加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民所谓‘紧缺职业表’是很可笑的,请看。。
其实加拿大根本没有什么紧缺的职业。如果真有什么好缺,本地公民,老移民不做,非要等着留给外国人做吗? 博士,教授又如何,还不是照样要去餐馆洗碗。整天被餐馆老板挥来喝去。碗洗了?那好,拖地板去!这些人不移还好,移了肯定后悔。到时候就打断牙自己吞吧。 总之,在列表中的别高兴,能移对你未必是好事。不在的,尽管放宽心,很可能对你反而是个好消息,从此可以去掉移民这个孽障。 如果不死心,非要移,非要把自己一辈子葬送,那也就随他去吧。。 加拿大政府绝对不是什么好政府,整个一官僚,不负责任的。什么东西都是政治挂帅。移民局与社会现实是完全的,不相干的两回事。现实是,移民局根本管不了社会实体,比如说,医院等等。移民官搞进来的外国医生,医院非得要录用不可吗?凭什么?这个道理就像现在中国的警官学校,也招了不少人,但是不安排工作。你也被录取了,学习过程中也像个警察了,毕业之后呢?有人说,如果警校学生不能当上警察,让他们去当小偷吗?因为他们学的就是那个东西了。移民就是这个道理,还更不如。招你进这个表面风光的‘警官学校’,毕业之后,等你的,却往往就是去当小偷的结局。各位不要上当了。
回复: 所谓‘紧缺职业表’是很可笑的,请看。。Top Eight Reasons NOT to Immigrate to Canada 8. Discriminatory and Dishonest Immigration System. Immigration to Canada is based on a point system, obtained with your education, qualifications and job experience. Points are good enough for immigration, but in Canada, they are not good enough to get a job in your field. Amazing, how the credentials that qualify you to come to Canada are the same credentials that don't qualify you for your profession in Canada. The reason is, Canada only wants immigrants to do the labor jobs - pizza delivery, driving taxis, factory work etc. 没错,你够格移民了,但是你还是得自己去找工作,移民是一回事,找工作是另一回事。就算移民官看得起你了,不等于别人就得也一样看得起你。谁都不是傻瓜,但是我们知道加拿大政府确实比较有问题。 7. Out Of Control Cost Of Living. From rent, to utility bills, to shopping, to phone, internet and cable bills, to gas, to car insurance, to eating out, to basically anything you have to pay for or buy, the cost of living in Canada has become astronomical. Recent immigrants are astonished as to how expensive everything is. It is estimated that compared to most countries around the world, the cost of living in Canada is on average five times greater. 是很贵的啊,很多东西都是中国的10倍。包括房价/房租,汽车保险,吃饭,等等。。请注意很多东西不是5倍,是10倍!请问你有多少钱可以在这里花?连续花个5年看看?6. Health Care Crisis. Practicing physicians in Canada are in a shortage, 1 in 4 Canadians cannot get a family doctor. Doctors in Canada are overworked and underpaid, and there is a cap on their salaries. 医疗的问题,大家也都知道了。有空就多等等吧。哈。说的也是奇怪,怎么加拿大就缺医生?如果医生那么好,为何没有人想当医生呢?奇怪吧?想想以前的文革时代,明明有土地,为何却不让耕种,农民要饿死?加拿大为何会缺医生?冷静想想,同样道理,就知道是制度问题。何况,中国的医生,就算移民官让去了,去了就能当上医生?不能。因为你不够格。你没有当地学历,没有当地资格证,怎么有可能让你上岗。再培训?搞个5年不知道有没有结果。。期间的费用呢? 5. Very High Taxes. Yes, you have the GST, the PST, totaling 15%, on practically everything you purchase and many other taxes taken out of our weekly paycheck. You have to pay a whopping amount to the government, out of your hard earned salary. Fair? It does not matter, it's Canada. 高税收,不用说了吧。搞移民的目的不就是多收税吗? 4. Money Hungry Government. Canadian Embassies around the world lie to foreigners, painting this picture that Canada is Utopia, because they want them to come to Canada. Why? Because foreigners bring money! So after being deceived, these foreigners come. They must bring with them at least $10,000. Canada has an immigration quota of 250,000 per year. So please do the math, 250,000 multiplied by $10,000 each equals a whopping 2.5 Billion dollars that Canada gains from immigrants every year. 呵呵,就是就是。骗来,把你的家底榨光,然后,你回去吧。再招新人。。新人那么多,排队着呢。想想那么多新人,你就知道你到了会不会被重视了。 3. No Culture. Unlike almost every other country in the world, Canada has no culture. When was the last time you had some 'Canadian' food? There are no Canadian traditions and there is no national identity. What does it even mean to call yourself a 'Canadian'. . .nothing really. People living in Canada, still identify themselves with the country they 'originally' came from. 确实没有什么文化。你还是‘中国人’,人家还是当你是chinese。这一点永远也改变不了,即使你自己想改。人家也不认。 2. Worst Weather. Yes, Canada has the worst weather conditions of any country in the world. Freezing cold temperatures, snow, ice, hail, winds, storms etc. From the Prairie provinces to the Maritimes, from the Territories to southern Ontario, the weather is so horrific and disgusting that many Canadians leave Canada simply because of this reason alone. 这个不用说了。 1. No Jobs. Yes, coast to coast, there are no jobs. Immigrants are highly qualified (MD's, PhD's, Lawyers, Engineers etc.) but they are driving taxi cabs, delivering pizza's or working in factories. Even people with bachelors degrees from Canadian Universities cannot find jobs after graduation. This is the tragedy associated with immigration to Canada. I feel sorry for those immigrants who are stuck in Canada for the rest of their lives. It is indeed a very sad and hopeless future. 能有工作吗?每年搞那么多移民,就算本来有几个工作,本地人挑一挑,老移民分一点。你这个新人去了,如何?人家要鸟你吗?何况,还有那么多新新人等着呢。。Please do not believe the fancy websites made by the Government of Canada or by the Canadian immigration laywers. They are not telling you the truth. Do your own research!
