加拿大新法下可申请的职业(按字母排序)National Occupation Classification ListThe following occupations are listed in Skill Type 0, Skill Level A or B of the National Occupation Classification List.Code A0632 Accommodation Service Managers5135 Actors and Comedians1221 Administrative Officers0114 Administrative Services Managers (other) 0312 Administrators - Post-Secondary Education and Vocational2146 Aerospace Engineers2222 Agricultural and Fish Products Inspectors8252 Agricultural and Related Service Contractors and Managers2123 Agricultural Representatives, Consultants and Specialists2271 Air Pilots, Flight Engineers and Flying Instructors2272 Air Traffic Control and Related Occupations2244 Aircraft Instrument, Electrical and Avionics Mechanics, Technicians and Inspectors 7315 Aircraft Mechanics and Aircraft Inspectors3234 Ambulance Attendants and Other Paramedical Occupations5231 Announcers and Other Broadcasters8257 Aquaculture Operators and Managers2151 Architects2251 Architectural Technologists and Technicians0212 Architecture and Science Managers5113 Archivists5244 Artisans and Craftpersons1235 Assessors, Valuators and Appraisers5251 Athletes5225 Audio and Video Recording Technicians3141 Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists5121 Authors and Writers7321 Automotive Service Technicians, Truck Mechanics and Mechanical Repairers Code B6252 Bakers0122 Banking, Credit and Other Investment Managers2221 Biological Technologists and Technicians2121 Biologists and Related Scientists7266 Blacksmiths and Die Setters7262 Boilermakers1231 Bookkeepers7281 Bricklayers5224 Broadcast Technicians4163 Business Development Officers and Marketing Researchers and Consultants 0123 Business Services Managers (other)6251 Butchers and Meat Cutters - Retail and WholesaleCode C7272 Cabinetmakers7247 Cable Television Service and Maintenance Technicians3217 Cardiology Technologists7271 Carpenters9231 Central Control and Process Operators, Mineral and Metal Processing6241 Chefs2134 Chemical Engineers2211 Chemical Technologists and Technicians2112 Chemists <br> <br>3122 Chiropractors2231 Civil Engineering Technologists and Technicians2131 Civil Engineers6215 Cleaning Supervisors5252 Coaches4131 College and Other Vocational Instructors7382 Commercial Divers0643 Commissioned Officers, Armed Forces0641 Commissioned Police Officers4212 Community and Social Service Workers0213 Computer and Information Systems Managers2281 Computer and Network Operators and Web Technicians2147 Computer Engineers (Except Software Engineers)2174 Computer Programmers and Interactive Media Developers 7282 Concrete Finishers5132 Conductors, Composers and Arrangers1226 Conference and Event Planners2224 Conservation and Fishery Officers5112 Conservators and Curators2234 Construction Estimators2264 Construction Inspectors0711 Construction Managers7311 Construction Millwrights and Industrial Mechanics (Except Textile) 7215 Contractors and Supervisors, Carpentry Trades7212 Contractors and Supervisors, Electrical Trades and Telecommunications7217 Contractors and Supervisors, Heavy Construction Equipment Crews 7216 Contractors and Supervisors, Mechanic Trades7214 Contractors and Supervisors, Metal forming, Shaping and Erecting Trades 7219 Contractors and Supervisors, Other Construction Trades, Installers, Repairers7213 Contractors and Supervisors, Pipefitting Trades6242 Cooks1227 Court Officers and Justices of the Peace1244 Court Recorders and Medical Transcriptionists7371 Crane Operators1236 Customs, Ship and Other BrokersCode D5134 Dancers2172 Database Analysts and Data dministrators2273 Deck Officers, Water Transport3222 Dental Hygienists and Dental Therapists3223 Dental Technologists, Technicians and Laboratory3113 Dentists <br> <br>3221 Denturists3132 Dietitians and Nutritionists2253 Drafting Technologists and Technicians7372 Drillers and Blasters D Surface Mining, Quarrying and Construction 6214 Dry Cleaning and Laundry SupervisorsCode E4214 Early Childhood Educators and Assistants4162 Economists and Economic Policy Researchers and Analysts5122 Editors4166 Education Policy Researchers, Consultants and Program Officers 4143 Educational Counsellors7332 Electric Appliance Servicers and Repairers2241 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technologists and Technicians 2133 Electrical and Electronics Engineers7333 Electrical Mechanics7244 Electrical Power Line and Cable Workers7241 Electricians (Except Industrial and Power System)3218 Electroencephalographic and Other Diagnostic Technologists, n.e.c. 2242 Electronic Service Technicians (Household and Business7318 Elevator Constructors and Mechanics4213 Employment Counsellors2274 Engineer Officers, Water Transport2262 Engineering Inspectors and Regulatory Officers0211 Engineering Managers1222 Executive Assistants6213 Executive HousekeepersCode F0721 Facility Operation and Maintenance Managers4153 Family, Marriage and Other Related Counsellors8253 Farm Supervisors and Specialized Livestock Workers8251 Farmers and Farm Managers5222 Film and Video Camera Operators1112 