加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民香港进度这么慢,不知道何时才能走?搞的我都



回复: 香港进度这么慢,不知道何时才能走?搞的我都有点想申请澳大利亚了我都快有这种想法了。

回复: 香港进度这么慢,不知道何时才能走?搞的我都有点想申请澳大利亚了可是澳洲移民也不容易啊,年纪轻点的,职业是紧缺的可能还好点

回复: 香港进度这么慢,不知道何时才能走?搞的我都有点想申请澳大利亚了我都快有这种想法了。点击展开...大胃老哥,你可要坚持啊,毕竟你的应该快了,不像我的,07年8月的FN,按照现在香港的进度,不知何时才能stage2,还有ME,DM,PL天哪,想想都烦

回复: 香港进度这么慢,不知道何时才能走?搞的我都有点想申请澳大利亚了问题不是想去哪,而是哪肯接受. 澳大利亚一点也不容易办,职业认定就是一个很高的门槛.

Brian回复: 香港进度这么慢,不知道何时才能走?搞的我都有点想申请澳大利亚了有能力的还是去澳大利亚吧,加拿大因为移民最容易,所以人也多.澳洲气候好,离中国距离也相对较近.

回复: 香港进度这么慢,不知道何时才能走?搞的我都有点想申请澳大利亚了澳洲比加拿大难,除了蓝领还好做,白领可不好做啊,有很多人评估都过不了,更别提移民了

回复: 香港进度这么慢,不知道何时才能走?搞的我都有点想申请澳大利亚了现在移民的难度越来越大了,世界各地都为我们关上了大门

回复: 香港进度这么慢,不知道何时才能走?搞的我都有点想申请澳大利亚了问题不是想去哪,而是哪肯接受. 澳大利亚一点也不容易办,职业认定就是一个很高的门槛.点击展开...我从事的工作是IT中的oracle,职业应该可以评定60分(中介说的,我还没有评估),大学专业也是计算机专业,工作也超过4年了,差不多能够120分,只是老婆有点想去canada,亲戚在那边。

回复: 香港进度这么慢,不知道何时才能走?搞的我都有点想申请澳大利亚了我是做软件测试的,不知道能不能评定到60分

回复: 香港进度这么慢,不知道何时才能走?搞的我都有点想申请澳大利亚了我是做软件测试的,不知道能不能评定到60分点击展开...有个澳洲紧缺行业列表,你可以看看自己的职业是否在里边,如果在职业评定就是60分,而且最近4年中有3年是相关职业工作,工作经验就有10分。年龄<=29岁是30分

回复: 香港进度这么慢,不知道何时才能走?搞的我都有点想申请澳大利亚了澳洲比加拿大难,除了蓝领还好做,白领可不好做啊,有很多人评估都过不了,更别提移民了点击展开...哈哈 ,我现在就是蓝领啊

回复: 香港进度这么慢,不知道何时才能走?搞的我都有点想申请澳大利亚了我看了,对我来说60分里只有个Computing Professionals (nec),据说是综合类,不知道能不能靠的上,如果能靠上,我勉强能算120分。其实只要加拿大这边能成功,我对澳洲也不感兴趣,就是等得心烦啊。

回复: 香港进度这么慢,不知道何时才能走?搞的我都有点想申请澳大利亚了我看了,对我来说60分里只有个Computing Professionals (nec),据说是综合类,不知道能不能靠的上,如果能靠上,我勉强能算120分。其实只要加拿大这边能成功,我对澳洲也不感兴趣,就是等得心烦啊。点击展开...我也是啊,等待的时间有些长。

回复: 香港进度这么慢,不知道何时才能走?搞的我都有点想申请澳大利亚了我从事的工作是IT中的oracle,职业应该可以评定60分(中介说的,我还没有评估),大学专业也是计算机专业,工作也超过4年了,差不多能够120分,只是老婆有点想去canada,亲戚在那边。点击展开...IT+oracle 可以得75分。

2008/1 Hongkong FN2008/12/13 IELTS O7.5 L7.5 R8 W7.5 S6.5 2009/1/8 U.K. PBS Tier 1 granted2009/3/20 AU 175 lodged回复: 香港进度这么慢,不知道何时才能走?搞的我都有点想申请澳大利亚了 这日子何时是个头啊!

