加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民保守党胜了!



2007.4.20FN HK VO:MAC回复: 保守党胜了!无奈

回复: 保守党胜了!我们又的遥遥无期的等候了

回复: 保守党胜了!信息超级灵通人士, I服了YOU.

回复: 保守党胜了!不知道对我们会有什么影响?请高手发言!

回复: 保守党胜了!不出所料

回复: 保守党胜了!Conservatives headed for minority government Updated Tue. Oct. 14 2008 10:31 PM ET CTV.ca News Staff The Conservatives are on track to win another minority government and could make strong gains in Ontario, where the Liberals appear to have lost ground. At 10:30 p.m., the Tories had won or were leading in 135 ridings across the country, out of a possible 308. The Liberals had 73, the NDP 32 and the Bloc Quebecois 47. Conservative Leader Stephen Harper will need at least 155 seats to form a majority government. But the final weeks of the campaign saw him make missteps in Quebec, where he needed a boost in support. That makes Ontario key to a strong Tory victory, with the province's 106 seats. While Toronto is largely expected to remain a Liberal stronghold, the Conservatives could win new seats in the city's outlaying regions. In one major loss for the Liberals, Garth Turner was defeated by Conservative candidate Lisa Raitt. The Liberals largely held their ground in Atlantic Canada and swept Newfoundland, where Premier Danny Williams waged a fierce campaign against the Conservatives. But the Tories have made gains in New Brunswick. Early results in the region showed the Conservatives completely shut out of Newfoundland and Labrador. One high-profile loss for the party was Fabian Manning. Williams, a Progressive Conservative, has had a long-standing feud with Harper over rights to his province's offshore energy revenues and the latest equalization formula. In the past month he had publicized an "Anything But Conservative" campaign. But Conservatives had a strong showing in other parts of Atlantic Canada. Peter MacKay staved off a challenge from Green Party Leader Elizabeth May to hang on to his Nova Scotia riding of Central Nova. "It's overwhelming, it's exhilarating," he said. "All of these emotions come back every time." May had likened the fight to David and Goliath, after casting her ballot early Tuesday morning. If she had won, it would have made her Canada's first elected Green MP. In New Brunswick, the Conservatives managed to unseat the Liberals in two ridings, Fredericton and Miramichi. Before Parliament was dissolved on Sept. 7, the Conservatives had 127 seats of a possible 308. They held 41 ridings in Ontario, 11 in Quebec and 28 in Alberta -- every single seat in the province. The Liberals had most of their seats in Ontario, where they held 51 of a possible 106 ridings. They were tied with the Tories in Quebec with 11 seats. Layton's New Democrats had 12 seats in Ontario and 10 in British Columbia, where the party is traditionally seen as a strong opposition party to the Conservatives, rather than the Liberals. At dissolution the Bloc had 48 seats in Quebec out of a total 75. It's unclear whether voter turnout has improved on previous years. An estimated 1.5 million Canadians cast their ballots in early voting. The election follows a 37-day campaign -- one of the shortest possible under Canadian law. Harper asked Canadians for a stronger mandate to govern the country, after two and a half years of minority rule. He called an election after complaining that Parliament had become increasingly "dysfunctional," making it difficult for him to lead the country. "It's difficult to see ... how the prime minister comes back to the people of Canada, at the end, of the day and says this election was worth something," former Liberal cabinet minister Brian Tobin told CTV News.

回复: 保守党胜了!谢 deepbluesea 朋友

到加拿大留学,工作,移民,回复: 保守党胜了!还是少数党政府。

回复: 保守党胜了!跟没选一样嘛,折腾

回复: 保守党胜了!几家欢乐几家愁,二二七新政要开始实行了

回复: 保守党胜了!跟没选一样嘛,折腾点击展开...哈泊本来想这次组建多数党的,可惜金融危机让他的计划落空,运气不好.但他增加了保守党的几个席位

北京DIY,递HK,LG主申请 2006.5.13:IELTS 2006.6.15:递档 2006.10.10:FN2010.6.3:ME 2011.2.15:MER2011.2.16:PL 2011.3.15:DM2011.3.29:北京―温哥华回复: 保守党胜了!预料之中 今天仔细看了哈勃关于移民政策,感觉还不错应该对我们有利

税务局奖15%协助举报海外逃税,想赚钱的知情者积极举报,包括“太空人”房东等逃税者回复: 保守党胜了!是HAPER提出的227新政吗?

