加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民227新政之下提前??
朋友最近收到的一封信: 昨天下班回到家,看到桌上有一份信!拆封前心真是七上八下,拆信後心倒未有很大的起伏我收到的信是refund通知,因是在去年2/28之後送件的不是加拿大目前需要的工作缺,所以不合格。信件摘要Date: January 14, 2009 Dear … Your application for permanent residence in Canada in the Federal Skilled Worker Class was received on March 27, 2008.As you may be aware, changes were made to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act which affect applications submitted on or after February 27, 2008. Since your application was received on or after this date, your application is subject to these amendments…Your occupations do not correspond to any of the occupations specified in the instructions. As your occupations are not included on the list of eligible occupations, we are unable to process your application at this time.The Processing Fee that you have paid for yourself and your spouse is refundable. You will find enclosed the request for visa fee refund form that you must complete and return before we are able to issue to you your refund…From: Canadian Trade Office in Taipei
回复: 227新政之下提前??毕业?
FN:0708毕业?点击展开...Not eligible.
回复: 227新政之下提前??那就是开始清理227后的,不是紧缺的要退料了。
2007年3月fn,坚强的等待s2~我的淘宝小店-享得利箱包专卖,儿童书包,儿童减负拉杆包,男女双肩背包,拉杆箱包,绝对正品,低于市场价,有兴趣的来看看吧。 http://shop36378303.taobao.com/回复: 227新政之下提前??有信件原文么?BJ还是HK?
回复: 227新政之下提前??那就是开始清理227后的,不是紧缺的要退料了。点击展开...He is an applicant from Taiwan.
回复: 227新政之下提前??朋友最近收到的一封信: 昨天下班回到家,看到桌上有一份信!拆封前心真是七上八下,拆信後心倒未有很大的起伏我收到的信是refund通知,因是在去年2/28之後送件的不是加拿大目前需要的工作缺,所以不合格。点击展开...究竟是谁?
Brian回复: 227新政之下提前??路过
回复: 227新政之下提前??这样也好,不要浪费时间等待了。
2006年8月FN2010年1月18日MER2010年2月22日PL回复: 227新政之下提前??递HK的吗?
08-03-22递交HK;08-10-30 FN;09-03-19签发补料信;09-05-27补料妥投;09-07-25再次补料;09-09-02 ME;09-10-12体检;2010-02-08 MER;2010-02-02 PL回复: 227新政之下提前??可以做自己的事情了。不用再等了。
坐牢中回复: 227新政之下提前??恭喜提前出局
先 - 哲 - 和 - 高 - 道 黄大仙He is an applicant from Taiwan.点击展开...No matter where he came from, the new rules apply for every applicant except for those who reside in Canada legally.
回复: 227新政之下提前??同情 安慰
回复: 227新政之下提前??No matter where he came from, the new rules apply for every applicant except for those who reside in Canada legally.点击展开...不会吧,旧政和新政227以前的不在内吧?
回复: 227新政之下提前??信件摘要Date: January 14, 2009 Dear … Your application for permanent residence in Canada in the Federal Skilled Worker Class was received on March 27, 2008.As you may be aware, changes were made to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act which affect applications submitted on or after February 27, 2008. Since your application was received on or after this date, your application is subject to these amendments…Your occupations do not correspond to any of the occupations specified in the instructions. As your occupations are not included on the list of eligible occupations, we are unable to process your application at this time.The Processing Fee that you have paid for yourself and your spouse is refundable. You will find enclosed the request for visa fee refund form that you must complete and return before we are able to issue to you your refund…From: Canadian Trade Office in Taipei
回复: 227新政之下提前??我一朋友,227之后的案子,年前收到补料通知,说是在紧缺职业中。
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