加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民DIY-讨论紧缺职业之会计职业的要求与申请
紧缺职业出来了,与财务会计相关的有两个职业0111和1111,那在中国的会计同行如何申请呢? 申请资格的讨论: 是否一定要CGA,CMA或CA资格? 1. 是否一定要会计学位? 会计本科(没学位)或大专算不算? 2. 其他的相关学位(如国际贸易等)算不算? MBA 或硕士学位,但没有学士学位算不算? 3. 是否要通过CA,CMA 和CGA 的评估? 我查看了NOC的0111和1111的描述,好像一定要学位,但没有注明一定是会计学位,不知道理解正确吗? 关于经验 有部分的朋友是工作以后取得的学位,那取得学位之前的工作经验算吗? 4年经验算21分,是否4年都要0111或1111所规定的工作经验才能算分? 还是有四年工作经验(其中一年或以上)符合要求,则可以算四年工作经验的分(21分)? 关于定位 是否一定要财务经理0111或1111 审计与工业会计才能申请 其他的,如商业会计或政府相关的会计能否申请? 财务经理如何定位,有的公司只有一个财务,也叫财务经理? 工作的范围有没有要求,BOOKKEEPING, AR, AP 是否算会计经验? 请大家参与讨论,清楚了就可以DIY了
回复: DIY-讨论紧缺职业之会计职业的要求与申请我的疑问是如果在事务所当个小小的助理审计员,不是CPA,算不算是AUDITOR呢,还有,我对accountant 与bookkeeper的区别似乎不大清晰,谁能告诉下呢?accountant是不是一定要是会计师呢?但会计师也可以是做bookkeeper的工作啊,晕了
回复: DIY-讨论紧缺职业之会计职业的要求与申请1. 官网上对1111的职位描述( http://www5.hrsdc.gc.ca/NOC-CNP/app/checkversion.aspx?lc=e&level=4&noccode=1111&code=1 )对于Accountant没有提及学位的要求。但是对于Chartered accountants、Certified general accountants and certified management accountants、Auditors 则有学位要求。2. 对于0111 ( http://www5.hrsdc.gc.ca/NOC-CNP/app/checkversion.aspx?lc=E&noccode=0111&code=0&level=4 ) 要求必须有学士学位。3. Bookkeeper (1231)经历不能算作1111的。4. 没有取得学位之前的经历按Accountant(1111)申报,取得学位以后的经历可以按照0111或1111的其它职位申报。5. 不能肯定的是移民局是否会以申请人的助理会计师、会计师证书来判断是否合格。
回复: DIY-讨论紧缺职业之会计职业的要求与申请请问在加国财务经理收入如何?
回复: DIY-讨论紧缺职业之会计职业的要求与申请1. 官网上对1111的职位描述( http://www5.hrsdc.gc.ca/NOC-CNP/app/checkversion.aspx?lc=e&level=4&noccode=1111&code=1 )对于Accountant没有提及学位的要求。但是对于Chartered accountants、Certified general accountants and certified management accountants、Auditors 则有学位要求。 2. 对于0111 ( http://www5.hrsdc.gc.ca/NOC-CNP/app/checkversion.aspx?lc=E&noccode=0111&code=0&level=4 ) 要求必须有学士学位。 3. Bookkeeper (1231)经历不能算作1111的。 4. 没有取得学位之前的经历按Accountant(1111)申报,取得学位以后的经历可以按照0111或1111的其它职位申报。 5. 不能肯定的是移民局是否会以申请人的助理会计师、会计师证书来判断是否合格。点击展开...本人感觉不会以国内的证书来判断是否合格,因为国内的各种资格证书是不被国外认可的,澳洲的会计移民申请是必须通过大学的课程认定,满足十二门中的九门课程,不知道加拿大如何认定会计资格,CIC也没有公布38个职业资格的认定细则。之前家园里也有朋友没有国内这些证书也成功以会计职业移民加拿大的先例,也许这次只是以职业是否符合列表来判断合格与否,其他的审批细则和流程并没有改变,静观其变吧。
回复: DIY-讨论紧缺职业之会计职业的要求与申请本人感觉不会以国内的证书来判断是否合格,因为国内的各种资格证书是不被国外认可的,澳洲的会计移民申请是必须通过大学的课程认定,满足十二门中的九门课程,不知道加拿大如何认定会计资格,CIC也没有公布38个职业资格的认定细则。之前家园里也有朋友没有国内这些证书也成功以会计职业移民加拿大的先例,也许这次只是以职业是否符合列表来判断合格与否,其他的审批细则和流程并没有改变,静观其变吧。点击展开...移民局有要求提供职业资格证书的,这些将帮助他们判断申请人是否真的有资格在中国从事有关的职业工作。至于中国的资格证书不被加拿大认可,这并不影响移民申请。正如澳洲一样不认可中国的资格证书一样,以会计为职业的申请人虽然需要通过澳洲的有关专业机构认证,但是并不意味着那些可以申请移民的人就可以到澳洲后直接从事会计工作。他们仍然需要做岗前必要的培训。按常理说,移民局应该有一个判断申请人是否符合职业要求的客观标准,但是就目前加拿大移民局的混乱情况看,他们很可能尚未制定有关细则。因此,签证官(或者说是移民部长)就有了很大的主观判断权利,这也正是C-50赋予他们的权力(也是这个法案最引人争议的地方)。相信,经过一段时间后,这些问题和漏洞可以解决,但是目前应该是一个混乱期。有机会申请的人应该抓紧最后的机会。
回复: DIY-讨论紧缺职业之会计职业的要求与申请应该不会必须有加国认可的证书吧。那样的话没有几个人能够通过申请的。
回复: DIY-讨论紧缺职业之会计职业的要求与申请应该不会必须有加国认可的证书吧。那样的话没有几个人能够通过申请的。点击展开...现在不会,今后也不会。但今后有可能需要请加拿大的专业机构进行评估(如CGA),如果你的资历达到一定的程度(比如达到或接近CGA的Level 4)就应该可以申请了。当然,现在移民局究竟会采用什么标准就不清楚了。
回复: DIY-讨论紧缺职业之会计职业的要求与申请0111 Financial ManagersFinancial managers plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operation of financial and accounting departments. They develop and implement the financial policies and systems of establishments. Financial managers establish performance standards and prepare various financial reports for senior management. They are employed in financial and accounting departments in companies throughout the private sector and in government.Example Titlescontrollerdirector financial servicesdirector of accountingfinance directorfinancial administratormanager, financial controlmanager, financial planning and analysismanager, internal audit servicestreasurerView all titles Main dutiesFinancial managers perform some or all of the following duties:Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operation of an accounting, audit or other financial departmentDevelop and implement the financial policies, systems and procedures of an establishmentPrepare or co-ordinate the preparation of financial statements, summaries, and other cost-benefit analyses and financial management reportsCo-ordinate the financial planning and budget process, and analyze and correct estimatesSupervise the development and implementation of financial simulation modelsEvaluate financial reporting systems, accounting procedures and investment activities and make recommendations for changes to procedures, operating systems, budgets and other financial control functions to senior managers and other department or regional managersRecruit, organize, train and manage staffAct as liaison between the organization and its shareholders, the investing public and external financial analystsEstablish profitability standards for investment activities and handle mergers and/or acquisitionsNotify and report to senior management concerning any trends that are critical to the organization's financial performance.Employment requirementsA bachelor's degree in business administration, economics, commerce or a related field is required.Accounting and audit managers may require a recognized accounting designation (CA, CMA or CGA).A master's degree in business administration (concentration in finance), or another master's level management program may be required.Several years of experience in accounting, auditing, budgeting, financial planning and analysis or other financial activities are required.Additional informationProgression to senior management positions, such as vice-president of finance, is possible with experience.
