加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民ZT Reports show increased population, but Alberta Canada sti


Wednesday, 9 July 2008Initial reports about Alberta 2008 first quarter population growth seem to be misleading, as Alberta businesses still struggle to find workers.Alberta is growing as an economic powerhouse in Canada and recent statistics seem to indicate it is an increasingly desirable place to live and work. Recent reports have shown that the population of Alberta recently topped 3.5 million for the first time in the province history.A recent report from Statistics Canada shows a population growth of nearly 14,500 in the first quarter of 2008, which at a glance seems positive, however nearly 28% of that total figure represents the influx of temporary foreign workers, without whom the population growth would be just barely above the Canadian average.In addition; Alberta continues to have difficulty when it comes to interprovincial migration as fewer than 700 Canadians moved to Alberta from other provinces despite Alberta growing economy. This follows steady declines in the two previous quarters as well.Alberta employers are now leaning more than ever on foreign temporary workers to fill in the void on a temporary basis; however the resulting artificially inflated growth rate could lead to further catastrophic shortages in the very near future.Furthermore there has been a recent trend towards Albertans leaving the province to pursue opportunities elsewhere in Canada, increasing the pressure on local business and employers to seek foreign help from outside of Canada borders.This means that now is the perfect time to apply for one of Alberta Provincial Nominee Programs, and start living and working in Canada.If you are interested in Visas to Canada, contact Migration Expert for information and advice on which visa is best suited to you. You can also try our visa eligibility assessment to see if you are eligible to apply for a visa to Canada.

don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.赞反馈:蒙蒙牛 和 xue888 2008-08-09#2 X 168 $0.00 回复: ZT Reports show increased population, but Alberta Canada still needs skilled workers.x

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