加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民07年8月FN收到确认信



回复: 07年8月FN收到确认信我好像没收到哦。也是07.8的FN。

另一段全新生活即将开始了!回复: 07年8月FN收到确认信香港又工作了?

回复: 07年8月FN收到确认信风水轮流转,今年香港一定比北京快

回复: 07年8月FN收到确认信风水轮流转,今年香港一定比北京快点击展开...此言甚是豪爽。

回复: 07年8月FN收到确认信我还没收到。。。。

2007.07.09 FN VO:SKM  小鸡长大了就变成了鹅;鹅长大了,就变成了羊;羊再长大了,就变成了牛;等牛长大了,Visa就到了。Man proposes, God disposes.最近刚收到所谓的确认或劝退信,还想继续办理。要回复吗?点击展开...当初我的中介说如果不打算退可以不理会他。这等同一个通知。

FN : 2007-08-16 ―― ―― Pray For Us~~回复: 07年8月FN收到确认信基本上没人退的.VO们有精力发确认信,不如把时间多花点在发ME上真是力气用错了方向!

回复: 07年8月FN收到确认信不好意思,俺是新手。请问各位何谓FN,EM 不胜感激

回复: 07年8月FN收到确认信LZ有空把确认信内容放上来,让我们欣赏一下,顺便学学英语。我也是07年8月的FN。

回复: 07年8月FN收到确认信应该是下面这样一封信.File: B0xxxxxxxx DateYour NameYour AddressDear Applicant,This letter is in reference to your applicantion for permanent residence in Canada, received on dd-mmm-yyyy. Citizenship and Immigration Canada requests that you confirm whether or not you are still interested in immigrating to Canada.If you are no longer interested in immigrating to Canada and you wish to withdraw your application, please contact us within 60 days to confirm your mailing information, and we will return your full application fee.If we do not hear from you within this timeframe, we will assume your continued interest in immigrating to Canada, and you application and fees will be retained for future processing. No further offers to return your fee will be sent. When we are ready to actively begin processing your application we will contact you to request your updated information, however at this point you will not be eligible for a refund of your processing fee.Thank you for your interest in Canada. If you are no longer interested in immigrating to Canada and would like a refund of your application fee, please notify us within the next 60 days.This is a computer-generated letter which requires no signature

2007年12月01日 烤鸭了;2007年12月1X日 鸭子好了(没熟透,凑合了);2007年12月21日 申请表递HK了; 2007年12月24日 HK签收了; 2008年02月29日 申请费扣走了;2008年07月28日 FN (08月09号收到)回复: 07年8月FN收到确认信妈的,放屁也要听个响啊,我现在什么都听不到。所以,恭喜lz与领事馆互动。

回复: 07年8月FN收到确认信因为没有配额了,如果配额充足,象04年那样多,很快的

回复: 07年8月FN收到确认信应该是下面这样一封信. File: B0xxxxxxxx Date Your NameYour Address Dear Applicant, This letter is in reference to your applicantion for permanent residence in Canada, received on dd-mmm-yyyy. Citizenship and Immigration Canada requests that you confirm whether or not you are still interested in immigrating to Canada. If you are no longer interested in immigrating to Canada and you wish to withdraw your application, please contact us within 60 days to confirm your mailing information, and we will return your full application fee. If we do not hear from you within this timeframe, we will assume your continued interest in immigrating to Canada, and you application and fees will be retained for future processing. No further offers to return your fee will be sent. When we are ready to actively begin processing your application we will contact you to request your updated information, however at this point you will not be eligible for a refund of your processing fee. Thank you for your interest in Canada. If you are no longer interested in immigrating to Canada and would like a refund of your application fee, please notify us within the next 60 days. This is a computer-generated letter which requires no signature点击展开...对,就是这样的。

回复: 07年8月FN收到确认信应该和wanson一样的情况

回复: 07年8月FN收到确认信风水轮流转,今年香港一定比北京快点击展开...

2007.4.20FN HK VO:MAC应该和wonson一样的情况点击展开...是说俺吗,名错了

-->IELTS L8 S6 R6.5 W6 self-assess:70 points -->2006.09.14 HK -->2007.02.16 FN:B050535***VO:unknown -->2009.01.20 Confirmation Letter -->2012.03.21 S2 -->2012.05.18 S2 submitted -->2012.06.06 S2 resubmmited -->2012.06.19 ME是说俺吗,名错了点击展开...不好意思,字打错了。已改正。

回复: 07年8月FN收到确认信应该是下面这样一封信. File: B0xxxxxxxx Date Your NameYour Address Dear Applicant, This letter is in reference to your applicantion for permanent residence in Canada, received on dd-mmm-yyyy. Citizenship and Immigration Canada requests that you confirm whether or not you are still interested in immigrating to Canada. If you are no longer interested in immigrating to Canada and you wish to withdraw your application, please contact us within 60 days to confirm your mailing information, and we will return your full application fee. If we do not hear from you within this timeframe, we will assume your continued interest in immigrating to Canada, and you application and fees will be retained for future processing. No further offers to return your fee will be sent. When we are ready to actively begin processing your application we will contact you to request your updated information, however at this point you will not be eligible for a refund of your processing fee. Thank you for your interest in Canada. If you are no longer interested in immigrating to Canada and would like a refund of your application fee, please notify us within the next 60 days. This is a computer-generated letter which requires no signature点击展开...对嘀。我的也是这样,网上看别人的也是这样。千篇一律。

回复: 07年8月FN收到确认信我的去年就收到了,去年很多人都收到了。hk怎么还在发呀!受不了,不能抓紧办点正事

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