Financial and Investment Analysts1111 Financial Auditors and Accountants0111 Financial Managers1114 Financial Officers (other)0642 Fire Chiefs and Senior Firefighting Officers6262 Firefighters 8261 Fishing Masters and Officers8262 Fishing Vessel Skippers and Fishermen/women7295 Floor Covering Installers6212 Food Service Supervisors2122 Forestry Professionals2223 Forestry Technologists and Technicians6272 Funeral Directors and EmbalmersCode G7253 Gas Fitters2212 Geological and Mineral Technologists and Technicians2144 Geological Engineers2113 Geologists, Geochemists and Geophysicists7292 Glaziers0412 Government Managers - Economic Analysis, Policy Development0413 Government Managers - Education Policy Development and Program Administration0411 Government Managers - Health and Social Policy Development and Program Administration6234 Grain Elevator Operators5223 Graphic Arts Technicians5241 Graphic Designers and IllustratorsCode H6271 Hairstylists and Barbers3151 Head Nurses and Supervisors3123 Health Diagnosing and Treating (Other Professional Occupations)4165 Health Policy Researchers, Consultants and Program Officers7312 Heavy-Duty Equipment Mechanics0112 Human Resources ManagersCode I1228 Immigration, Employment Insurance and Revenue Officers2141 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineers2252 Industrial Designers7242 Industrial Electricians2233 Industrial Engineering and Manufacturing Technologists and Technicians2243 Industrial Instrument Technicians and Mechanics2171 Information Systems Analysts and Consultants2263 Inspectors in Public and Environmental Health and Occupational Health and Safety4216 Instructors (other)4215 Instructors and Teachers of Persons with Disabilities7293 Insulators1233 Insurance Adjusters and Claims Examiners6231 Insurance Agents and Brokers1234 Insurance Underwriters0121 Insurance, Real Estate and Financial Brokerage Managers5242 Interior Designers7264 IronworkersCode J7344 Jewellers, Watch Repairers and Related Occupations5123 Journalists4111 Judges1227 Justices of the PeaceCode L2254 Land Survey Technologists and Technicians2154 Land Surveyors2225 Landscape and Horticultural Technicians and Specialists2152 Landscape Architects8255 Landscaping and Grounds Maintenance Contractors and Managers4112 Lawyers and Quebec Notaries1242 Legal Secretaries0011 Legislators5111 Librarians5211 Library and Archive Technicians and Assistants0511 Library, Archive, Museum and Art Gallery Managers3233 Licensed Practical Nurses1232 Loan Officers8241 Logging Machinery OperatorsCode M7316 Machine Fitters7231 Machinists and Machining and Tooling Inspectors0512 Managers - Publishing, Motion Pictures, Broadcasting and Performing Arts 0311 Managers in Health Care0414 Managers in Public Administration (other)0314 Managers in Social, Community and Correctional Services0911 Manufacturing Managers2255 Mapping and Related Technologists and Technicians2161 Mathematicians, Statisticians and Actuaries2232 Mechanical Engineering Technologists and Technicians2132 Mechanical Engineers3212 Medical Laboratory Technicians3211 Medical Laboratory Technologists and Pathologists' Assistants3215 Medical Radiation Technologists1243 Medical Secretaries3216 Medical Sonographers3219 Medical Technologists and Technicians (other - except Dental Health)2142 Metallurgical and Materials Engineers2213 Meteorological Technicians2114 Meteorologists3232 Midwives and Practitioners of Natural Healing2143 Mining Engineers4154 Ministers of Religion5226 Motion Pictures, Broadcasting (other Technical and Co-ordinating Occupations)7322 Motor Vehicle Body Repairers7334 Motorcycle and Other Related Mechanics5212 Museums and Art Galleries (related Technical Occupations)5133 Musicians and SingersCode N4161 Natural and Applied Science Policy Researchers, Consultants and Program Officers2261 Nondestructive Testers and Inspectors8254 Nursery and Greenhouse Operators and ManagersCode O3143 Occupational Therapists8232 Oil and Gas Well Drillers, Servicers, Testers and Related Workers7331 Oil and Solid Fuel Heating Mechanics3231 Opticians3121 OptometristsCode P7294 Painters and Decorators5136 Painters, Sculptors and Other Visual Artists9234 Papermaking and Coating Control Operators4211 Paralegal and Related Occupations5245 Patternmakers - Textile, Leather and Fur Products5232 Performers (other)1223 Personnel and Recruitment Officers2145 Petroleum Engineers9232 Petroleum, Gas and Chemical Process Operators3131 Pharmacists5221 Photographers2115 Physical Sciences (Other Professional Occupations)3112 Physicians - General Practitioners and Family Physicians3111 Physicians - Specialist2111 Physicists and Astronomers3142 Physiotherapists7252 Pipefitters7284 Plasterers, Drywall Installers and Finishers and Lathers7251 Plumbers6261 Police Officers (Except Commissioned)0132 Postal and Courier Services Managers4122 Post-Secondary Teaching and Research Assistants7243 Power System Electricians7352 Power Systems and Power Station Operators0811 Primary Production Managers (Except Agriculture)7381 Printing Press Operators4155 