Government of Canada announces pilot project to help speed the processing of new applications; 30 staff to be added to processing centre in Sydney Ottawa, September 5, 2008 ― The Honourable Diane Finley, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, announced today a pilot project that will centralize the intake of applications from prospective immigrants applying under the federal skilled worker category. With funding provided in the 2008 budget, which set aside $109 million to help meet the growing demand for permanent and temporary immigration, a centralized intake office will be established at CIC’s Case Processing Centre in Sydney, Nova Scotia. Over 30 additional staff will eventually be hired and trained. The centre will begin reviewing applications in October.“In order to get the people we need to this country, we need to process applications faster,” said Minister Finley. “This pilot is one of several measures we are taking to help reduce wait times overall. By centralizing the intake of federal skilled worker applications, we are alleviating some of the workload in our overseas visa offices. This allows visa officers to focus more on processing applications.“In addition to improving the way we process applications, this centre will create new jobs in Nova Scotia,” the Minister added. “This is a win situation for Nova Scotians, for Canadians and for prospective immigrants.” CIC will evaluate the effectiveness of this pilot after 18 months and will adjust as necessary. The Department is also taking other measures to reduce wait times and address the immigration backlog. These measures include sending more staff to help out in areas around the world where wait times are the longest, redistributing work from busy to less busy visa offices, and reconfirming the interest of the applicants who have been waiting the longest.
爱好就是一个人的信仰 赏
回复: 10月开始加速:CIC新政最新动态及进展中国部分没增加人手啊,不过肯定不是什么坏消息。
巴黎飞鱼回复: 10月开始加速:CIC新政最新动态及进展从这篇文章中,我没怎么看出香港要加速,香港现在也不要加速了,只要能恢复审理就谢天谢地了。
我不喜欢坐而论道,这辈子也好下辈子也罢,对我们凡人而言,脚踏实地耕耘现在才是良策。回复: 10月开始加速:CIC新政最新动态及进展"These measures include sending more staff to help out in areas around the world where wait times are the longest, redistributing work from busy to less busy visa offices" 估计实施之后有一部分香港的案子要被RELOCATE了. 虽然全球只增加30个人总比没有的好吧~~~
回复: 10月开始加速:CIC新政最新动态及进展好事,说明主动出击了嘛,说明继续审理是大趋势嘛,前途有亮了
小李子 志气高想学剑仙登云霄日上三竿不觉晓每日梦里乐陶陶回复: 10月开始加速:CIC新政最新动态及进展香港现在只要能恢复审理就谢天谢地了!
forever眼中的加拿大http://www.canadameet.com/member/index.php?uid=foreverhttp://www.canadameet.com/member/index.php?uid=forever&action=article回复: 10月开始加速:CIC新政最新动态及进展有动作就好,ding
回复: 10月开始加速:CIC新政最新动态及进展预料之中,新法老法总之就是为了加快速度。我坚信前途是光明的。
2006年10月12日 香港fn VO : ROW有亲属目标:温哥华回复: 10月开始加速:CIC新政最新动态及进展加油
2006年11月递HK。2007.6月FN。。。2009年11月撤案重投。。2010.1月RN。。3月底补料HK。。4.7FN.。。VO=ROW...5.20 IP。。6.7收到ME(信内日期5.20),,6.8体检。。。2011.1.11 mer..PL-2.8日 .17日取签......回复: 10月开始加速:CIC新政最新动态及进展These measures include sending more staff to help out in areas around the world where wait times are the longest, redistributing work from busy to less busy visa offices, and reconfirming the interest of the applicants who have been waiting the longest.只有这句话有点与香港沾点边.
让生命等候 回复: 10月开始加速:CIC新政最新动态及进展好消息
音乐与摄影双修回复: 10月开始加速:CIC新政最新动态及进展顶一下!希望能有香港方面的好消息!!!等的好苦啊!!黑暗中有点光了…………
爱好就是一个人的信仰回复: 10月开始加速:CIC新政最新动态及进展
回复: 10月开始加速:CIC新政最新动态及进展关注
回复: 10月开始加速:CIC新政最新动态及进展从这篇文章中,我没怎么看出香港要加速,香港现在也不要加速了,只要能恢复审理就谢天谢地了。点击展开...俺们要求不高
回复: 10月开始加速:CIC新政最新动态及进展只要出现一个06年5月以后非灾民的大陆正常移民ME才能说看到一点希望.
回复: 10月开始加速:CIC新政最新动态及进展不会是印度要加速吧!
回复: 10月开始加速:CIC新政最新动态及进展希望有ME.
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