加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民ZT 38??先?? 申?移民毋?1年


明哥公民、移民及多文化部康尼(Jason Kenney,)在2009年新年言中,政府在2008年推出技移民38先查的目,在目的技移民申,可望自去等待5年至6年,至6至12月。他相信新措施有助控制的申案,同可加拿大吸引合的技人才。康尼同介了去一年政府做的工作,包括政府推出加速查技移民,共列出38,如核、、科生、主及等各省急需的人才,申至6至12月。

回复: ZT 38??先?? 申?移民毋?1年有些繁体字拷不过来,凑合着看吧,意思明白就行

回复: ZT 38??先?? 申?移民毋?1年谢谢,也不知我什么时候收到补料信呀。11月FN香港的案子

回复: ZT 38??先?? 申?移民毋?1年这是原文:Minister Kenney offers New Year's greetingsOttawa, December 30, 2008 The Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, issued the following statement on New Year’s Eve:“As we turn our thoughts to celebrating the start of a new year, I would like to take this opportunity to offer my best wishes to all Canadians and newcomers to our country, as well as look back on what we accomplished in 2008. “Our government introduced an Action Plan for Faster Immigration that better aligns our immigration system with our labour market needs. The Action Plan will also help clear the immigration backlog and process new skilled workers in 6 to 12 months, as opposed to 5 to 6 years under the previous system.“Our government has been investing an additional $1.4 billion over five years in settlement funding since 2006 for activities such as language training, job search and employment services to help newcomers integrate successfully in Canada. “We introduced changes to the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program, which would make it easier for international students to get Canadian work experience after they graduate. “We introduced the Canadian Experience Class, a new avenue for immigration which allows an applicant’s Canadian experience to be considered as a key selection factor when immigrating to Canada.“In addition, our decision to extend NAFTA work permits to 3 years will make Canada an even more attractive destination for high-skilled professionals, such as doctors, nurses, lawyers, and teachers.“In 2009, while other countries are considering scaling back their immigration levels, our government has promised to maintain immigration levels, including in family class, skilled worker, and humanitarian categories.“The coming year will present challenges. However, we will meet these challenges together as we have many times before. We are fortunate to live in a country of great peace, prosperity, diversity and potential.“As Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, I wish you and your family a safe and joyous New Year’s celebration and a happy and prosperous 2009.”

回复: ZT 38??先?? 申?移民毋?1年看来,确实有半年---1年办成的希望啊。

回复: ZT 38??先?? 申?移民毋?1年就是不知道配额问题如何解决,快可以是很快,其实问题简单,但是,毕竟一年的配额有限,怎么办呢?也许2个月就把一年的配额用完了呢。

回复: ZT 38??先?? 申?移民毋?1年就是不知道配额问题如何解决,快可以是很快,其实问题简单,但是,毕竟一年的配额有限,怎么办呢?也许2个月就把一年的配额用完了呢。点击展开... 的确是这样的,举个例子比如09年1111这个配额是2000个,从1月1日起接收本年度的申请,这个2000个配额也许1个月或2个月就满了,这时移民部就会停止接收申请,那么以后想申请1111的人只能等了。所以新政后的技术移民申请主要集中在年初的几个月的时间里,这就看谁的速度快了

加拿大安荣国际咨询集团加拿大移民顾问有限公司加拿大移民顾问协会(CSIC)会员邮箱:[email protected]明哥公民、移民及多文化部康尼(Jason Kenney,)在2009年新年言中,政府在2008年推出技移民38先查的目,在目的技移民申,可望自去等待5年至6年,至6至12月。他相信新措施有助控制的申案,同可加拿大吸引合的技人才。 康尼同介了去一年政府做的工作,包括政府推出加速查技移民,共列出38,如核、、科生、主及等各省急需的人才,申至6至12月。点击展开...我觉得这完全不可能 你们想想,227到现在都已经快一年了,如果这是真的,也就是说再有两个多月,第一批227新政后的紧缺职业申请者就会移民去加拿大了,这可能吗?到现在227后还没一个收到ME的呢。 如果这第一批申请人都不可能在一年内完成申请,那么在他们之后的申请人怎麽可能比他们快呢?

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