回复: 香港进度这么慢,不知道何时才能走?搞的我都有点想申请澳大利亚了我都快有这种想法了。点击展开...两边都申请看看?至少多个盼头嘛

坐牢中回复: 香港进度这么慢,不知道何时才能走?搞的我都有点想申请澳大利亚了那我们这些91后期的岂不是更惨,08年5月的fn,哎!

__________________________________浮生若寄谁非梦; 到此能安即是家。I am w....................aitting !!!回复: 香港进度这么慢,不知道何时才能走?搞的我都有点想申请澳大利亚了支持

2009,11月ME2010,1.25 mer2010,2,3 pl澳洲比加拿大难,除了蓝领还好做,白领可不好做啊,有很多人评估都过不了,更别提移民了点击展开...有道理。但不完全赞同。 我觉得只要按要求提交评估材料,如果达到要求,职业评估一个月多一点就可以搞定,拿到评估报告。 无独有偶,由于加拿大处理速度太慢,听国外一个同事建议,不要把鸡蛋都放在一个篮子里。 在等待加拿大案子的同时,08年4月开始准备澳洲的申请材料,一开始,肯等是要职业评估了,5月初就收到评估报告,属于紧缺职业,自评得分125, 然后就在6月14考IELTS,要求每项至少6分,口语部分觉得考官太变态,只给了6分,其他几项L7.5,R7.5,W6.5. 我第一次IELTS是在05年11月考的,在未做任何准备的情况下,在11月的一个周五从国外出差回来,时差还没倒过来呢,第二天就去赶考,结果:L6,R5.5,W6, 口语得7分,一直在英语环境工作,怎么2年多之后还降低了,准备申诉来着,最后一想分也够了就算了,省得再等一个月以上才有结果,耽误申请时间。一切材料都备齐后08.7.28 online方式申请175. 但澳洲的申请积压也很严重,不过今年推出新政,我的职业存在CSL上,应该在3,4月份能审到,不过加拿大的突然提速,1月12好体检补料,1月23变7,2月6日直接变17. 如果是VISA的话,我立即把澳洲的案子撤掉,没准还能退回一点申请费,交了13000RMB多呢,当时澳元还很坚挺,所以赔惨了。总之,在准备澳洲的过程中,各种材料要求和加拿大大同小异,公证的时候都是一式两份,所以也顺便提交给缉拿大大使馆一份,这样或许在某种程度上加快了加拿大的补料进度。 其实两个一并申请,主要的费用花在申请和体检费上,其他材料准备都可以复用。这样做是花费一些钱,但也可以给自己的移民申请增加了一种选择,万一其中的一个失败了,还有另一个保底,也可以比较两个国家的利弊,想了解这两个国家利弊分析的TX,可以去英国的移民论坛网站看看:http://britishexpats.com/wiki/Canada_versus_Australia.Introduction * A question that frequently comes up on the BE forum is which of these two countries, Canada and Australia, is a more appealing place for a British expat to live. * This is a difficult question to answer. There really is no "one size fits all" response. * This article will provide some points for consideration. [edit] Canada's advantages * Closer to the UK; hence it's quicker and cheaper to travel between the two countries. * You're more likely to receive visits from British rellies if you live in Canada. You may put this on the plus or minus side of the ledger, as you see fit. * Seasons in synch. Since British and Canadian cousins have their long summer vacations (holidays) at the same time, it's easier to coordinate family visits. * For those who want a true four-season climate, Canada is the place to go (except for coastal British Columbia, whose climate is more like that of the UK -- but even then you're always close to snow-covered mountains on which you can ski). * Christmas is in winter, if that means a lot to you. * Proximity to the USA, if you'd like that. * French language in Quebec, New Brunswick, part of Ontario and at federal government level, if you like that. * Costs of consumer goods and electrical items are generally cheaper in Canada compared to Australia, helped by proximity to U.S. market. * Canadian provinces have more autonomy than Australian states, and there is therefore more diversity of laws, rules and taxes between provinces in Canada compared to the differences between Australian states, if you like that. * Canada is not so ecologically fragile. Drought has not been a big issue in recent years. [edit] Australia's advantages * The process by which foreigners get professional or technical accreditation generally is clearer in Australia. * Australia's immigration process is quicker than Canada's. You might find that you could have emigrated to Australia and lived there for long enough to become a citizen in the time that it would have taken you to emigrate to Canada. * Australian employers will generally have more familiarity with British work experience and qualifications. * Some cultural similarities with the UK that Canada doesn't have, e.g., cricket, rugby, Australian (Aussie) Rules (similar to Gaelic football)etc. * Although the seasons are out of synch with those of the UK, it may appeal to your British rellies to have a summer break during their winter. * Hot climate, if that appeals (although, given Australia's huge size, this necessarily is an over-generalization). Varies from hot and humid in the northern tropics to drizzily, cold or freezing in Tasmania. The alpine regions of south-eastern Australia have a "four season" climate with snow in winter. * Feasible to move most electrical goods, although unless white goods are of high quality it may not be worth bringing them. Requires use of socket/plug adaptor. VCRs etc may need "chipping" or run through set top boxes to be compatible with transmission frequencies (again many migrants choose not to bring TV/VCR). Dvd's are a different region code (4) to the UK region (2), but all can be viewed if you have multi-region player. VCR tapes will play on an Australian player. * Driving is on the same side of the road as it is in the UK. Hence you can in theory move your British car to Australia. Needs to be pass compliance inspection and then registered before you can drive on road. Parts