加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民可怕,本来想申请UBC的。。。


一个在英属哥伦比亚大学的18岁中国留学生被绑架,他在北京的父母接到绑匪要求大额赎金的电话后向温哥华警方报案,然后被解救出来。难道是国内人干的? 太可怕了! -----------------------------------------------据CBC报道 International students at UBC are shaken by the news of the kidnapping of an 18-year-old Chinese student on Thursday and say they'll be taking measures to ensure their safety.Chenguang Jiang, a PhD student and president of the Chinese Student and Scholars’ Association at UBC, is planning to hold a meeting with other Chinese students to bring up security concerns.Police have said incidents like the most recent kidnapping are rare but Jiang said he does not want to take any chances.“The city is still safe but you got to have some worry in your mind about how to reduce the risk,” he said.Tarik Amin, a student from Egypt, echoed Jiang’s sentiments."It's pretty frightening, it could be one of us next time, you know? It's something we should take more action on."Azim Wazeer, a student visiting from Sri Lanka, said there are often misconceptions about students who come from other countries to study.“People assume we come in with a lot of money, but that's not always the case.”The students' concerns stem from Thursday's kidnapping of a first-year UBC student from his West End Vancouver home.Police learned of his kidnapping when the man’s devastated parents called from Beijing to report that they had received a demand for a large ransom.Police conducted a huge covert surveillance and phone-tapping operation and arrested four men on Thursday morning. They were charged with kidnapping, forcible confinement and extortion.

在安大略湖边,有个孤独的身影,在等你的出现。回复: 可怕,本来想申请UBC的。。。有钱人又喜欢显摆就更是容易遭人搞嘎啦!

FN:2007-1-11自评70分,有亲属waiting ME VO:ISK我的ME在哪里?回复: 可怕,本来想申请UBC的。。。是在其校外的家中(his West End Vancouver home)被绑的,不是在学校。看来金融危机对加国影响很大,已经开始Kidnapping了。不过咱没钱,应该不会被瞄上。

在安大略湖边,有个孤独的身影,在等你的出现。回复: 可怕,本来想申请UBC的。。。LZ杞人忧天了吧~~~这个是熟人之间的绑架,只要你带眼识人就好。UBC开法拉利上课的都有,也不见人家被绑架!

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 可怕,本来想申请UBC的。。。是同胞干的。

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