回复: 求助!有没有人了解AEO的问题?Meow.
回复: 求助!有没有人了解AEO的问题?MEOW是什么意思?没有还是?
回复: 求助!有没有人了解AEO的问题?Hiring Skilled Workers and Supporting their Permanent ImmigrationFWP Quick Links: Foreign Worker Program (FWP) Home Page - Academics - Employment of International Students - Expedited LMO Pilot Project - Film and Entertainment - Foreign Worker Printable Forms - FWP Online Application Forms - Industry Sectors and Occupations - Information Technology - Live-in-Caregivers - Occupations Under Pressure - Pilot Project for NOC C and D Occupations - Seasonal Agricultural Workers - Seasonal Agricultural Workers in BC - Service Canada Centres - Skilled Workers and Permanent Residence - Temporary Foreign Workers in Canada - Temporary Foreign Workers in Quebec - Ontario FW Home page Employers can make a permanent job offer to a Skilled Worker to fill a full-time, permanent position in your company, and bring needed skills to Canada. By doing this, employers can also help Skilled Workers gain permanent residency in Canada.Please note, however, that Placement Agencies, Temporary Help Agencies and firms of a similar nature which act as an intermediary, referring workers to employers, cannot be considered the employer of record for the purposes of Arranged Employment unless they are establishing an employer/employee relationship with the skilled worker.The following steps may apply to you if you are interested in:Offering a permanent, full-time, non-seasonal position in your company to a Skilled Worker; and Supporting the worker's permanent immigration to Canada. NOTE: Please be aware that the process below only supports the person's application for permanent residence, but does not allow the person to work in Canada. There is a different process if you plan to employ the person and, at the same time, support their permanent immigration to Canada.HIRING STEPS :Make a permanent offer in a skilled occupation to the Skilled Worker and submit an application for an Arranged Employment Opinion (AEO).Send the application form to :Service CanadaTemporary Foreign Worker - Centre of Specialization1 Agar Place, PO Box 7000Saint John, NB E2L 4V4Fax: 866-585-7524 (toll free)Processes differ when hiring skilled workers in Quebec.An arranged employment opinion (AEO) is based on these factors :The job offer is permanent; The job offer is genuine; The wages and working conditions offered for the job are comparable to those offered to Canadians working in the occupation; The employment is full-time, not seasonal. Learn more about the HRSDC AEO assessment criteria and what is expected from employers, noting that this process does not apply in the province of Quebec.HRSDC reviews the application and if appropriate, provides you with an AEO letter of confirmation supporting the job. Please be aware that a positive HRSDC AEO letter only supports the Skilled Worker's application for permanent residency, but does not allow for the person to work in Canada. There is another process if you plan to employ the person and, at the same time, support their permanent immigration to Canada.You send a copy of the AEO letter to the Skilled Worker.Tell the person to apply to the appropriate visa office for a Skilled Worker permanent resident visa.Tell the Skilled Worker to include your written permanent job offer and the AEO letter of confirmation with the permanent resident application, along with other documentation required by CIC. The application is point-rated and these documents improve the Foreign Worker's score and the opportunity to receive a permanent resident visa.Next, CIC reviews the Skilled Worker permanent residency application and decides whether to:Grant points under the "Arranged Employment" and review all other Skilled Worker criteria; Give the Skilled Worker a permanent resident visa. IMMIGRATION NOTE :On its own, a permanent job offer does not allow a Skilled Worker to immigrate to Canada. Before a Skilled Worker can become a permanent resident, they must :Meet the requirements of the Skilled Worker Class; Have at least one year of work experience in a professional, managerial, or technical occupation under Canada's National Occupational Classification (NOC) system.
2006.12.09 简表投HK2007.01.02 划款2007.06.01 FN(LI)报名7月烤鸭然后就是,等,等,等…… 回复: 求助!有没有人了解AEO的问题?不了解。
回复: 求助!有没有人了解AEO的问题?what you want to know?
回复: 求助!有没有人了解AEO的问题?this depend more on employer and not u
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