加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民Speeding Up Processing of Old Cases


I read this on trackitt.com forum, but why does HK not have this problem???I received this message as I am an Immigration Consultant and thought I would share it. Regards, Message from CIC: =========================================== Please be advised that efforts related to the implementation of the Ministerial Instructions (C-50) has resulted in accelerated processing of the older cases in the pre-C50 backlog. The applications are being activated and letters requesting specific documents are being sent out. The request letter will be sent only once and applicants will be given 90 days to produce the documents. If the requested documents are not received within 90 days, the application will be assessed based on the available information and may be refused. We have been advised by some representatives that the document request letters have not being received, since they were sent to 'old' or no longer valid addresses. This is a reminder that it is the responsibility of the applicant, and by extension his/her representative, to ensure that the visa office has a valid and current mailing address. Notification of address changes should be sent by fax or e-mail to the appropriate visa office. Estimates, based on previous experience, of how long a file will spend in the backlog before being processed are no longer accurate. The time that files spend in the backlog, before being processed, is dramatically changing and therefore visa offices have to be kept advised of changes to contact information. Your assistance in distributing this message to members of your respective organizations is requested. Regards, Erica Usher Director, Operational Coordination Citizenship and Immigration Canada | 365 Laurier Avenue West Ottawa ON K1A 1L1 Government of Canada

___________________________________Application submitted to Hong Kong Office on 1 September 2006, SAPFN = 29 January 2007VO = SKM赞反馈:deepbluesea 2009-02-20#2 110526004 845 $0.00 回复: Speeding Up Processing of Old Cases从这个信里我没读出要加速审理的信息。

我不喜欢坐而论道,这辈子也好下辈子也罢,对我们凡人而言,脚踏实地耕耘现在才是良策。回复: Speeding Up Processing of Old Cases没错,只是话到时发补料信的话,要求是90days内补料

FN:2007-1-11自评70分,有亲属waiting ME VO:ISK我的ME在哪里?回复: Speeding Up Processing of Old Cases且看这个90天的信息准不准了。原来是120的,很容易判断。

Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian回复: Speeding Up Processing of Old Cases就看到第二行有个加速的词。

回复: Speeding Up Processing of Old Cases有点加速的意思....

回复: Speeding Up Processing of Old Caseslet me explainin other processing centres they have been processing old applicants much quicker than expectedfor example, London UK SAP applicants were told two years ago that they would not be processed for 48 months, but they are now receiving their 120 day lettersit seems some applicants have not been updating addresses as they were not expecting any news from CICthis is not happening in Hong Kong, but we all wish that it would, right?似乎在有些家例如英, 年前被告知要等起48月, 但最近有很多已收到120日的信。  是否在的有些申人有更新他的地址呢香港像是任何。

___________________________________Application submitted to Hong Kong Office on 1 September 2006, SAPFN = 29 January 2007VO = SKM回复: Speeding Up Processing of Old Cases看看先

生命在于折腾!!!let me explainin other processing centres they have been processing old applicants much quicker than expectedfor example, London UK SAP applicants were told two years ago that they would not be processed for 48 months, but they are now receiving their 120 day lettersit seems some applicants have not been updating addresses as they were not expecting any news from CICthis is not happening in Hong Kong, but we all wish that it would, right?似乎在有些家例如英, 年前被告知要等起48月, 但最近有很多已收到120日的信。  是否在的有些申人有更新他的地址呢香港像是任何。点击展开...啥玩意大哥,HK现在就是整体进度极慢,不是啥由于申请人联系方式没更新而导致没及时收到CIC消息而造成延误。

-->IELTS L8 S6 R6.5 W6 self-assess:70 points -->2006.09.14 HK -->2007.02.16 FN:B050535***VO:unknown -->2009.01.20 Confirmation Letter -->2012.03.21 S2 -->2012.05.18 S2 submitted -->2012.06.06 S2 resubmmited -->2012.06.19 ME回复: Speeding Up Processing of Old Cases但究竟哪些属于old class呢?

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