加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民9.1后的关于大学老师的职业定位问题
2007.4.20FN HK VO:MAC回复: 9.1后的关于大学老师的职业定位问题从这次需要的职业来看,多是要求最好的人材去加拿大.
回复: 9.1后的关于大学老师的职业定位问题当然,CIC有职业描述,UNIVERSITY PROFFESORS和中国的不太一样,要求更高。在国外,教授可不是那么轻易就能当的
回复: 9.1后的关于大学老师的职业定位问题木有人知道吗
2007.4.20FN HK VO:MAC回复: 9.1后的关于大学老师的职业定位问题一定一定不是那么简单的。。是不是要通过类似职业评估的过程
小李子 志气高想学剑仙登云霄日上三竿不觉晓每日梦里乐陶陶回复: 9.1后的关于大学老师的职业定位问题我是07年4月的FN
2007.4.20FN HK VO:MAC回复: 9.1后的关于大学老师的职业定位问题大学教师即可
回复: 9.1后的关于大学老师的职业定位问题不过有学位要求,要博士以上学位!
A feeling inside ,an invisible guide!回复: 9.1后的关于大学老师的职业定位问题4121 University ProfessorsUniversity professors teach courses to undergraduate and graduate students and conduct research at universities and degree-granting colleges. University professors who are heads of departments are included in this unit group.Example TitlesEnglish professorassistant professor, botanyassociate professor, linguisticschairperson, food sciences departmentchairperson, physics departmentdepartment head, geographylecturer universityprofessor of computer scienceprofessor of medicineuniversity instructor, engineeringuniversity professorView all titles Main dutiesUniversity professors perform some or all of the following duties:Teach one or more university subjects to undergraduate and graduate studentsPrepare and deliver lectures to students and conduct laboratory sessions or discussion groupsPrepare, administer and grade examinations, laboratory assignments and reportsAdvise students on course and academic matters and career decisionsDirect research programs of graduate students and advise on research mattersConduct research in field of specialization and publish findings in scholarly journals or booksMay serve on faculty committees dealing with such matters as curriculum planning and degree requirements, and perform a variety of administrative dutiesMay represent their universities as speakers and guest lecturersMay provide professional consultative services to government, industry and private individuals.University professors specialize in a particular subject matter such as biology, chemistry, anatomy, sociology, business administration or law.Employment requirementsA doctoral degree in the field of specialization is required.Licences or professional certification may be required for professors teaching future practitioners in certain professionally regulated fields, such as medicine, engineering, architecture, psychology or law.Additional informationUniversity professors who are also practitioners in their field of specialization must have the appropriate licences or certification.Progression to senior positions within a department, faculty or university is possible with experience.自己仔细看了,网上有详细介绍!!!!!!!!!!!!http://www5.hrsdc.gc.ca/NOC-CNP/app/checkversion.aspx?lc=e&level=4&noccode=4121&code=4
A feeling inside ,an invisible guide!回复: 9.1后的关于大学老师的职业定位问题Employment requirementsA doctoral degree in the field of specialization is required. 这个是必须的
A feeling inside ,an invisible guide!请问4121 UNIVERSITY PROFFESORS 必须是教授吗?点击展开...你不会想撤重递吧??
The only predictable thing about life is its unpredictability.回复: 9.1后的关于大学老师的职业定位问题那只有硕士学位的大学讲师呢,定位哪个职业?
09.11.1 长登卡尔加里2016 转战大温开店 北本拿比注册按摩师 注册针灸师回复: 9.1后的关于大学老师的职业定位问题回楼上的,,,4131也可以的,主要是要看你的工作duty
A feeling inside ,an invisible guide!回复: 9.1后的关于大学老师的职业定位问题4131 College and Other Vocational Instructors这个指的就是大学或职校的讲师上面4121指的是大学教授
回复: 9.1后的关于大学老师的职业定位问题关注!
Be the change that you wish to see in the world.那只有硕士学位的大学讲师呢,定位哪个职业?点击展开...看这个。http://www5.hrsdc.gc.ca/NOC-CNP/app/checkversion.aspx?lc=e&level=4&noccode=4131&code=4
赏 你不会想撤重递吧??点击展开...可没有
2007.4.20FN HK VO:MAC4121 University Professors University professors teach courses to undergraduate and graduate students and conduct research at universities and degree-granting colleges. University professors who are heads of departments are included in this unit group. Example Titles English professorassistant professor, botanyassociate professor, linguisticschairperson, food sciences departmentchairperson, physics departmentdepartment head, geographylecturer universityprofessor of computer scienceprofessor of medicineuniversity instructor, engineeringuniversity professor View all titles Main duties University professors perform some or all of the following duties:Teach one or more university subjects to undergraduate and graduate studentsPrepare and deliver lectures to students and conduct laboratory sessions or discussion groupsPrepare, administer and grade examinations, laboratory assignments and reportsAdvise students on course and academic matters and career decisionsDirect research programs of graduate students and advise on research mattersConduct research in field of specialization and publish findings in scholarly journals or booksMay serve on faculty committees dealing with such matters as curriculum planning and degree requirements, and perform a variety of administrative dutiesMay represent their universities as speakers and guest lecturersMay provide professional consultative services to government, industry and private individuals.University professors specialize in a particular subject matter such as biology, chemistry, anatomy, sociology, business administration or law.Employment requirements A doctoral degree in the field of specialization is required.Licences or professional certification may be required for professors teaching future practitioners in certain professionally regulated fields, such as medicine, engineering, architecture, psychology or law.Additional information University professors who are also practitioners in their field of specialization must have the appropriate licences or certification.Progression to senior positions within a department, faculty or university is possible with experience. 自己仔细看了,网上有详细介绍!!!!!!!!!!!!http://www5.hrsdc.gc.ca/NOC-CNP/app/checkversion.aspx?lc=e&level=4&noccode=4121&code=4点击展开...重点大学的讲师,硕士学位也可以定位4121吧
2007.4.20FN HK VO:MAC回复: 9.1后的关于大学老师的职业定位问题楼主不必担心:我的同事就是大学讲师,硕士学位,4121,已经登陆了.
回复: 9.1后的关于大学老师的职业定位问题楼主不必担心:我的同事就是大学讲师,硕士学位,4121,已经登陆了.点击展开...非常感谢!
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