加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民[报到]HK CASE And processing


2002.12~2004.4 decide to immigration2004.4~10 Prepare for IELTS 2004.10.16~17 Take Exams (L5.5, S5,R5.5,W5)2004.11.27 Sign contract with CanAchieve AgentAnd begin to conllect the documents-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4-Year bachelor in mechanism with 4-year experience. 20 + 2127 years old and married a woman with a college degree, 10 + 3whose brother is now in Vancouver 5L5.5S5R5.5W5 for IELTS 2*4 = 8 in all 67-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PS: All is done through my agent2005.7.10 Send the Application2005.7.19Pay the processing fee (Agent's master card)2005.8.28Get a phone call for agent and get the FN(8.18 LSL B0********[ST1])Ask to provide My spouse's academic record in English2005.9.4 Send the required Documents2005.9.12Adress is shown on the Status Webpage2006.7.3the words in the mailing address " People's Republic of China" and "To change this mailing address, contact us" have disappeared2007.6.25The agency told me ME was coming. And Certificates of Saving and Police are required!2007.7.5 ME in New Omega Clinic Guangzhou.2007.10.8DM has come at last.2007.11.12PL is issured on Nevember 6, and received today. I will get the Visas next Monday.2007.11.19Go to Hongkong for picking up visa which was issued on 4 October 2007. -----------------------------------------------------------------2008.01.12Attend BMO New IMMIGRANT SEMINAR2008.01.18Open Account in CIBC2008.01.26-27Attend IMMIGRANT INTERVIEW sponsored by CIIP .2008.02.13Transfer Canadian dollors to CIBC Account via ICBC online bank.http://post.iask.ca/canadameet/topic/1553802008.02.17Book ticket of PEK--YYZ2008.03.05Consign bags by rail---------------------------------2008.03.07Depature form Guangzhou by rail2008.03.08Arrive at Beijing2008.03.10Entered Canada at the Lester B. Pearson International Airport, Terminal No. 1 office on March 10, 2008 and became a Permanent Resident.--------------------------------------------------2008.03.11Apply for SIN, Active CIBC Account, Open Saving account, and apply for Credit Card2008.03.14Buy cellphone at Fido store in Pacific Mall, sign 3-year contract.2008.03.17Take G1 knowledge test, get the temporary license, Go to YMCA to make an appoint ment on LINC assessment.2008.03.19Take LINC assessment, got LINC 5.2008.03.20Take part in session "Your Fanancil Rights".Get info about Starting Point programme, make an appointment with VPI to get referral.2008.03.24Go to VPI, be referred to Staring Point programme.2008.03.25Ask YMCA help me to make credential assessment2008.03.31Visit my consulator, initiating Starting Point programme.2008.04.02Take test about work ability,intreset,and value.2008.04.23Programme ends, send resume to the positions on WEBSITE JOBBANK.Begin to attend fulltime LINC.2008.04.28Get phone call of interview. Decide to make interview on May 2.2008.05.02Passed interview and begin work on May 12.2008.05.12Start to work as a mechanic.http://forum.iask.ca/threads/我的找工经历-heavy-duty-equipment-technician-421a和truck-and-coach-technician-310t.219231/2008.12.10Fail the driver licence test for having made dangerours action.http://post.iask.ca/canadameet/topic/2176902008.12.22Get G2 licence.http://post.iask.ca/canadameet/topic/2197002008.12.31Get my first Car(93 Camry LE V6)2009.04.13Get my daughter Angela2010.1.21Buy a Condo2010.5.8Get G licence.2010.12.20Change insurer to Belair Direct2011.12.04Change back to TD2012.01.31Get my son Edward2012.10.13Send citizenship appliation to CIC CPC.2012.12.20Send PR Card renewal application.2013.01.11Citizenship application in process.2013.02.20PR Card renewal DM.2013.04.24Get a new job as a Truck and Coach Technician.Summary about Heavy Duty Equipment Technician.My Story about Truck and Coach Technican2013.12.03Citizenship Written Exam Passed.2014.02.06Get citizenship certificate.2015.07.31Get anther car2017.04.28Thinking about starting P.Eng Application-----------------------------------------------------------------------This topic will be updated timely.



