加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民227HK新政FN内容,居然已经没有FN的说法了,变成
FN签发日期是11月17日,FN号B0527*****,正文全文内容如下:Dear Applicant,This is to advise you that your application for permanent residence has been received at our office and that a provisional file has been created for you. Your file number appears above. Please quote this number in all correspondence with our office. A receipt for application fees submitted is also enclosed. If you submitted additional supporting documents, these are being returned to you and are enclosed. We will request supporting documents at a later date.Please find attached file labels which bear your file number and a barcode which can be scanned in to our computerized processing system. Please be sure at attach one of these labels to covering page of ALL correspondence faxed or mailed to this office. By using these labels you can help us to work more efficiently. However, please do not affix these labels on bank drafts, money orders or certified cheques as they will not be accepted for payment by our bank.You may be aware that the Parliament of Canada has enacted amendments to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (“IRPA”). These amendments permit the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration to give instructions to officers regarding the processing of certain types of applications filed on or after February 27, 2008.Because no instructions have been issued by the Minister as yet, we are not able to inform you at this time whether, and how, your application might be affected. However, you can find information on the amendments at the following website: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/laws-policy/irpa.asp. We therefore ask that you do not make any inquiries with our office about the possible impact of these amendments on you application.We will contact you to let you know how your application may be affected when Minister’s instructions are issued. 乱评一下:FN有如下变化:1. FN信已经从正式的File Number变成了Provisional File Number了。也就是说,等227的Instruction出来以后,这个FN可能有如下几种命运: A:坐火箭。227以后,属于紧缺职业,立马开工审理,半年内体检。(暂且根据227新政的口风来看)当然,就目前的经济形势来看,除非你去了特别能刺激加国的经济,否则在北美就业市场紧缩的情况下,急需的人才肯定不是很多。 B:跟227以前的案子一起,Hold住,按顺序排队 C:退钱退料。 至于具体什么命,等Instruction出来以后VO的通知吧。2. 现在根本不提“我们现在正在处理xx~xx个月以前的案子”这样的说法了。貌似香港真的停了。哭。总之,这封FN信让我们读起来,还是有一点悲观的。不知道北京最近的FN怎么样。
All because of love!回复: 227HK新政FN内容,居然已经没有FN的说法了,变成了provisional file number谢谢分享。祝好运。
到加拿大留学,工作,移民,回复: 227HK新政FN内容,居然已经没有FN的说法了,变成了provisional file number不容乐观!
1、2005.9.28考ys;2005.10.07签约加成.2006.3.?递料香港,中间被退;2006.7.?再次递料香港2、fn:2006.10.10,vo:lsl; 3、补料:2007.12.10收到补料的信,vo变成mac;09.6.2收确认信,2010.5.28日签me!2010.6.15体检.2011.3.16收到pl回复: 227HK新政FN内容,居然已经没有FN的说法了,变成了provisional file number香港大势已去!
回复: 227HK新政FN内容,居然已经没有FN的说法了,变成了provisional file numberFN签发日期是11月17日,FN号B0527*****,正文全文内容如下: Dear Applicant, This is to advise you that your application for permanent residence has been received at our office and that a provisional file has been created for you. Your file number appears above. Please quote this number in all correspondence with our office. A receipt for application fees submitted is also enclosed. If you submitted additional supporting documents, these are being returned to you and are enclosed. We will request supporting documents at a later date. Please find attached file labels which bear your file number and a barcode which can be scanned in to our computerized processing system. Please be sure at attach one of these labels to covering page of ALL correspondence faxed or mailed to this office. By using these labels you can help us to work more efficiently. However, please do not affix these labels on bank drafts, money orders or certified cheques as they will not be accepted for payment by our bank. You may be aware that the Parliament of Canada has enacted amendments to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (“IRPA”). These amendments permit the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration to give instructions to officers regarding the processing of certain types of applications filed on or after February 27, 2008. Because no instructions have been issued by the Minister as yet, we are not able to inform you at this time whether, and how, your application might be affected. However, you can find information on the amendments at the following website: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/laws-policy/irpa.asp. We therefore ask that you do not make any inquiries with our office about the possible impact of these amendments on you application. We will contact you to let you know how your application may be affected when Minister’s instructions are issued. 乱评一下:FN有如下变化:1. FN信已经从正式的File Number变成了Provisional File Number了。也就是说,等227的Instruction出来以后,这个FN可能有如下几种命运:A:坐火箭。227以后,属于紧缺职业,立马开工审理,半年内体检。(暂且根据227新政的口风来看)当然,就目前的经济形势来看,除非你去了特别能刺激加国的经济,否则在北美就业市场紧缩的情况下,急需的人才肯定不是很多。B:跟227以前的案子一起,Hold住,按顺序排队C:退钱退料。至于具体什么命,等Instruction出来以后VO的通知吧。2. 现在根本不提“我们现在正在处理xx~xx个月以前的案子”这样的说法了。貌似香港真的停了。哭。 总之,这封FN信让我们读起来,还是有一点悲观的。不知道北京最近的FN怎么样。点击展开...同意你的感觉。北京的仍在发ME。
回复: 227HK新政FN内容,居然已经没有FN的说法了,变成了provisional file numberlemon,北京的2.27以后的或者最近的FN信上面还有“我们现在正在处理xx~xx个月以前的案子”的信息吗?
All because of love!回复: 227HK新政FN内容,居然已经没有FN的说法了,变成了provisional file number谢谢分享
回复: 227HK新政FN内容,居然已经没有FN的说法了,变成了provisional file number好像没有点击展开...都没有了?更加说明了申请时间是未知的了?也包括北京的
All because of love!回复: 227HK新政FN内容,居然已经没有FN的说法了,变成了provisional file number谢谢~
死亡是我们唯一确定的事,其余的都是概率~回复: 227HK新政FN内容,居然已经没有FN的说法了,变成了provisional file number?何?在?apply to HK呢? 不去北京??香港?在是死水一?啊, 即然都apply了, 那就耐心等待吧..
回复: 227HK新政FN内容,居然已经没有FN的说法了,变成了provisional file number它的意思是227后相当多的申请者将不会被处理,因为积压太多太多
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