加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民我对Canada官方对新政解释的推想
潜水多年,于大家分享一些。http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/laws-policy/irpa-faq-how01.asp Q1) How will the backlog of “old” applications be drawn down over time?In addition to the Department’s existing resources, the 2008 budget announced $109 million over five years to:Hire and train more visa officers to speed up processing in the parts of the world where wait times are the longest. As a start, some missions, such as those in Delhi and Manila, will receive additional resources to help improve wait times.Introduce, over time, administrative improvements such as centralized data entry. These improvements will not only ensure that the Minister’s instructions are applied consistently and efficiently, but also free up resources overseas currently involved in managing the backlog to allow for the processing of more applications.We will also be recording occupational information for applications in the current skilled worker backlog. CIC can then refer applications of interest to the provinces and territories for processing under the Provincial Nominee Program. Finally, we will ask those people who have been waiting the longest if they prefer to continue to wait or if they wish to withdraw their applications.All applications received prior to February 27, 2008, will be processed to a final decision on the merits of the application, according to the rules and regulations in place when they were submitted. 1. 多出的$109 million预算,按一个VO年薪6万算的话,相当于可以雇300人X5年(我估计有相当一部分钱会花在data entry etc 上)2. 加在全球应该有42个Missions,300人相当于每个mission可多雇7人。但按以上的说法,某些使馆应该比别的会多雇一些人,象上面提到的新德里,马尼拉。我按10个算,这样每个使馆可雇30人。3. 但是,我觉得加政府举的例子很有意思:新德里和马尼拉。我查了加在全球的处理时间,新德里可能是最长的,但和别的一些比如Ankara没本质区别;最值得研究的是Manila,它其实比很多地方的处理时间都短。我的理解是:英语国家的申请人会大大提速,30个VO不是个小数目啊 欢迎谈论指正
回复: 我对Canada官方对新政解释的推想vo 地平均薪水楼主你算少了哦。他们可以领取海外工作补助,和欠发达国家工作补偿的哦,一年拿个15 20的就不为过吧。
跌宕的命运,总是令人兴奋,令人绝望。 ――alexcc 杨小壮回复: 我对Canada官方对新政解释的推想VO工资可真高啊~!
回复: 我对Canada官方对新政解释的推想年薪6万很低!
个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。――――――――――――――――――――――――――回复: 我对Canada官方对新政解释的推想VO恐怕是很初级的工作,不过如果VO工资真的很高的话,那有限的预算更要投到优先的地区了。我的推想不变:英语国家的人会受益很多,菲律宾一定会快的,毕竟加拿大要考虑移民的融合问题。而且加政府也没承诺要彻底解决所有旧案,理论上能减少些就可以了。所以受益的很可能是一部分人而已,毕竟旧案都是前政府留下的。
回复: 我对Canada官方对新政解释的推想'CIC can then refer applications of interest to the provinces and territories for processing under the Provincial Nominee Program.'this is very interesting...i wonder how they are gonna do this...maybe thats what they are working on now...
回复: 我对Canada官方对新政解释的推想'CIC can then refer applications of interest to the provinces and territories for processing under the Provincial Nominee Program.'this is very interesting...i wonder how they are gonna do this...maybe thats what they are working on now...点击展开...And this is rather scary: 'Finally, we will ask those people who have been waiting the longest if they prefer to continue to wait or if they wish to withdraw their applications.' So some people will beneift and some will lose out. We should keep an eye on those who have been notified of drawal of their application.
回复: 我对Canada官方对新政解释的推想基本分析还是同意楼主的观点。不容乐观啊这形势。
跌宕的命运,总是令人兴奋,令人绝望。 ――alexcc 杨小壮回复: 我对Canada官方对新政解释的推想反正已经肉在板上,人家要怎么切,我们好象没办法的....不过通过移民这个过程多少感受到一些加拿大的气息,也让我们对我们准备要去的这个国家有一个初步的认识.
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