回复: DIY-讨论紧缺职业之会计职业的要求与申请Quick Search - Results Keyword(s): "1111"1111 Financial Auditors and AccountantsFinancial auditors examine and analyze the accounting and financial records of individuals and establishments to ensure accuracy and compliance with established accounting standards and procedures. Accountants plan, organize and administer accounting systems for individuals and establishments. Articling students in accounting firms are included in this unit group. Financial auditors and accountants are employed by auditing and accounting firms throughout the private and public sectors, or they may be self-employed.Example Titlesaccountantcertified general accountant (CGA)certified management accountant (CMA)chartered accountant (CA)chief accountantfinancial auditorincome tax expertindustrial accountantinternal auditorView all titles Main dutiesFinancial auditors perform some or all of the following duties:Examine and analyze journal and ledger entries, bank statements, inventories, expenditures, tax returns and other accounting and financial records, documents and systems of an individual, department, company or other establishment to ensure financial recording accuracy and compliance with established accounting standards, procedures and internal controlsPrepare detailed reports on audit findings and make recommendations to improve individual or establishment's accounting and management practicesConduct field audits of businesses to ensure compliance with provisions of the Income Tax Act, Canadian Business Corporations Act or other statutory requirementsMay supervise other auditors or professionals in charge of accounting within client's establishment.Accountants perform some or all of the following duties:Plan, set up and administer accounting systems and prepare financial information for an individual, department, company or other establishmentExamine accounting records and prepare financial statements and reportsDevelop and maintain cost finding, reporting and internal control proceduresExamine financial accounts and records and prepare income tax returns from accounting recordsAnalyze financial statements and reports and provide financial, business and tax adviceMay act as a trustee in bankruptcy proceedingsMay supervise and train articling students, other accountants or administrative technicians.Employment requirementsChartered accountants require a university degree and Completion of a professional training program approved by a provincial institute of chartered accountants and, depending on the province, either two years or 30 months of on-the-job training and Membership in a provincial Institute of Chartered Accountants upon successful completion of the Uniform Evaluation (UFE).Certified general accountants and certified management accountants require a university degree and Completion of a training program approved by the Society of Certified General Accountants or Society of Management Accountants and several years of on-the-job training and Certification by the Certified General Accountants Association or the Society of Management Accountants.Auditors require education, training and recognition as indicated for chartered accountants, certified general accountants or certified management accountants and Some experience as an accountant.Auditors may require recognition by the Institute of Internal Auditors.To act as a trustee in bankruptcy proceedings, auditors and accountants must hold a licence as a trustee in bankruptcy.Licensing by the provincial or territorial governing body is usually required for accountants and auditors practising public accounting.Additional informationThere is limited mobility among the three professional accounting designations (CA, CGA and CMA).Progression to auditing or accounting management positions is possible with experience.
回复: DIY-讨论紧缺职业之会计职业的要求与申请引用NOC的定义,0111和1111都要求要有学位,而且是会计相关学位
回复: DIY-讨论紧缺职业之会计职业的要求与申请引用NOC的定义,0111和1111都要求要有学位,而且是会计相关学位点击展开...可以,楼上引用的定义中只要求CGA、CMA、CA和Auditor需要有学位,并没有对 Accountant(1111中的一种)要求有学位的规定呀。
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