加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民CIC新政最新动态及进展


10月开始加速:CIC新政最新动态及进展Government of Canada announces pilot project to help speed the processing of new applications; 30 staff to be added to processing centre in Sydney Ottawa, September 5, 2008 ― The Honourable Diane Finley, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, announced today a pilot project that will centralize the intake of applications from prospective immigrants applying under the federal skilled worker category. With funding provided in the 2008 budget, which set aside $109 million to help meet the growing demand for permanent and temporary immigration, a centralized intake office will be established at CIC’s Case Processing Centre in Sydney, Nova Scotia. Over 30 additional staff will eventually be hired and trained. The centre will begin reviewing applications in October.“In order to get the people we need to this country, we need to process applications faster,” said Minister Finley. “This pilot is one of several measures we are taking to help reduce wait times overall. By centralizing the intake of federal skilled worker applications, we are alleviating some of the workload in our overseas visa offices. This allows visa officers to focus more on processing applications.“In addition to improving the way we process applications, this centre will create new jobs in Nova Scotia,” the Minister added. “This is a win situation for Nova Scotians, for Canadians and for prospective immigrants.” CIC will evaluate the effectiveness of this pilot after 18 months and will adjust as necessary. The Department is also taking other measures to reduce wait times and address the immigration backlog. These measures include sending more staff to help out in areas around the world where wait times are the longest, redistributing work from busy to less busy visa offices, and reconfirming the interest of the applicants who have been waiting the longest.

爱好就是一个人的信仰回复: CIC新政最新动态及进展Good news

努力学习雅思回复: CIC新政最新动态及进展really good news

爱好就是一个人的信仰回复: CIC新政最新动态及进展DING!

forever眼中的加拿大http://www.canadameet.com/member/index.php?uid=foreverhttp://www.canadameet.com/member/index.php?uid=forever&action=article回复: CIC新政最新动态及进展thanks.

忍耐虽然痛苦,果实却会香甜。The days that make us happy make us wise. ---John MasefieldI was rich,if not in money, in sunny hours and summer days. ---Henry David Thoreau回复: CIC新政最新动态及进展大概看了一下,没看懂,哪位能翻一下下?

Bless 一切顺利!回复: CIC新政最新动态及进展好像是说:pilot project 正在测试CIC will evaluate the effectiveness of this pilot after 18 months 如果需要在调整。全球visa office调整增加人员,集中区域。整个文章中性利好。惭愧,大意不知对否,请高人翻译。

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回复: CIC新政最新动态及进展继续顶~ 请高手翻译~

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