Probation and Parole Officers and Related Occupations5131 Producers, Directors, Choreographers and Related Occupations 2148 Professional Engineers, n.e.c. (other)1122 Professional Occupations in Business Services to Management5124 Professional Occupations in Public Relations and Communications4121 Professors - University5254 Program Leaders and Instructors in Recreation and Sport4168 Program Officers Unique to Government1224 Property Administrators4151 Psychologists9233 Pulping Control Operators1225 Purchasing Agents and Officers0113 Purchasing ManagersCode R7361 Railway and Yard Locomotive Engineers7314 Railway Carmen/women7362 Railway Conductors and Brakemen/women2275 Railway Traffic Controllers and Marine Traffic Regulators6232 Real Estate Agents and Salespersons0513 Recreation and Sports Program and Service Directors4167 Recreation, Sports and Fitness Program Supervisors Consultants7313 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanics3152 Registered Nurses4217 Religious Occupations (other)0712 Residential Home Builders and Renovators3214 Respiratory Therapists, Clinical Perfusionists and Cardio-Pulmonary Technologists0631 Restaurant and Food Service Managers6233 Retail and Wholesale Buyers0621 Retail Trade Managers6211 Retail Trade Supervisors7291 Roofers and ShinglersCode S0611 Sales, Marketing and Advertising Managers0313 School Principals and Administrators of Elementary and Secondary1241 Secretaries (Except Legal and Medical)1113 Securities Agents, Investment Dealers and Brokers0012 Senior Government Managers and Officials0013 Senior Managers - Financial, Communications and Other Business0016 Senior Managers - Goods Production, Utilities, Transportation and Construction0014 Senior Managers - Health, Education, Social and Community0015 Senior Managers - Trade, Broadcasting and Other Services, n.e.c.6216 Service Supervisors (other)0651 Services Managers (other)7261 Sheet Metal Workers7343 Shoe Repairers and Shoemakers7335 Small Engine and Equipment Mechanics (other)4164 Social Policy Researchers, Consultants and Program Officers4169 Social Science, n.e.c. (Other Professional Occupations)4152 Social Workers2173 Software Engineers1121 Specialists in Human Resources5253 Sports Officials and Referees7252 Sprinkler System Installers7351 Stationary Engineers and Auxiliary Equipment Operators7252 Steamfitters, Pipefitters and Sprinkler System Installers7263 Structural Metal and Platework Fabricators and Fitters9223 Supervisors, Electrical Products Manufacturing9222 Supervisors, Electronics Manufacturing9225 Supervisors, Fabric, Fur and Leather Products Manufacturing1212 Supervisors, Finance and Insurance Clerks9213 Supervisors, Food, Beverage and Tobacco Processing9215 Supervisors, Forest Products Processing9224 Supervisors, Furniture and Fixtures Manufacturing1211 Supervisors, General Office and Administrative Support Clerks8256 Supervisors, Landscape and Horticulture1213 Supervisors, Library, Correspondence and Related Information Clerks8211 Supervisors, Logging and Forestry7211 Supervisors, Machinists and Related Occupations1214 Supervisors, Mail and Message Distribution Occupations9211 Supervisors, Mineral and Metal Processing8221 Supervisors, Mining and Quarrying7222 Supervisors, Motor Transport and Other Ground Transit Operators9221 Supervisors, Motor Vehicle Assembling8222 Supervisors, Oil and Gas Drilling and Service9226 Supervisors, Other Mechanical and Metal Products Manufacturing9227 Supervisors, Other Products Manufacturing and Assembly9212 Supervisors, Petroleum, Gas and Chemical Processing and Utilities9214 Supervisors, Plastic and Rubber Products Manufacturing7218 Supervisors, Printing and Related Occupations7221 Supervisors, Railway Transport Operations1215 Supervisors, Recording, Distributing and Scheduling Occupations9216 Supervisors, Textile Processing5227 Support Occupations in Motion Pictures, Broadcasting and the Performing Arts 2283 Systems Testing TechniciansCode T7342 Tailors, Dressmakers, Furriers and Milliners4142 Teachers - Elementary School and Kindergarten4141 Teachers - Secondary School6221 Technical Sales Specialists - Wholesale Trade0131 Telecommunication Carriers Managers7246 Telecommunications Installation and Repair Workers7245 Telecommunications Line and Cable Workers7317 Textile Machinery Mechanics and Repairers5243 Theatre, Fashion, Exhibit and Other Creative Designers3144 Therapy and Assessment (Other Professional Occupations)3235 Therapy and Assessment (other Technical Occupations)7283 Tilesetters7232 Tool and Die Makers7383 Trades and Related Occupations (other)5125 Translators, Terminologists and Interpreters0713 Transportation ManagersCode U8231 Underground Production and Development Miners7341 Upholsterers2153 Urban and Land Use Planners2282 User Support Technicians0912 Utilities ManagersCode V3114 Veterinarians3213 Veterinary and Animal Health Technologists andCode W7373 Water Well Drillers2175 Web Designers and Developers7265 Welders and Related Machine Operators
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