加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民递香港还是不错的,比较而言


积压/配额比比北京略低:City backlog annual quotaBuffalo 38420 25140Mexico City 3351 1355Sao Paulo 3303 2345Mosocow 5203 2345Beijing 17595 3815Hong Kong 45348 10035Islamabad 42988 3600Manila 66206 11920New Delhi 145556 9245Singapore 26050 3240London 101312 12800

回复: 递香港还是不错的,比较而言楼主从哪里找的数据呀

回复: 递香港还是不错的,比较而言一加拿大报纸:http://www3.thestar.com/static/PDF/080613_immigration-quotas.pdf

回复: 递香港还是不错的,比较而言全部加起来才50万不到,CIC说有90万积压这个数据。。。

回复: 递香港还是不错的,比较而言香港有10000多的配额吗?怎么以前的消息是5000?

回复: 递香港还是不错的,比较而言全部加起来才50万不到,CIC说有90万积压这个数据。。。点击展开...汗死了,这只是部分大使馆。世界上有近200个国家和地区,这里只是主要的几个。。。。。

回复: 递香港还是不错的,比较而言如果香港有10000多配额,问题还不大。

回复: 递香港还是不错的,比较而言全部加起来才50万不到,CIC说有90万积压这个数据。。。点击展开...加拿大有大概四十个visa offices,我找到的只是其中一部分使领馆的数据。感觉剩下的大概三十个offices能凑齐40万个案件。

回复: 递香港还是不错的,比较而言楼上能给个原始的出处吗?谢谢。你那个文件就是个单独文件。

回复: 递香港还是不错的,比较而言楼上能给个原始的出处吗?谢谢。你那个文件就是个单独文件。点击展开...大家一起找吧。算我抛砖引玉好吗?

回复: 递香港还是不错的,比较而言积压/配额比比北京略低:Beijing 17595 3815Hong Kong 45348 10035点击展开...If the unit of 45348/10035 is person/quota, the last guy theoretically needs 4.5 years to get his visa. If the unit is cast/quota, considering each cases might include 1-3 persons, the last guy may wait for not more than 12 years.

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]跟着组织部,年年有进步;跟着外贸部,美金大把入;跟着宣传部,稻草吹成树;跟着移民部,越跟越糊涂,不知何时DM...回复: 递香港还是不错的,比较而言找到了原文,是讲印度的。。。http://www.thestar.com/article/442662Backlog swamps South AsiansRICK MADONIK/TORONTO STARAnil Ahluwalia, 48, of New Delhi, waited 10 years before he was granted residency in Canada. He says he changed his mind several times, but in the end still decided to come because "there is a craze back home to migrate." June 11, 2008Email StoryPrint PrintText Size Text Size Text Size Choose text sizeReport TypoAddThis Waiting list (.PDF)Tough rules urged for immigration consultantsThe organization that oversees immigration consultants is toothless and should be dismantled, replaced by a statutory body empowered to go after unscrupulous advisers who prey on vulnerable migrants, urges a report tabled in the House of Commons yesterday.Immigration applicants from India 'getting hit hard' as numbers soar but quota doesn'tJun 13, 2008 04:30 AMLesley Ciarula TaylorImmigration ReporterSouth Asians are disproportionately hard hit by visa quotas and huge backlogs for immigrants, government numbers obtained through a freedom of information request show.The quota, or target as Ottawa calls it, for the New Delhi office is 9,245 visas a year. The backlog as of April 10 was 145,556. With no new applications, it would take a little under 16 years to clear that. Those numbers are for economic migrants who want permanent resident visas, not family reunification or refugee visas."Someone doesn't want to tell people from India that they are getting hit and hit hard," said Vancouver lawyer Richard Kurland, who got the numbers from Citizenship and Immigration Canada through the information request.Yesterday, Ottawa was prepared to tell them.Would-be immigrants will "have to meet the instructions first, then go through the point system," explained Danielle Norris, spokesperson for Citizenship and Immigration Canada. If the instructions are that Canada needs 3,000 welders and 1,000 accountants, for example, that's the first criterion. If none of the applicants in New Delhi are welders or accountants, they don't get through to the next stage."It won't be the same," Norris said. "The backlog won't grow."Anil Ahluwalia made it through in March, 10 years after he applied. The 48-year-old chef from New Delhi with a well-to-do lifestyle changed his mind a few times, changed jobs in New Delhi and heard very little about his application. He still came, he said, because "there is a craze back home to migrate.""Once an application goes in, they should tell you `yes or no,'" he said.Praveen Kalra, who works at Dixie Bloor Neighbourhood Centre with new immigrants such as Ahluwalia, immigrated himself four years ago with his wife and teenage sons, leaving behind a career in sales and marketing.The immigrants Canada wants, he said, "are climbing the ladder and they have to put their lives on hold for five or six years." Both men also went through consultants, a common practice in India. Ahluwalia's consultant told him the wait was 18 months to two years.The Islamabad and London visa offices are also way out of whack, with a backlog in Islamabad of 42,988 and a quota of 3,600. Many applying in London are South Asians in the United Kingdom or the Persian Gulf, said Kurland. With New Delhi, those three account for 41 per cent of the backlog.Immigration Minister Diane Finley championed changes to the immigration act as a way to deal with the backlog, which according to the April 10 numbers is 693,816 in the economic class alone.The quotas are set every November "to bring in people to Canada from all corners of the world to benefit Canadians," said Norris, not based on who wants to come, in a kind of global diversity balancing act.

回复: 递香港还是不错的,比较而言If the unit of 45348/10035 is person/quota, the last guy theoretically needs 4.5 years to get his visa. If the unit is cast/quota, considering each cases might include 1-3 persons, the last guy may wait for not more than 12 years. 点击展开...是4。5年。但是一般有10%是分不够的。所以,4年吧。

回复: 递香港还是不错的,比较而言Would-be immigrants will "have to meet the instructions first, then go through the point system," explained Danielle Norris, spokesperson for Citizenship and Immigration Canada. If the instructions are that Canada needs 3,000 welders and 1,000 accountants, for example, that's the first criterion. If none of the applicants in New Delhi are welders or accountants, they don't get through to the next stage."It won't be the same," Norris said. "The backlog won't grow."这是讲227新政的。就是先过职业需求关,符合要求的,才给你打分(暗示不符合职业需求的,连分都不给你打,估计是根本不受理,直接退料???)。这样就不会有新积压了。

回复: 递香港还是不错的,比较而言the backlog, which according to the April 10 numbers is 693,816 in the economic class alone

回复: 递香港还是不错的,比较而言Those numbers are for economic migrants who want permanent resident visas, not family reunification or refugee visas.就是说楼主提供的数字是含投资移民的整个经济类移民的数字。

回复: 递香港还是不错的,比较而言Those numbers are for economic migrants who want permanent resident visas, not family reunification or refugee visas.就是说楼主提供的数字是含投资移民的整个经济类移民的数字。点击展开...i'm happy with the figures considering the number of immigrant investors and the processing time needed for them.

回复: 递香港还是不错的,比较而言噢。。。

回复: 递香港还是不错的,比较而言顶起来

回复: 递香港还是不错的,比较而言backlog annual quotaBeijing 17595 3815Hong Kong 45348 10035计算器一算就明白 该递交哪个。。。

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