial, municipal or other government“,但是我看到的(在中国网站)是:在中国,全部人都填了中国的居民身份证。没有人对这个”17“ - ID card no 存有任何的疑问。按文字上的理解,填中国的身份证显然是错的。我有个疑问,连这个很少人持有的Identity cards issued by a foreign national, provincial, municipal or other government"都要填,为什么几乎每个人都有的居民身份证反而没有它的位置呢(表上只有一个空格是身份证号码)?居民的身份证是最基本,也是最重要的个人资料。在移民申请表居然没有这个资料,说不过去 - 简直是不合逻辑。以后提交的居民身份证复印件,缺乏了与表上的资料核对的基础。CIC犯了这么大的错。简表应该要求申请人提供居民的身份证号码。至于“Identity cards issued by a foreign national, provincial, municipal or other government”应该在详表中要求提供。这才符合逻辑。

回复: 发现IMM ESAP7000前后矛盾的地方关键是从谁的角度理解“外国政府” - 中国政府对加拿大就是外国啊

回复: 发现IMM ESAP7000前后矛盾的地方不是有怕死薄么?

所谓命运,就是你什么也没做..仍是错...直到看见这世间闪烁万千灯火,超越梦里所有想象....关键是从谁的角度理解“外国政府” - 中国政府对加拿大就是外国啊点击展开...Right. To fill in the resident card no is correct. Don't forget to submit you application form together with a copy of both sides of your ID card. But the mistakes for the presentation of the IMM ESAP7000 still exists. Thanks a lot.

回复: 发现IMM ESAP7000前后矛盾的地方没矛盾.当时需要拷贝的是"Identity cards issued by a foreign national, provincial, municipal or other government"可好多人把大陆发的身份证给拷了寄了....点击展开...佩服。

回复: 发现IMM ESAP7000前后矛盾的地方thanks

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