加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民贴出自己227后的补料信


希望和大家交流大家互相帮助,也给后来人做个参考 This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada in the Federal Skilled Worker Class. As you may be aware, changes were made to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act which affect applications submitted on or after February 27, 2008. Since your application was received on or after this date, your application is subject to these amendments. Section 87.3(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act stipulates thatThe processing of applications and requests is to be conducted in a manner that, in the opinion of the Minister, will best support the attainment of the immigration goals established by the Government of Canada. Section 87.3(3) further states thatFor the purposes of subsection (2), the Minister may give instructions with respect to the processing of applications and requests, including instructions(a) establishing categories of applications or requests to which the instructions apply;(b) establishing an order, by category or otherwise, for the processing of applications or requests;(c) setting the number of applications or requests, by category or otherwise, to be processed in any year; and(d) providing for the disposition of applications and requests, including those made subsequent to the first application or request. Pursuant to the above sections, the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism has issued instructions which were published in the Canada Gazette on 28 November 2008. These instructions specify that only applicants who have work experience in the listed occupations are eligible to be processed. These occupations are identified by codes and described in the National Occupational Classification (NOC). You may access the list of eligible occupations at: We have assessed your declared occupation(s) against the list of eligible occupations identified by the Ministerial instructions. As your occupation(s) is included in the list of eligible occupations, you are therefore requested to submit a full application. Submitting your Full Application Go to http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/skilled.asp to download the Federal Skilled Worker guide and application forms. Your full application must consist of the following: Application for Permanent Residence in Canada [IMM 0008] Schedule 1: Background/Declaration [IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 1] Additional Family Information [IMM 5406] Use of a Representative [IMM 5476] (if applicable) Schedule 3: Economic Classes [IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 3] Visa office-specific forms All supporting documents listed at: http://geo.international.gc.ca/asia/china/immigration/beijing/documents/sw_sap_document_list.pdf You have 120 days from the date of this letter to prepare and submit these forms and supporting documentation. If your full application is not received within this time, we will assume you are no longer interested and close your file. Documents must be submitted in a SINGLE package. Do not submit any documents until you have prepared the entire package. We will make a decision on your application on the basis of the documents you provide at that time. Until we have received your completed application, we will not accept, respond to, or attach to your file any interim correspondence, EXCEPT: • Change of address, including change of e-mail address; • Change of immigration representative; • Request for withdrawal of your application and refund of fees; • Submission of an Arranged Employment Opinion approved by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada Prepare yourself for immigration to Canada Although your application is being assessed, please note there is no guarantee that your application will be approved. Do not dispose of any property or assets until your visa has been issued. However, we strongly recommend that during the time your application is being processed you should prepare yourself for your possible immigration to Canada. You should learn about living and working in Canada so you can decide where to live and prepare yourself and your family for life in Canada. Languages Canada has two official languages, English and French. Depending on where you want to live in Canada, you will need excellent speaking, reading and writing skills in one of these languages. If you do not have strong English or French skills, study the language before going to Canada and learn the vocabulary of your profession or trade. Remember: you will be competing against many native speakers of English and French for any available jobs. Work Finding work is a challenging process for Canadians and for immigrants. It is essential that you prepare to work in Canada before you move. Even if you have many years of work experience in your home country, you may not be able to work in your trade or profession in Canada. There are many things you can do in your home country to prepare for working in Canada and make your job search easier. One of your first steps should be to begin researching potential employment in Canada. Most occupations in Canada are not regulated which means that for those occupations, the employer is responsible for assessing and recognizing your qualifications. However, some occupations are regulated and do not permit persons to practice without a license. To obtain a license to practice a regulated occupation, you must go through an assessment and an acceptance of your education and professional qualifications by a regulatory body. This assessment will compare your training, education and experience to Canadian requirements. The assessment will also help determine whether further training and evaluation may be needed before you acquire a license to practice your occupation in Canada. In partnership with Service Canada, the Foreign Credentials Referral Office (FCRO) provides information and referrals. You can find more information on the FCRO Web site at: www.credentials.gc.ca. Clients in Canada can call 1-888-854-1805 or the Service Canada general enquiries number at 1-800-O-Canada (1-800-622-6232) for more information. Clients in Canada can also obtain in-person service at Service Canada Centers. On this Going to Canada Internet site (at www.directioncanada.gc.ca ) you will also find important information about living and working in Canada as well as the “Working in Canada Tool” which will tell you what the current prospects are for your occupation across Canada. It offers information on essential skills, job descriptions, work conditions and opportunities. It will also tell you whether your occupation is a regulated profession in Canada. We trust that this information is helpful. Thank you for your interest in Canada. Visa and Immigration SectionCanadian Embassy Beijing Please note that this is a computer generated letter that requires no signature.