Tree New Bee​​ 2006-02-14#4 弄花香满衫
13,420 $0.00 请问LZ Ask to provide My spouse's academic record in English是什么东东??

Tree New Bee​​ 2006-02-14#5 H 1,067 $0.00 老婆的英文成绩单,递交申请的时候,学校密封信封中只有中文的,只好重新办过英文的!

hkice 说:老婆的英文成绩单,递交申请的时候,学校密封信封中只有中文的,只好重新办过英文的!点击展开...你签名中的分数计算有问题呀应该是22+21+10+8+4+5=70分吧

2005年01月24日 HK FN vo:ROW 2005年07月14日 签发ME2005年07月26日 上海新乐医院ME2005年08月23日 递交新加坡CNCC2005年10月04日 登陆费收据2006年01月06日 实际上此时visa已经做好了2006年01月12日 Decision Made!2006年01月24日 签发PL!正好是FN一周年2006年4月19日 加航上海-温哥华-渥太华2005年加拿大联邦技术移民指南,最新的移民要求和信息!我的File Number信[FN]  我的Medical Examination信[ME]  我的Pick-up Letter信[PL]http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?p=560629#post5606293月14日香港取签经验分享! 2006-02-15#7 弄花香满衫
13,420 $0.00 感谢LZ的回答,加SW给你~~~

Tree New Bee​​ 2006-02-15#8 A 38 $0.00 真够艰辛的了!不容易啊,好好学习一下!


2005-12申请加拿大技术移民;2007-12香港取签证;2008-08-08登陆加拿大;2014-9至今Richmond Hill;你签名中的分数计算有问题呀应该是22+21+10+8+4+5=70分吧点击展开...1* -Obtained a university degree of two years or more at the bachelor’s level and completed at least 14 years of full-time or full-time equivalent studiesYour score up to this point is: 20 not 222.IELTS Moderate Proficiency 2*4 = 8 no the 2nd language scoreYour score up to this point is: 283.Work Experience(MAX 21): 4 or more years 21Your score up to this point is: 48 4.Age(MAX10): 27 10Your score up to this point is: 585.Arranged Employment(maximum 10 points) :No Arranged EmploymentYour score up to this point is: 58 6.Adaptability(MAX10)(1) Accompanying Spouse / Common-Law Partner’s Education:A two-year diploma, trade certificate or apprenticeship or university degree at the bachelor’s level and completed at least 14 years of full-time or full-time equivalent studies (not sure so It accounts for 3)(2) Principal Applicant or Spouse / Common-Law Partner has studied in Canada no(3)Principal Applicant or Spouse / Common-Law Partner has worked in Canadano(4)Principal Applicant has obtained points under Factor 5, Arranged Employmentno(5) Principal Applicant or Spouse / Common-Law Partner has family in CanadaFamily in Canada (parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, sister, brother, niece, nephew, child or grandchild, spouse or common-law partner who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident living in Canada)Your final score is: 68 (67)


2006-02-15#12 wingwinggg 9,707 $0.00 其实我很想知道,为什么这么多人认为中国的4年本科学位是22分?证据呢?CIC官方证实的?还是你们自己认为?LZ自评没有问题,education在CIC上确实写得清清楚楚20分,难道我英文太差,没有理解CIC的英文依据?LZ确实是68(只要是全日制脱产2年制大专,配偶学历是4分)。很正确的评估自己对自己是有好无坏!

2005-12申请加拿大技术移民;2007-12香港取签证;2008-08-08登陆加拿大;2014-9至今Richmond Hill; 2006-02-15#13 wingwinggg 9,707 $0.00 LZ也很认真阅读了CIC条例哦。连‘AND’都看到了。呵呵呵~~~~~~~~~PFPF

2005-12申请加拿大技术移民;2007-12香港取签证;2008-08-08登陆加拿大;2014-9至今Richmond Hill; 2006-02-15#14 Peter_ZKH 2,226 $0.00 bachelor's level not bachelor degree!

