我们是通过中介向香港递交的材料,现在想发email询问,用自己常用的一个邮箱发信过去,得到一份自动回复,如下: -----Original Message to HKONG (IMMIGRATION)/Message d'origine à HKONG (IMMIGRATION) ----- This is an automatically generated message This will acknowledge receipt of your email to the Hong Kong visa office. For more information about CIC, please visit CIC site at www.cic.gc.ca. Disclaimer: By supplying your email address, you are initiating an email communication with CIC and CIC is thereby authorized to use the email address provided by you for communication with you including the transmission of personal information on your file/case. 我该如何做呢?各位指点下哈
If you want to be good you have to suffer it 赏 反馈:1人 2008-08-05#2 1,135 $0.00 回复: 通过中介申请,用什么邮箱和香港联系wait bah, that means HK office got your email.
You are not what you were born. But what you have it in yourself to be. 赏 反馈:朱朱LOVE梅梅 2008-08-05#3 江
回复: 通过中介申请,用什么邮箱和香港联系不清楚,帮顶。评论
回复: 通过中介申请,用什么邮箱和香港联系This is an automatically generated message 这是一封电脑自动生成的信.This will acknowledge receipt of your email to the Hong Kong visa office. 我方以收到你发送给加拿大使馆的信.For more information about CIC, please visit CIC site at www.cic.gc.ca. 如果你想得知更多关于cic的信息,请访问cic网站www.cic.gc.caDisclaimer: By supplying your email address, you are initiating an email communication with CIC and CIC is thereby authorized to use the email address provided by you for communication with you including the transmission of personal information on your file/case. 通过提供你的电子邮件, 你就开始了与CIC之间的电子邮件联系, 从而CIC就可以用你所提供的地址与他们联系,包括你的案子的个人信息之间的传送.
回复: 通过中介申请,用什么邮箱和香港联系朱朱也沉不住气啦~?^_*
赏 反馈:朱朱LOVE梅梅 2008-08-05#6 E 192 $0.00 回复: 通过中介申请,用什么邮箱和香港联系这个是自动生成的回复.如果HK给你回复,他们会另外发邮件的.
回复: 通过中介申请,用什么邮箱和香港联系我也是通过中介办的,他们说自己不能查以授权给中介了,使馆不受理.
回复: 通过中介申请,用什么邮箱和香港联系This is an automatically generated message 这是一封电脑自动生成的信.This will acknowledge receipt of your email to the Hong Kong visa office. 我方以收到你发送给加拿大使馆的信.For more information about CIC, please visit CIC site at www.cic.gc.ca. 如果你想得知更多关于cic的信息,请访问cic网站www.cic.gc.caDisclaimer: By supplying your email address, you are initiating an email communication with CIC and CIC is thereby authorized to use the email address provided by you for communication with you including the transmission of personal information on your file/case. 通过提供你的电子邮件, 你就开始了与CIC之间的电子邮件联系, 从而CIC就可以用你所提供的地址与他们联系,包括你的案子的个人信息之间的传送.点击展开...谢过了,第一次写信,想确认下,thanks
If you want to be good you have to suffer it朱朱也沉不住气啦~?^_*点击展开...有很多想做的事情还没有做,得看看HK 有啥表示呀
If you want to be good you have to suffer it我也是通过中介办的,他们说自己不能查以授权给中介了,使馆不受理.点击展开...我也是担心会出现这种情况
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