加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民227以后不在38里收到FN了,但MS还没决定,等通知?
227后的,不在38里,递美国水牛城的,今天朋友说帮我收到FN了(我已回国)。看信里的内容,说已经收到我的申请了,让我等待通知。不知道是不是所有227后不在38内的申请人都是收到这种内容? As a result, your applciation will be reviewes to determine whether it meets the requirements for processing as outlined in the Minister's InstructionsOnce this review is complete, we will inform you in writing whether your application is eligible for further processing. Until this time, please be patient and do not make any inquiries to our office about the possible ompact of these Instructions on your application.
回复: 227以后不在38里收到FN了,但MS还没决定,等通知?另外,收到FN后能不能在网上查到状态?
回复: 227以后不在38里收到FN了,但MS还没决定,等通知?with file number ready, go online www.cic.gc.ca, click check my application status,
回复: 227以后不在38里收到FN了,但MS还没决定,等通知?试过了,查不到.
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