加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民也是关于noc code7381
7381 Printing Press Operators印刷操作员属于abo里面的么?怎么跟abo对号撒?
回复: 也是关于noc code7381没人帮忙撒~
回复: 也是关于noc code7381When the first digit is… …the skill type category is1 Business, Finance and Administration Occupations2 Natural and Applied Sciences and Related Occupations3 Health Occupations4 Occupations in Social Science, Education, GovernmentService and Religion5 Occupations in Art, Culture, Recreation and Sport6 Sales and Service Occupations7 Trades, Transport and Equipment Operators and RelatedOccupations8 Occupations Unique to Primary Industry9 Occupations Unique to Processing, Manufacturing andUtilitiesWhen the second digit is… …the skill level category is1 Skill Level A (Professional Occupations)2 or 3 Skill Level B (Technical, Paraprofessional and SkilledOccupations4 or 5 Skill Level C (Intermediate Occupations)6 Skill Level D (Labouring and Elemental Occupations) Important Note: This applies to all occupations except managementoccupations. For management, the first digit is always 0and the second digit represents the skill type categories,from 1 to 9, as above.
回复: 也是关于noc code7381自己动手丰衣足食撒。第二个数字3代表b撒~
回复: 也是关于noc code73817381 Printing Press Operators印刷操作员 属于abo里面的么?怎么跟abo对号撒?点击展开...
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