加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民求助一个问题!
求助一个问题!6月26号收到了FN. 但在申请时老公还没有拿到今年到明年7月份的工作合同, 收到FN后老公一直忘了把新工作合同递上去,现在在递上去可以吗?会有什么影响吗?毕竟拖了两个月了!气死我了,幸好我今天问起来,否则他肯定把这事给忘到九霄云外去了!
回复: 求助一个问题!Referring to the CIC' official websitehttp://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/faq-simple.aspQ8: If I am using the Simplified Application Process, do I have to notify the visa office if I change jobs?No. You only have to notify us if you get a new address (postal or e-mail) or hire a new immigration representative, or if you want to withdraw your application. You do not have to notify us of any other changes until the visa office contacts you (about four months before the office is ready to assess your application).
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