加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民终于找到组织了,在美国申请加拿大技术移民的
我现在来美国做博后一年了,想申请加拿大的技术移民。 没想到又来了个什么227新政,晕了 1. 请问我应该在什么地方交表啊?水牛城还是悉尼?在这里看貌似悉尼。http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/apply-how.asp#step3 3. Determine where to submit your application Send your application and processing fee to the appropriate office. One of these three scenarios should apply to you:If you have arranged employment, you will apply to the visa office responsible for your country of nationality or residence.If you are a foreign national who has been living legally in Canada for one year as a temporary foreign worker or an international student, you will apply to the visa office in Buffalo, New York (United States) or at the visa office responsible for your country of nationality. see the list of Canadian Visa Offices to find out where to submit your application.All other federal skilled worker applicants will apply to Sydney, Nova Scotia (Canada). You will receive a letter advising you whether or not your application will be further assessed by a visa office.For more detailed information, consult the Federal Skilled Worker Application Package. 但是在这看貌似水牛城http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/offices/apply-where.aspApplicants for Permanent ResidenceYou must apply in your country of residence, your country of nationality or the country where you have been legally admitted for at least one year.Applicants for Temporary Resident Visas, Study Permits and Work PermitsAs of April 1, 2005, you must apply in your country of residence, your country of nationality or the country where you have been legally admitted.Applicants for Travel Documents (Permanent Residents Abroad)If you are a permanent resident outside of Canada and you need proof of status so that you can return to Canada, you should apply at the Canadian visa office that serves the country you’re in. 2, 现在到底用不用考雅思啊,原先是可以免的。我的英语还可以,面试应该没有问题。 但是,现在给老板打工,忙的要死,再说年纪大了,没有时间考雅思啊! 没有雅思成绩何以么? 3,我现在专业是药理学,原先打算以这个专业作为职业申请的,现在不在38条里了。不过我以前是大学的讲师,手里有当时的聘用集体合同(就是学校发的一个集体聘用文件,里面有很多人的名字)、讲师证、获奖证书。但是肯定拿不到推荐信了。这样能申请么? 祝所有奋战在移民路上的筒子,一切顺利!也祝我能园移民梦想!!
回复: 终于找到组织了,在美国申请加拿大技术移民的问题!被227搞晕了!!提前恭喜楼主!您这么牛,比在国内的会快很多啦……俺建议去迈斯林专栏问问,那里的斑竹很专业也很热心的哦!
快乐生活!生活快乐!回复: 终于找到组织了,在美国申请加拿大技术移民的问题!被227搞晕了!!227后都是统一递交到Sydney,既然你在美国,表格里的Visa office就大概需要填水牛城,这样初审通过后水牛城直接审。一般会很快。以紧缺职业申请的话,如果拿不到推荐信也可以向VO说明情况,签证官会酌情处理,一般来说成功几率较大。
赏 我现在来美国做博后一年了,想申请加拿大的技术移民。 没想到又来了个什么227新政,晕了 1. 请问我应该在什么地方交表啊?水牛城还是悉尼?在这里看貌似悉尼。http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/apply-how.asp#step3 3. Determine where to submit your application Send your application and processing fee to the appropriate office. One of these three scenarios should apply to you:If you have arranged employment, you will apply to the visa office responsible for your country of nationality or residence.If you are a foreign national who has been living legally in Canada for one year as a temporary foreign worker or an international student, you will apply to the visa office in Buffalo, New York (United States) or at the visa office responsible for your country of nationality. see the list of Canadian Visa Offices to find out where to submit your application.All other federal skilled worker applicants will apply to Sydney, Nova Scotia (Canada). You will receive a letter advising you whether or not your application will be further assessed by a visa office.For more detailed information, consult the Federal Skilled Worker Application Package. 但是在这看貌似水牛城http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/offices/apply-where.aspApplicants for Permanent ResidenceYou must apply in your country of residence, your country of nationality or the country where you have been legally admitted for at least one year.Applicants for Temporary Resident Visas, Study Permits and Work PermitsAs of April 1, 2005, you must apply in your country of residence, your country of nationality or the country where you have been legally admitted.Applicants for Travel Documents (Permanent Residents Abroad)If you are a permanent resident outside of Canada and you need proof of status so that you can return to Canada, you should apply at the Canadian visa office that serves the country you’re in. 2, 现在到底用不用考雅思啊,原先是可以免的。我的英语还可以,面试应该没有问题。 但是,现在给老板打工,忙的要死,再说年纪大了,没有时间考雅思啊! 没有雅思成绩何以么? 3,我现在专业是药理学,原先打算以这个专业作为职业申请的,现在不在38条里了。不过我以前是大学的讲师,手里有当时的聘用集体合同(就是学校发的一个集体聘用文件,里面有很多人的名字)、讲师证、获奖证书。但是肯定拿不到推荐信了。这样能申请么? 祝所有奋战在移民路上的筒子,一切顺利!也祝我能园移民梦想!!点击展开...
回复: 终于找到组织了,在美国申请加拿大技术移民的问题!被227搞晕了!!你都在美国了,还去加拿大干啥,直接搞美国绿卡不好吗? 顺便问个问题,美国小孩一个月有多少补贴?这个似乎网上找不到点击展开...我是J1,绿卡很麻烦不好办,要办豁免什么的,时间周期太长了,不如到加拿大直接。再说,我个人比较喜欢加拿大。 我的同学在美国生的小孩,但是没有听说有补贴。可能因为不是美国的绿卡吧。的确有免费的幼儿园,但是,很不好,绝大多数中国人选择私立的幼儿园,为了下一代花再大的代价也是值得的。 总体来说,美国的福利比加拿大差了很多。
回复: 终于找到组织了,在美国申请加拿大技术移民的问题!被227搞晕了!!总体来说,美国的福利比加拿大差了很多。点击展开... 很想知道到底哪国福利好,版本太多了!
回复: 终于找到组织了,在美国申请加拿大技术移民的问题!被227搞晕了!!听你说还是很疑惑,我周围的两个同事在美国生完小孩后回国的,说美国给每个月有相当于5000人民币的小孩生活补贴。对比加拿大100加币牛奶金,美国高得离谱啊我是J1,绿卡很麻烦不好办,要办豁免什么的,时间周期太长了,不如到加拿大直接。再说,我个人比较喜欢加拿大。 我的同学在美国生的小孩,但是没有听说有补贴。可能因为不是美国的绿卡吧。的确有免费的幼儿园,但是,很不好,绝大多数中国人选择私立的幼儿园,为了下一代花再大的代价也是值得的。 总体来说,美国的福利比加拿大差了很多。点击展开...
回复: 终于找到组织了,在美国申请加拿大技术移民的问题!被227搞晕了!!听你说还是很疑惑,我周围的两个同事在美国生完小孩后回国的,说美国给每个月有相当于5000人民币的小孩生活补贴。对比加拿大100加币牛奶金,美国高得离谱啊点击展开...我也是才来1年,很多事情道听途说的。但是我我的同学生了小孩,真的没有领过补贴,要么就是骗我了。加拿大的事情也是听在这的加拿大实验员说的,感觉真的比较好。 一切随缘吧!
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