加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民兄弟姐妹们,可以帮我看看最后一题怎么回答吗
兄弟姐妹们,帮我看看最后一题怎么回答好?前面的我都已经做了,现在就剩最后一题!谢谢各位的帮忙!万分感谢!谢谢!! SHOPPERS DRUG MART Store#628 Phone:416-555-2020Rx# 8920472 Refills:000 Dr. F. SteinJUHN BRADEYTAKE ONE TABLET 3 TIMES A DAY AS NEEDEDTOP-4 DOL 10 MG (TORADOL 10MG?)Ketorolac Trometh 10 mg75 tablets 03 Dec-04TAKE WITH FOODa)The brand name of the medication is_TOP-4 DOL 10 MG (TORADOL 10MG?)The generic name is:_ Ketorolac Tromethb)The dosage of each tablet is_10 mgc)How often can the client take the medication_3 times a dayd)Why would the client have to take it with food?_It is because the medication may irritate the stomach.e)How many tablets are in the bottle?_75 tabletsf)What is the file number_8920472g)How many times can the prescription the refilled_0h)What date did the client have the prescription fillded_3-Dec-04i)What would be the maximum dose the person could take in a 24 hour period?3 timesHow many pills would that be___How many milligrams.___
回复: 兄弟姐妹们,可以帮我看看最后一题怎么回答吗?i) What would be the maximum dose the person could take in a 24 hour period?How many pills would that be_3pills__How many milligrams._30mg__这份药单不完整,照现有的资料我觉得要这么添就好了,一般药单都会写上用法副作用等,中毒剂量什么的,你是要办理住家的吧,现在的面签要做这样的题吗?我当时答的药单可比这个长多了,而且是不同形式的。
回复: 兄弟姐妹们,可以帮我看看最后一题怎么回答吗?i) What would be the maximum dose the person could take in a 24 hour period? How many pills would that be_3pills__How many milligrams._30mg__ 这份药单不完整,照现有的资料我觉得要这么添就好了,一般药单都会写上用法副作用等,中毒剂量什么的,你是要办理住家的吧,现在的面签要做这样的题吗?我当时答的药单可比这个长多了,而且是不同形式的。点击展开...好的!谢谢你的帮忙!是啊!我是办住家的!你当时的药单是怎样的啊?我想知道啊!还有面试时他们问了你什么问题啊!
回复: 兄弟姐妹们,可以帮我看看最后一题怎么回答吗?我答的药单是关于一个外用药的用法的,是治疗咳嗽的,还有缓解疼痛的作用,2岁以下孩子用要咨询医生,一天最多能用三次. Directions: Adults and children over 2 years of age: rub thick layer on chest and throat,if desired cover with a dry,warm cloth,but keep clothing loose to let the vapours rise to nose and mouth.问题一:一个2岁10个月的女孩要怎么用药,答案:参见directions问题二:一个7岁的男孩对这药好奇,喝了一勺这药,问怎么处理. 答案: Contact a poison control center immediately,Keep safely out of reach of children问题三:一位70岁的老人膝关节痛,经人推荐用这药,很有效,一天用了四次,问他这么做对不对. 答案:consult a physician老人家是不能擅自用药的这是药单部分,我只是简单把主要的记下来,太多,我记不全的。还有别的问题主要针对以下几方面的你是一个护士,有在急诊室工作的经历吗? 工作多少年?你是怎么找到雇主的,你要去工作的这家人的情况.照顾的是老人还是孩子,有打算2年后移民吗?移民后要做什么?还有很简单的问题,我记不太全了还有呀,我答的这份药单,现在使馆还在用,因为今年7月份我知道一个人过来和我答的是一样的,5月签的一个也答的这份药单,很巧呀!
回复: 兄弟姐妹们,可以帮我看看最后一题怎么回答吗?喔!好的!elena xu!thank you very much!thanks a lot!
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