加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民有关申请表的签名问题
1、EG7第41页有说到:"The application must be signed and dated before it is mailed. If your application is not signed and dated, it will be returned to you.",但是有些申请表没有签名的地方,如:IMM 0008-Generic和IMM 0008- Schedule 3,这些表格需要签名吗?签在哪?2、申请表格在寄出去前需要复印一份,是签完名后复印,还是复印后再各自签名,又或者是签完名后复印再签名(即有两个签名)?大家是怎么理解这段话的:"For your personal records, you should retain copies of all forms. All copies must have an original signature. Applicants using Category 1 will be requested to submit a signed copy of these forms if the application is recommended for further assessment to a Canadian Visa Office. Should there be any changes made to the information on the forms, a letter of explanation should accompany the submission to the Visa Office."
回复: 有关申请表的签名问题我的理解是签名后再复印留底,这样下次寄往visa office的申请和递交到CIU的完全保持一致。
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