加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民省提名技术移民 - 有没有改走省提名的


我们职业不在38内,所以想改走省移民。主申的姐姐已经在卡尔加里生活5年了,所以我们想改投阿省的省提名移民。 谁知道省移民的周期有多长?也欢迎有同样想法的交流一下申请过程。

09.11.1 长登卡尔加里2016 转战大温开店 北本拿比注册按摩师 注册针灸师回复: 有没有改走省提名的一年左右

回复: 有没有改走省提名的请问投阿省需要什么条件?

回复: 有没有改走省提名的请问投阿省需要什么条件?点击展开...同问

09/05/26妥投悉尼 | 09/08/08屠鸭胜利| 09/09/01补料信到 | 09/09/08补料香港 | 09/09/18FN签发 | 09/12/11体检信到 | 09/12/25俺毕业了回复: 有没有改走省提名的http://www.albertacanada.com/immigration/immigrate/familystream.html

09.11.1 长登卡尔加里2016 转战大温开店 北本拿比注册按摩师 注册针灸师回复: 有没有改走省提名的好像要有亲属在该省居住慢2年。很多省都有省提名移民,没有分数要求,雅思也只要4以上就行,基本上满足联邦移民条件的,在加有亲属的都可以申请省提名。联邦太难搞了,条条大路通罗马,如果英语好可以浏览官方移民网站,去加拿大真的不只联邦移民一条路,只是大家不了解。

09.11.1 长登卡尔加里2016 转战大温开店 北本拿比注册按摩师 注册针灸师回复: 有没有改走省提名的好像不使在加有亲属就行,必须是在该省有亲属在该省居住慢2年You can provide proof of a close relative in Alberta (defined as a mother/father, son/daughter, sister/ brother, aunt/uncle, niece/nephew) who is willing to complete a Sponsorship Affidavit of Support on your behalf

回复: 有没有改走省提名的以下内容必须首先yes,才有资格,但不保证一定成功:1、Connection You can provide proof of a close relative in Alberta (defined as a mother/father, son/daughter, sister/ brother, aunt/uncle, niece/nephew) who is willing to complete a Sponsorship Affidavit of Support on your behalf2、Sponsor Your Sponsor is at least 21 years of age, a Canadian citizen or permanent resident (for at least two years) of Canada, and has been living in Alberta for the past two years3、Sponsor Support Your Sponsor can show their ability to support you by demonstrating employment, private pension or other regular source of income for the past 12 months OR a minimum of CAD $15,000 in unencumbered, transferable and available assets (jewellery, cars or other personal assets are not considered) over and above any income received from government transfer payments (e.g. Old Age Security, Canada Pension Plan, etc.)4、Age You and your spouse or common-law partner are between the ages of 21 and 455、Language AbilityYou and your spouse or common-law partner can demonstrate one of the following:You and your spouse or common-law partner have both obtained an International English Language Testing System (IELTS) minimum score of 4.0, or a minimum level of 3 (361-540) on the Test d’evaluation de franais (TEF), ORYou and your spouse or common-law partner can demonstrate that English or French is your primary language of use (the language most commonly used in your household), OR You and your spouse or common-law partner have completed a minimum of a baccalaureate in English or French6、Education / Training and Work Experience You or your spouse or common-law partner can:1. Demonstrate completion of a post-secondary education or training program that is a minimum of 1 year in duration and receipt of a degree, diploma or certificateAND2. Demonstrate one of the following:a minimum of three years of work experience within the past four years, OR three years of full-time post-secondary school within the past four years, OR a combination of three years of full-time work experience and post-secondary school within the past four years7、Financial Support You or your spouse or common-law partner or your sponsor can satisfactorily demonstrate intention and ability to establish successfully in Alberta, based on your accessible funds in a recognized Canadian financial institution:at least CAD $10,000 for yourselfat least CAD $2,000 for each of your dependents说白了只有一点:该省有亲属,能出证明 其余只要能走联邦的都能达到

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