加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民关于移民中和前夫所生孩子留在国内的问题。
回复: 关于移民中和前夫所生孩子留在国内的问题。没有人知道吗?
回复: 关于移民中和前夫所生孩子留在国内的问题。没有人知道吗?点击展开...我从cic上下载了”Instruction Guide", 上面有这样的话:Family members include your:• spouse or common-law partner; and• dependent children. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxxx Important: You must list all family members, whether they wish to be considered in yourapplication for permanent residence at this time or not. Also list family members whose locationis unknown (including those missing or presumed dead). Family members who are not listed onyour application will not be able to be sponsored by you at a later date.从这句话看来,我的理解是我可以不提和前夫生的孩子(如果一个人移民,现在的孩子和老公也可以不提.)但是后果是我将来就不能为他们办理团聚移民或者替他们移民加分了.好像没有如果我不提和前夫的孩子会造成我移民被取消的意思啊(即便将来有人举报我和前夫有孩子,而我在移民申请时没有给移民局这个信息).我不提而已,没有提供虚假的数据啊.不知道大家对这段话的理解如何?我希望前夫配合啊,可是人家偏不.
回复: 关于移民中和前夫所生孩子留在国内的问题。从加拿大的移民法站点中看到如下对"dependent children"的解释,看来和前夫的孩子,即便判给对方,也算"dependent child" 的,劳驾看看我的理解对吗?Dependent Children The Immigration Regulations defines 'dependent child' as a child who: (a) has one of the following relationships with the parent, namely,(i) is the biological child of the parent, if the child has not been adopted by a person other than the spouse or common-law partner of the parent, or(ii) is the adopted child of the parent; and(b) is in one of the following situations of dependency, namely,(i) is less than 22 years of age and not a spouse or common-law partner,(ii) has depended substantially on the financial support of the parent since before the age of 22 -- or if the child became a spouse or common-law partner before the age of 22, since becoming a spouse or common-law partner -- and, since before the age of 22 or since becoming a spouse or common-law partner, as the case may be, has been a student(A) continuously enrolled in and attending a post-secondary institution that is accredited by the relevant government authority, and(B) actively pursuing a course of academic, professional or vocational training on a full-time basis, or(iii) is 22 years of age or older and has depended substantially on the financial support of the parent since before the age of 22 and is unable to be financially self-supporting due to a physical or mental condition
回复: 关于移民中和前夫所生孩子留在国内的问题。从加拿大的移民法站点中看到如下对"dependent children"的解释,看来和前夫的孩子,即便判给对方,也算"dependent child" 的,劳驾看看我的理解对吗?Dependent Children The Immigration Regulations defines 'dependent child' as a child who: (a) has one of the following relationships with the parent, namely,(i) is the biological child of the parent, if the child has not been adopted by a person other than the spouse or common-law partner of the parent, or(ii) is the adopted child of the parent; and(b) is in one of the following situations of dependency, namely,(i) is less than 22 years of age and not a spouse or common-law partner,(ii) has depended substantially on the financial support of the parent since before the age of 22 -- or if the child became a spouse or common-law partner before the age of 22, since becoming a spouse or common-law partner -- and, since before the age of 22 or since becoming a spouse or common-law partner, as the case may be, has been a student(A) continuously enrolled in and attending a post-secondary institution that is accredited by the relevant government authority, and(B) actively pursuing a course of academic, professional or vocational training on a full-time basis, or(iii) is 22 years of age or older and has depended substantially on the financial support of the parent since before the age of 22 and is unable to be financially self-supporting due to a physical or mental condition点击展开...这个问题我看到答案了.Note: If you are a divorced or separated parent, a minor child of whom you have joint or solecustody is considered a dependent family member. This applies even if the minor childusually lives with the other parent and will not join you in Canada.所以算我的dependent child的.
回复: 关于移民中和前夫所生孩子留在国内的问题。答案是:1、如果您现在的丈夫已有孩子(监护权属父亲)(1)其母亲必须作声明公证,主要内容是允许孩子随同父亲移民,前提是母亲必须亲自到公证处公证员处签字(携带身份证);(2)其母办理一个户籍公证。2、关于您的孩子:(1)按照要求,您和前夫所生孩子无论是现在不去或将来办理团聚移民,都必须参加体检;(2)您和现在的丈夫共同办理一个声明公证,主要内容是您们两人不携带您和前夫所生孩子移民。3、关于您和现在丈夫将来的孩子,没影响,建议登陆后生,直接入籍,在国内生影响进度。4、不能提供假信息,否则会对您、现在的丈夫、您的孩子影响甚大。5、如有需要,可提供声明样本。
回复: 关于移民中和前夫所生孩子留在国内的问题。2、关于您的孩子:(1)按照要求,您和前夫所生孩子无论是现在不去或将来办理团聚移民,都必须参加体检;(2)您和现在的丈夫共同办理一个声明公证,主要内容是您们两人不携带您和前夫所生孩子移民。3、关于您和现在丈夫将来的孩子,没影响,建议登陆后生,直接入籍,在国内生影响进度。4、不能提供假信息,否则会对您、现在的丈夫、您的孩子影响甚大。5、如有需要,可提供声明样本。点击展开...我也想找前夫办理体检什么的。但是人家死活不配合呀。如果我们夫妻(现在的老公)申明将来和前夫的孩子不办理团聚移民,为什么他们还要前夫孩子的体检证明呢?难道前夫不配合孩子体检的话,我就不能移民了?
回复: 关于移民中和前夫所生孩子留在国内的问题。这个问题我看到答案了.Note: If you are a divorced or separated parent, a minor child of whom you have joint or solecustody is considered a dependent family member. This applies even if the minor childusually lives with the other parent and will not join you in Canada.所以算我的dependent child的.点击展开...如果由前夫抚养,那你这种情况算是有joint or sole custody吗?如果不算,好像孩子就不是dependant了??
回复: 关于移民中和前夫所生孩子留在国内的问题。如果由前夫抚养,那你这种情况算是有joint or sole custody吗?如果不算,好像孩子就不是dependant了??点击展开...是joint custody,因为中国的法律规定无论离婚后孩子判给谁,另一方都是监护人的。难道我得放弃对孩子的监护权才能移民?
回复: 关于移民中和前夫所生孩子留在国内的问题。答案是:1、如果您现在的丈夫已有孩子(监护权属父亲)(1)其母亲必须作声明公证,主要内容是允许孩子随同父亲移民,前提是母亲必须亲自到公证处公证员处签字(携带身份证);(2)其母办理一个户籍公证。2、关于您的孩子:(1)按照要求,您和前夫所生孩子无论是现在不去或将来办理团聚移民,都必须参加体检;(2)您和现在的丈夫共同办理一个声明公证,主要内容是您们两人不携带您和前夫所生孩子移民。3、关于您和现在丈夫将来的孩子,没影响,建议登陆后生,直接入籍,在国内生影响进度。4、不能提供假信息,否则会对您、现在的丈夫、您的孩子影响甚大。5、如有需要,可提供声明样本。点击展开...正解。
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