回复: 保守党胜了!C-50是很难被废止的。

回复: 保守党胜了!不出所料

十年后还会有国人移民加拿大吗回复: 保守党胜了!中新网10月15日电 综合报道,加拿大当地时间14日举行第四十届联邦大选,执政保守党取得胜利。加拿大共有约2300万登记选民,当天陆续前往遍布全国的1.8万个投票站投票。在大选中获得席位最多的政党将组阁,其领袖将出任总理。今年9月7日,加拿大总理哈珀称自己的少数派政府已失去反对党的信任,宣布解散议会并提前举行大选。 哈珀简介:史蒂芬哈珀(Stephen Harper,1959年生),加拿大第22任总理及保守党领袖。2006年1月23日的联邦大选中,保守党赢得议会下院308个席位中的124席,史蒂芬哈珀受邀组阁,成立新一届联邦政府。史蒂芬哈珀出生于一个中产家庭,三个兄弟中排行老大,他童年时成长于多伦多,少年时入读当地的“Richview Collegiate Institute”,哈珀自小就成绩优异,1978年(即哈珀毕业之年),是全校的顶尖学生;后来他入读卡尔加里大学,取得经济学硕士的学位。哈珀和大学有颇强的关系:他是一个繁忙的讲师,他日后的政治顾问汤法兰根,亦是这间大学的教授。哈珀与太太罗连哈珀于1991年完婚,并且育有两名孩子:本雅明(1996年出生)及蕾切尔(1999年出生)。哈珀最初接触政治是在自己的童年,当时他加入了学校的“加拿大青年自由党”;然而,因为皮埃尔特鲁多自由党政府的国家能源政策损害了阿尔伯达省的工业情况,所以他转变了自己的政治立场。在1985年,他成为了保守进步党议员占斯哈基斯的首要助手,但最终于1986年离开保守进步党。后来哈珀被大学教授汤法兰根推荐给柏雷斯顿万宁(改革党党魁及创建者),哈珀被他深刻地记著,还被邀请入党。在哈珀28岁之年,他在改革党建党会议上发表了一个颇重要的讲话,这还铸造了改革党日后国会选举(1988年)的竞选口号“The West Wants In !”。1989年至1993年,他被改革党议员德波拉格雷委任为她的行政助理、首席顾问及演讲作家。1993年国会大选上,哈珀改善了自己的政绩,成功取得西卡尔加里的席位。在国会,哈珀被认定是一位右翼的议员,但也持中庸的社会价值立场(他是少数改革党议员支持枪械登记制度的)。中加关系:中加历史上关系一直不错,建交抢在中美建交之前。特别是2006年以前的两任自由党总理克里靖和马田,被媒体形容为“与中国领导人拍肩搭背大呼哥俩好。”2005年底,保守党在选战中打败已经连续执政12年的自由党,上台组阁,中加关系急速逆转。哈珀指责中国有一千间谍在加拿大、孔子学院是间谍机构、拒绝出席奥运会。今年1月8日,加工贸部长艾民信在北京谈旅游协议失败,荒唐地喊出“中国歧视加拿大!”两国关系可说降至冰点。哈珀把中加关系搞僵,显然知道他自己在做什么。这里面有几重因素,首先是保守党逢自由党必反,党派斗争。其次是哈珀与布什、布莱尔等人在理念上相通,不客气些说,就是冷战思维。最后是屁股决定脑袋,虽然中国是加拿大第二大贸易伙伴国,但加拿大是中国第十贸易伙伴国,加拿大75%的外贸额度是与美国发生的。但是,为了捞选票,哈珀接受中文媒体采访时还在说:“不担心加中关系令保守党流失很多华裔支持……他们(北京)明白,我们不会时常意见一致,但我们仍然想要一个强健和务实的(加中)关系。”他居然用“坦白”来形容目前的加中关系,这不能不提醒包括加拿大华裔社区在内的所有人:真当选了,哈珀会如何处理中加关系。 (本文来源:中新网 )

2007.4.20FN HK VO:MAC回复: 保守党胜了!1

My grandmother used to say, "Always do good to others." She was right. I do good to others (and Nature). I sense the happiness I give them, and their happiness makes me happy.回复: 保守党胜了!哈破上台 不是好事。

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