加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民the online immigration status after the landing....
The 3 weeks short-landing will be finished soon and just checked the online immigration status it shows as below : ******************************************** Permanent Residence We started processing your application on March 28, 2006. Medical results have been received. A decision has been made on your application. The office will contact you concerning this decision. You entered Canada at the Lester B. Pearson International Airport, Terminal No. 1 office on September 25, 2008 and became a Permanent Resident.
06.3.28 HK FN TCY [CAU]无雅思07.5.30 补IELTS R8.5L7.5S7W5 07.10.8 ME HK寄出07.11.3 北京新世界耀东体检07.11.13补料07.12.10登陆费划款。07.12.21登陆费收据到。08.3.26使馆回信:背调中。08.6.6发现DM!08.6.20 PL签发 08.6.23PL寄出 08.7.5PL收到 08.8.11取签 08.09.25 short landing 自评74分全程DIY回复: the online immigration status after the landing....Thank you for sharing.
回复: the online immigration status after the landing....Thanks a lot.
中国-多伦多-卡尔加里-逃离苦寒之地迈向不可知的未来...回复: the online immigration status after the landing....原来会这样显示出来每个MILESTONE都有保存下来诶
FN:2006.11.6(HK) VO:LCY 67分 无加亲属工作是should/学习是would/分享是couldjobsetc职业兴趣测试;ILC职业测试;NOC Matrix;workincanada tool;canlearn program搜索回复: the online immigration status after the landing....阅
回复: the online immigration status after the landing....恭喜
2007.4.20FN HK VO:MACThe 3 weeks short-landing will be finished soon and just checked the online immigration status it shows as below : ******************************************** Permanent Residence We started processing your application on March 28, 2006. Medical results have been received. A decision has been made on your application. The office will contact you concerning this decision. You entered Canada at the Lester B. Pearson International Airport, Terminal No. 1 office on September 25, 2008 and became a Permanent Resident.点击展开... 请问你的以上状态信息是一次全部显示出来呢?还是一定得时期,显示相应的状态信息呢?如:使馆收到体检报告后,状态即显示“Medical results have been received. ”,而后DM了又显示“A decision has been made on your application. The office will contact you concerning this decision. ”。。。。。。我不太明白这了,且好奇想知道,故弱问。
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