回复: 贴出自己227后的补料信这是91老政的补料信Dear XXX,To continue processing your application, a visa officer requires that you submit the following information and documents. Please submit your documents as a single package by carefully following the instructions. In order for us to match your package with your file, include a copy of this letter as the top page of your package. Please do not send your original passports at this time.The detailed list of requirements is located at http://geo.international.gc.ca/asia/china/immigration/beijing/documents/sw_sap_document_list.pdfNote that if you fail to provide the documents requested within 120 days of the date of this message your application will be assessed based on the information you have provided. This may result in your application being refused. Please do not request an extension as these requests will not be responded to. Our recommendation is that, as soon as you receive this message, you make arrangements for Language Testing with either IELTS and/or TEF. This will ensure that you have sufficient time in order to meet our deadline. Please keep this office informed of any change of mailing address or telephone number as well as your email address. If you have not already done so, you should provide us with your current mailing address in Chinese characters as part of your package.As you application is within processing times we will not answer e-mails or fax messages. Please access our website for information regardingyour application and current processing times. http://geo.international.gc.ca/asia/china/bj-splash.htmShould you wish to withdraw your application, please inform us by either e-mail or fax. As sending this Document Request message constitutes the commencement of the assessment of your application there are no processing fee refunds.Please note that we respond only to correspondence in English or French. If you send us something in Chinese characters, please ensure it is accompanied by either an English or French translation.Thank you for your attention to this matter.This is a computer-generated letter which requires no signature

回复: 贴出自己227后的补料信谢谢楼主,很用心的说。

Montréal回复: 贴出自己227后的补料信很认真地看了,学习了,谢谢

回复: 贴出自己227后的补料信和楼主一样的信,昨天收到的


专职地产经纪,买卖房屋请联系 。微信:Peter492925281 电话: 647-708-5857多伦多好学区购房:http://forum.iask.ca/threads/多伦多好学区购房记.464699/page-13#post-11598378请问你的NOC是什么?谢谢!我5月底的FN,还没有消息呢!点击展开...你的职业在38表呢?是HK还是BJ,目前接到补料信的都是BJ的我是38表内的,3112医生

6.21挂号信北京,9.2签发Fn,2009.1.7补料信回复: 贴出自己227后的补料信谢了,参考中。

回复: 贴出自己227后的补料信你好!我也收到和你一样的补料信,正在准备中,有很多问题,经常沟通吧。我的QQ:164674942.我看了指南,判断这次补料信中的很多证明是不需要公证的,不是花不起公证费,如果不需要公证却提供了公证,说明看不懂指南,很丢人吧。比如:2.1(a) Certificate of birth for the principal applicant, the spouse or common-law partner and all dependent children (note that for children born after the year 1990 a photocopy of the original birth certificate is required);(b) Certificate of marriage;(c) Certificate of death of a spouse;(d) Certificate of divorce and civil mediation for the applicant and/or the spouse/common-law partner (specifying legal custody of any dependent children);(g) Certificate of non-marriage for all dependent children 16 years old or over.这些都是证明的复印件加翻译就可以了。2.3 For an applicant accompanied by a minor child whose other parent is not going to Canada: notarized copy of a letter of authorization and no-objection signed by the non-accompanying parent. Please note that only the form provided by the Embassy should be used and it should be accompanied by a photocopy of the national identity card of the non-accompanying parent。这个是要公正的。2.5 Police certificates for the principal applicant and all other dependents 18 years of age and over from each country where they resided for six months or more, since the age of 18. Please note that original police certificates are required.无刑证明是不需要公正的。提供原件加复印件。你怎么看呢?

回复: 贴出自己227后的补料信仔细看了确是没有明确要求某些东西的公证件...如果那些关键东西都不需要公证件, 这是难以想象的.所以我倾向于相信那些都是要公证的无型自然是要原件了, 原文描述得很清楚

加币比美元值钱5%, 但是加国货物售价比美国贵20-30%...回复: 贴出自己227后的补料信关注!请问以前的补料清单是明确要notarized copy的吗?

回复: 贴出自己227后的补料信问题是,在中国,并没有有资质的翻译公司可以提供可以负责的翻译稿,在中国,这个事情都是公证处把持着,签证处必然要求每个申请人提供可被认可的翻译稿,否则谁知道你那上面写的是什么?谁敢相信你提供的翻译是不是原文的翻译?所以,公证是必需的,而且要双语公证。个人意见。

习得屠龙技,货与加拿大回复: 贴出自己227后的补料信我也收到了跟你一样的补料信,但也很茫然,不知道该怎么准备,先投递那几个表,还是要所有的东西都要一起投递?

回复: 贴出自己227后的补料信先看明白

回复: 贴出自己227后的补料信我也收到了跟你一样的补料信,但也很茫然,不知道该怎么准备,先投递那几个表,还是要所有的东西都要一起投递?点击展开...所有的东西都要一起投递

回复: 贴出自己227后的补料信有些复杂,继续学习

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