may be hard to obtain for some makes and models. Also there may be import duties payable. Usually the cost does not make sense. * Almost all Australian states give full recognition to British drivers licences and do not require a re-test for standard driver entitlement. This is only the case in some Canadian provinces and not in others. * Relative proximity to Asia, if you'd like that. * An Australian passport gives you residence rights in New Zealand, if you'd like that. * Annual leave, on average, is longer in Australia than it is in Canada. (But in both countries it varies from industry to industry and from employer to employer.) * There is more scope for the average citizen to challenge legally incorrect public service decision making in Australia than is typically the case in Canada. Ombudsmen generally have more power in Australia and the Australian Administrative Appeals Tribunal has no Canadian equivalent. [edit] Shared advantages * Both Canada and Australia are sparsely populated compared with the UK and have much more wilderness space than the UK has. Canada and Australia tend to appeal to people who like lots of natural space. * Both countries allow dual citizenship (usually after 4 years in Australia under new rules, usually 3 years in Canada). Note that the administrative process for becoming a citizen is substantially simpler in Australia. * If you have a child born in the country, child will automatically be a citizen (in Australia provided at least one parent is a citizen or permanent resident, in Canada regardless of parents' immigration status provided they're not diplomats or similar). * Both Canada and Australia have a laid back lifestyle compared with the UK. * English (or at least a version thereof) is spoken in both Canada (except in some French-speaking areas) and Australia, which makes it relatively easy for a British expat to settle in. * Both countries are inhabited by rather nice people, in the main. * Both Canadian and Australian passports give the option of gaining a foothold in the United States for some with professional occupations (TN visa/status for Canadians, E-3 visa for Australians). * Both countries have dollar currencies and use the metric system. * Both have a "Westminster style" government, although Australia's federal parliament has more in common with the United States (eg a powerful Senate). Both countries have significant powers exercised by state/province/territory governments. Both are constitutional monarchies, although Australia is more likely than Canada to switch to a republic in the medium term. * Levels of taxation, social/health services and educational standards are broadly equivalent. [edit] Shared disadvantages * Both countries lack history and culture. o Well, actually, both countries have aboriginal cultures that go back tens of thousands of years. But, for the most part, neither of those aboriginal cultures left permanent structures and artefacts on the scale of those to be found in Europe. o There are some who have argued that that indeed was aboriginal people's gift to the future -- the very fact that they left the land largely untouched. o Be that as it may, the point is that both Canada and Australia lack what feels to British people like history and culture. Much as British people may think they want to have easy access to beautiful scenery and wilderness spaces, the reality is that, after some time in one of these "new" countries, some British expats find themselves longing for the UK's old buildings and quaint villages and pubs. They come to feel that Canada (or Australia) lacks depth. * Although it's true that Canada is closer to the UK than Australia is, it's also true that neither country is just round the corner from your British family members. Some British expats find themselves missing their British family members and friends. o Sometimes it happens pretty soon after the move to the new country, and sometimes it happens years down the road. Sometimes it's a feeling that starts out as a niggling little worry at the back of your mind and that grows into something more serious. Sometimes it's precipitated by a sudden event, such as a death in the family. o It's almost impossible to predict, when you emigrate, whether or not homesickness will become a major issue. * Neither Canada nor Australia has quick, cheap flights to Europe. A weekend getaway to Paris isn't an option. This too is something that some British expats in North America and Down Under come to miss.

  ·生活百科 来自原点的选择性率
·生活百科 太阳能池供暖



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