加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民移友们,请问在电信运营商做业务管理应该写什



回复: 移友们,请问在电信运营商做业务管理应该写什么NOC代码?没人理,顶一下!

回复: 移友们,请问在电信运营商做业务管理应该写什么NOC代码?0131Telecommunication Carriers ManagersThis unit group includes managers who plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operations of a telecommunications establishment, department or facility. They are employed by wired, wireless, satellite and other telecommunications carriers.Example Titlesdirector, switching systemsfacilities manager, telecommunicationsinstallation manager, telecommunicationsmanager, network installationmanager, telecommunications servicesmicrowave facilities managernetwork operations managernetwork services manageroperations and transmission services managerregional manager - telecommunications systemtelecommunications managertelephone company district manager Main dutiesTelecommunication carriers managers perform some or all of the following duties: Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operations of a telecommunications establishment, department or facility Consult with senior managers to establish policies concerned with the development, operation and maintenance of telecommunications services Direct and control telecommunications traffic volume and flow within assigned area, through subordinate supervisors and technical staff Analyze and evaluate telecommunications installation, operation and maintenance services and make recommendations for improvement Ensure compliance with telecommunications regulations and directives of government regulatory agencies Liaise with representatives of related or connecting companies to resolve joint telecommunications problems and ensure efficient telecommunications system operations Recruit personnel and oversee their training. Employment requirementsA university degree in science, electrical engineering or a related field is usually required. Several years of experience in a related technical profession, including supervisory experience, are usually required. Additional informationProgression to senior management positions in telecommunications is possible with experience. Classified elsewhereBroadcasting Managers (in 0512 Managers - Publishing, Motion Pictures, Broadcasting and Performing Arts) Senior Managers - Financial, Communications Carriers and Other Business Services (0013)

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