加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民发帖请教学位学历认证
回复: 发帖请教学位学历认证不是,一定要清华认证的说.
回复: 发帖请教学位学历认证材料清单中说明必须清华认证,没要求公证
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]2006.9.25 BJ 签收,2006.11.1收到FN,2008.6.27 收到S2通知,7.3 状态12, 7.17 状态5。 2008.10.18递交S2, 10.28 状态12小弟在递交申请之前就在当地公证处作了学位和学历的公证,为的是早作准备嘛,省得到时候手忙脚乱.但是看到使馆的一份说要提供教育部学位与研究生发展中心认证的原件,我想这就是所谓的清华认证吧?是否我将在公证处给出的学位学历认证材料提交上去,他们就不会再要清华认证了?点击展开...What is a CADGEDC Credentials Report and should I submit one? The China Academic Degree & Graduate Education Development Center (CADGEDC) Credentials Reports enables us to assess your education qualifications and to verify your diploma/bachelor/ master/doctorate degree(s) and transcripts, we often require this report to assess an application. If you have been requested by our office to submit a CADGEDC it is considered a required document. However, applicants are also welcome to submit this report if they wish to provide additional documents to support their application. To apply for the CADGEDC Credentials Reports you need to submit a copy of your documents (degree with graduation certificate) and the appropriate fees to the CADGEDC Center in Beijing. A letter from our office is not required to apply for CADGEDC. You should provide CADGEDC with your file number B--------- so that they can send us the report. You are only required to have your highest level degree with graduation certificate verified. It is your responsibility to submit this request to CADGEDC directly with the appropriate fees. CADGEDC's contact information, application forms, processing fees and further information on the application process are available on the CADGEDC website: www.cdgdc.edu.cn *Please note that CADGEDC is applicable only for diplomas/degrees obtained in China. If you have done studies overseas please submit a copy of the diploma and transcripts (grades achieved) and if we need further information we will contact you.
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人在旅途,冷暖相知。Tiffany个人网站:www.tiffanyart.ca 微信号:TiffanyArtCanada 欢迎对原创油画,手绘壁画,DIY和房屋翻建及装修的朋友入圈!如我未能及时回复您在家园的留言,请用微信联系,我会知无不言回答:任何关于多伦多定居和房屋翻建的问题,即时互动。回复: 发帖请教学位学历认证多谢楼上解答!看来要到教育部学位与研究生发展中心去办证明.
回复: 发帖请教学位学历认证对,多了解了解,要不多花钱费时间。
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