bachelor's level not bachelor degree!点击展开...-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Master’s or PhD and at least 17 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study 25-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Two or more university degrees at the Bachelor's level and at least 15 years of 22full-time or full-time equivalent study; orA three-year diploma, trade certificate or apprenticeship and at least 15 years offull-time or full-time equivalent study-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A university degree of two years or more at the Bachelor's level, and at least 14 20 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study; orA two-year diploma, trade certificate or apprenticeship and at least 14 years offull-time or full-time equivalent study-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Score 15 will not be discussed.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The above information is quilted for CIC website file EG0007.pdfwhich item is up to you? only 20you can download it form the adresshttp://www.cic.gc.ca/english/applications/skilled.html -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Except for the 3 levels of degree--bachelor, master and doctor, what level will be used to describe your university degree? Of course, I hope I could get 22 points too, however, the fact is the fact , olny 20 will be given to us,which will not be changed with our wish.I have seen a webpage about the detail explanation of the item, whith says one can only get 20 points if he or she obtained a 4-year university bachelar degree. If you are sure that you can get 22, give your renson. Which item do you sum the points according with?


I agree with you!It is of vital importance that all of us can get visas.

回复: [报到]HK CASE And processing2002.12~2004.4 decide to immigration2004.4~10 Prepare for IELTS 2004.10.16~17 Take Exams (L5.5, S5,R5.5,W5)2004.11.27 Sign contract with CanAchieve AgentAnd begin to conllect the documents-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4-Year bachelor in mechanism with 4-year experience. 20 + 2127 years old and married a woman with a college degree, 10 + 3whose brother is now in Vancouver 5L5.5S5R5.5W5 for IELTS 2*4 = 8 in all 67 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PS: All is done through my agent2005.7.10 Send the Application2005.7.19Pay the processing fee (Agent's master card)2005.8.28Get a phone call for agent and get the FN(8.18 LSL B0********[ST1]) Ask to provide My spouse's academic record in English2005.9.4 Send the required Documents2005.9.12Adress is shown on the Status Webpage2006.7.3the words in the mailing address " People's Republic of China" and "To change this mailing address, contact us" have disappeared2007.6.25The agency told me ME was coming. And Certificates of Saving and Police are required!2007.7.5 ME in New Omega Clinic Guangzhou.2007.10.8DM has come at last.2007.11.12PL is issured on Nevember 6, and received today. I will get the Visas next Monday.2007.11.19Go to Hongkong for picking up visa which was issued on 4 October 2007. -----------------------------------------------------------------2008.01.12Attend BMO New IMMIGRANT SEMINAR2008.01.18Open Account in CIBC2008.01.26-27Attend IMMIGRANT INTERVIEW sponsored by CIIP .2008.02.13Transfer Canadian dollors to CIBC Account via ICBC online bank.http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=1553802008.02.17Book ticket of PEK--YYZ2008.03.05Consign bags by rail---------------------------------2008.03.07Depature form Guangzhou by rail2008.03.08Arrive at Beijing2008.03.10You entered Canada at the Lester B. Pearson International Airport, Terminal No. 1 office on March 10, 2008 and became a Permanent Resident. --------------------------------------------------2008.03.11Apply for SIN, Active CIBC Account, Open Saving account, and apply for Credit Card 2008.03.14Buy cellphone at Fido store in Pacific Mall, sign 3-year contract.2008.03.17Take G1 knowledge test, get the temporary license, Go to YMCA to make an appoint ment on LINC assessment.2008.03.19Take LINC assessment, got LINC 5.2008.03.20 Take part in session "Your Fanancil Rights".Get info about Starting Point programme, make an appointment with VPI to get referral. 2008.03.24Go to VPI, be referred to Staring Point programme.2008.03.25Ask YMCA help me to make credential assessment2008.03.31 Visit my consulator, initiating Starting Point programme.2008.04.02Take test about work ability,intreset,and value.2008.04.23Programme ends, send resume to the positions on WEBSITE JOBBANK.Begin to attend fulltime LINC.2008.04.28Get phone call of interview. Decide to make interview on May 2.2008.05.02Passed interview and begin work on May 12.2008.05.12Start to work as a mechanic.2008.12.10Fail the driver licence test for having made dangerours action. This topic will be updated timely.点击展开...够详细的。。。。。

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