加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民今天下午5变成8了
白石镇,素里,兰里。豪华途锐SUV接送。机场,旅游,5级陪练。可以长途。北极之旅。穿越加拿大之旅。沿途欣赏加拿大的美景和野生动物。20年的驾车经验和多年的户外运动经验。778-995-0287回复: 今天下午5变成8了抢先恭喜一下.
回复: 今天下午5变成8了中午看还没有变,下午下班就变成8了点击展开...GX
回复: 今天下午5变成8了那是不是要毕业了的意思??
回复: 今天下午5变成8了是 就恭喜一下下!!!
回复: 今天下午5变成8了恭喜咯
回复: 今天下午5变成8了GX,但加拿大似乎和日本没有仇恨,也少有愤青。
白石镇,素里,兰里。豪华途锐SUV接送。机场,旅游,5级陪练。可以长途。北极之旅。穿越加拿大之旅。沿途欣赏加拿大的美景和野生动物。20年的驾车经验和多年的户外运动经验。778-995-0287回复: 今天下午5变成8了GXGX
forever眼中的加拿大http://www.canadameet.com/member/index.php?uid=foreverhttp://www.canadameet.com/member/index.php?uid=forever&action=article回复: 今天下午5变成8了二战的时候,British Columbia怕日本奸细,就决定驱赶日本人,于是青壮年的日本人和日裔都被赶到类似集中营的地方。应该是日本人仇恨加拿大才对。1988年,加拿大为此赔偿了12 000 000美元。http://www.yesnet.yk.ca/schools/projects/canadianhistory/camps/internment1.html这就是他们的民主。There were ten internment Camps in total; they consisted of: three road camps, two prisoner of war camps(POW), and five self supporting camps scattered throughout Canada during the second World War. Prior to World War II, 22,096 Japanese Canadians lived in British Colombia; three quarters of them were naturalized or native born Canadians. Taken from: (www.lib.washington)This notice was distributed throughout British Columbia. If any Japanese were found in the prohibited areas listed, they would be incarcerated. ......In 1988, 46 years after the first Japanese Internment Camps, Canadian Japanese were compensated for all that they had endured during the war. Prime Minister Brian Mulroney signed a compensation package giving $21,000 for each internee's survivor. In total 12 million dollars were paid out.
Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第一!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian二战的时候,British Columbia怕日本奸细,就决定驱赶日本人,于是青壮年的日本人和日裔都被赶到类似集中营的地方。应该是日本人仇恨加拿大才对。1988年,加拿大为此赔偿了12 000 000美元。http://www.yesnet.yk.ca/schools/projects/canadianhistory/camps/internment1.html这就是他们的民主。 There were ten internment Camps in total; they consisted of: three road camps, two prisoner of war camps(POW), and five self supporting camps scattered throughout Canada during the second World War. Prior to World War II, 22,096 Japanese Canadians lived in British Colombia; three quarters of them were naturalized or native born Canadians. Taken from: (www.lib.washington)This notice was distributed throughout British Columbia. If any Japanese were found in the prohibited areas listed, they would be incarcerated. ...... In 1988, 46 years after the first Japanese Internment Camps, Canadian Japanese were compensated for all that they had endured during the war. Prime Minister Brian Mulroney signed a compensation package giving $21,000 for each internee's survivor. In total 12 million dollars were paid out.点击展开...对中国怎么样了,因为他们没有和等待加拿大一样等待我们。
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