加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民收到fn 了,但有些不明白,请大家帮忙,是不是
thesea amendments permit the minister of citizenship and immigration to give instruction to officers regarding the processing of certain types of applications filesd on or after February 27,2008. because no instructions have been issued by the Minister as yet, we not able to inform you at the time whether, and how, your application might be affect. 这好像说的是227新政,难道新政非常重要吗?没有新政就不处理我们的case? 大家的信是不是都这样? 呵呵,我知道的太少,谢谢大家了
回复: 收到fn 了,但有些不明白,请大家帮忙,是不是都这样的信?请问你是什么时候入表的?
回复: 收到fn 了,但有些不明白,请大家帮忙,是不是都这样的信?thesea amendments permit the minister of citizenship and immigration to give instruction to officers regarding the processing of certain types of applications filesd on or after February 27,2008. because no instructions have been issued by the Minister as yet, we not able to inform you at the time whether, and how, your application might be affect. 这好像说的是227新政,难道新政非常重要吗?没有新政就不处理我们的case? 大家的信是不是都这样? 呵呵,我知道的太少,谢谢大家了点击展开...because no instructions have been issued ,nobody can tell you what would happen on you
回复: 收到fn 了,但有些不明白,请大家帮忙,是不是都这样的信?8月入表,9月档案号
回复: 收到fn 了,但有些不明白,请大家帮忙,是不是都这样的信?thesea amendments permit the minister of citizenship and immigration to give instruction to officers regarding the processing of certain types of applications filesd on or after February 27,2008. because no instructions have been issued by the Minister as yet, we not able to inform you at the time whether, and how, your application might be affect. 这好像说的是227新政,难道新政非常重要吗?没有新政就不处理我们的case? 大家的信是不是都这样? 呵呵,我知道的太少,谢谢大家了点击展开...It sounds like immigration officers were complaining Ms Finley's low-efficiency and disability on her duty. Whatever happens, they will halt the process of your application until the instruction of Minister is available.
移民科幻小说《种秧帝国崛起之后》弘扬主旋律传播正能量的饥饿游戏版《红旗颂》回复: 收到fn 了,但有些不明白,请大家帮忙,是不是都这样的信?i see, thank you very much
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