回复: 所谓‘紧缺职业表’是很可笑的,请看。。有道理,学习了
回复: 所谓‘紧缺职业表’是很可笑的,请看。。围城
回复: 所谓‘紧缺职业表’是很可笑的,请看。。紧缺职业哪国都有,问题是我们是不是真的符合紧缺职业的条件要求,以紧缺职业移民是不是就能够找到对应的紧缺职业的工作。围城!需求不一样,移民动机就不一样。移民并不适合所有人,并不是所有人都适合移民。有的人从来就不想出去,有的人出去后就不想回来,还有的人拼命想出去,出去后又死活不适应
一个成功的男人就是能够挣到比妻子花的钱更多的人,一个成功的女人就是能够成功找到这样一个男人。回复: 所谓‘紧缺职业表’是很可笑的,请看。。1
My grandmother used to say, "Always do good to others." She was right. I do good to others (and Nature). I sense the happiness I give them, and their happiness makes me happy.回复: 所谓‘紧缺职业表’是很可笑的,请看。。以上发言如果是列表出来之前就更好了,呵呵。
When everybody is somebody then nobody is anybody.回复: 所谓‘紧缺职业表’是很可笑的,请看。。当然要自己找工作啊。。。。
回复: 所谓‘紧缺职业表’是很可笑的,请看。。LZ说的挺好的...有的事情就是好事变坏,坏事变好呢!命里注定吧...
FN:2008-04-10回复: 所谓‘紧缺职业表’是很可笑的,请看。。恩
回复: 所谓‘紧缺职业表’是很可笑的,请看。。up
09/05/26妥投悉尼 | 09/08/08屠鸭胜利| 09/09/01补料信到 | 09/09/08补料香港 | 09/09/18FN签发 | 09/12/11体检信到 | 09/12/25俺毕业了回复: 所谓‘紧缺职业表’是很可笑的,请看。。你从事的职业是否热门是一回事,而你从事该门职业能否找到工作那就是另外一回事了。大家都说IT热门,是紧缺职业,但难道做IT的就是100%就业?行业热门并不代表你从事这个热门职业就肯定能找到工作,这个无论是中国还是加拿大都一样。紧缺职业只是说明需求大,但并不是来者不拒。中国10多亿人够多了吧,连找一支像样的足球国家队都不行,这不是你说有人肯干就可以的。LZ说这话纯粹就是酸葡萄的心理,如果不想去,你来这个论坛干什么呢?
回复: 所谓‘紧缺职业表’是很可笑的,请看。。不懂楼主的意思了,你看得开就别移民,另外关于房价的问题懒得说,只要你在深圳上海北京,房价就不见得比加国贵,难道中国的工作你不是自己找?找不到工作的硕士本科生一把吧?至于骗钱的事情我还觉得比本国贪污腐败的政府好太多了~~懒得说了,不喜欢别去,本来也不欢迎你去
回复: 所谓‘紧缺职业表’是很可笑的,请看。。广州:1500硕士争当“猪肉佬”
2007.07.09 FN VO:SKM 小鸡长大了就变成了鹅;鹅长大了,就变成了羊;羊再长大了,就变成了牛;等牛长大了,Visa就到了。Man proposes, God disposes.回复: 所谓‘紧缺职业表’是很可笑的,请看。。其实LZ说的也对,只有走过来的人才知道移民的艰辛与甜蜜,现在就是围城,国内的人想过来,这的人好多想回去却又舍不得放手,就像鸡肋!在加拿大的中国人混的好的不多!说的不对的地方,轻点拍哦!
回复: 所谓‘紧缺职业表’是很可笑的,请看。。路过留痕。
回复: 所谓‘紧缺职业表’是很可笑的,请看。。申请人职位在这38个紧缺职业里面就处理申请,不在就退钱不处理。这不是一棍打死好多人么?澳大利亚即使你不是紧缺职业,只要你够分也能够申请,紧缺职业只是给与额外的加分而已。而加拿大移民局,凭什么这样一棍打死全部不在38个紧缺职业的人??这就是公平?
回复: 所谓‘紧缺职业表’是很可笑的,请看。。我们有钱到加拿大来坐移民监,他们还不要,我们也没办法,但借他200万不给利息,也太亏了。我们带来的消费好不好。
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