加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民免雅思的可能性
实在是不想考试了,能变通吗?有经验的同学来分享一下! 我有01年的成绩,分数够了,想再附一份说明,解释英语一直是工作语言,不可一日无英语,然后再附一些工作中的文书往来等。这样行吗?
回复: 免雅思的可能性实在是不想考试了,能变通吗?有经验的同学来分享一下! 我有01年的成绩,分数够了,想再附一份说明,解释英语一直是工作语言,不可一日无英语,然后再附一些工作中的文书往来等。这样行吗?点击展开...唉,没人理,等于问自己!
回复: 免雅思的可能性知彼知己,百战不殆。你先看看人家怎么评分,把这些都研究明白再决定吧:Kit and Web site instructions make it clear that it is the responsibility of the applicant to choosewhich of these two options to follow, and outline the consequences of this decision. Theinstructions in the kit: strongly advise taking a test from an approved organization if English and/or French is not theapplicant's native language;10.10. Other written evidenceIf the applicant provides a written explanation and supporting documentation in lieu of test results,officers must assess it against the Canadian Language Benchmarks 2000, and/or the StandardsLinguistiques Canadiens 2006. R79(2) establishes the following equivalencies between the fourproficiency levels and the Canadian Language Benchmarks:......The onus is on the applicant to satisfy the officer of claimed language proficiency. Given the detailed nature of the Canadian Language Benchmarks 2000 and the Standardslinguistiques canadiens 2000 it should be clear that, in most cases where languageproficiency is not patently obvious from the applicant’s background, self-serving declarations,third-party testimonials and/or other claims not supported by detailed and objective evidencewill be of little probative value in establishing high or moderate proficiency.详细链接参见签名档
Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第一!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian回复: 免雅思的可能性LZ既然“英语一直是工作语言,不可一日无英语”,考个雅算什么,何必费那神来想如何免雅,自寻烦路
新手教程1:9/1新程序版导读及填表问题索引地址、住址英译(简表问题12 & 13) ☆★☆ 喝小茶 养养身 来尚云号坐坐 ☆★☆回复: 免雅思的可能性NO WAY
回复: 免雅思的可能性谢谢各位给的建议,我是需要被人推着做事的,所以,这下踏实了,定考位,2月7日考。
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