加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民2月20投资移民会议记录
Dear All:A few pieces of news come out of MICC meeting held last Wednesday in Montreal to share with you here:2[FONT=宋体]月[/FONT]20[FONT=宋体]日[/FONT]MICC[FONT=宋体]在蒙特利尔召开会议,会议内容:[/FONT]1. MICC[FONT=宋体]表示今年[/FONT]QIIP[FONT=宋体]今年的计划是完成[/FONT]2400[FONT=宋体]例投资移民投资,并希望未来两年分别达到[/FONT]2600[FONT=宋体]和[/FONT]2800[FONT=宋体]个。[/FONT]1. MICC is committed to achieve the quota of 2,400 investing files for QIIP this year, and likes to increase the quota to 2,600 and 2,800 in the following two years;2.[FONT=宋体]香港的面试安排仍然很紧张,[/FONT]MICC[FONT=宋体]仍然希望倾听来自各方面的建议和投诉,以促进投资移民的甄选工作,使之更加顺畅和有效。[/FONT]2. Although the on-going selection interview in Hong Kong remains tense, there is a political will from MICC side to listen to the recommendation and complaint from all sides to make the selection process more smooth and efficient;3.MICC[FONT=宋体]已经决定将行政复议的处理时间减少到[/FONT]7[FONT=宋体]个半月,这可能会鼓励更多被拒绝的申请人选择申请行政复议。[/FONT]3. MICC has decided to lessen the Administrative Review processing time to 7 and a half months, therefore, might encourage more rejected files to go for appeal;4. MICC[FONT=宋体]披露香港,在会议期间,[/FONT]BIQ[FONT=宋体]已经审理了[/FONT]35[FONT=宋体]个按照新的文件要求递交的申请,其中[/FONT]10[FONT=宋体]已经被免除面试。这一决定将在今天,或者最早下周发出。这意味[/FONT]30%[FONT=宋体]的申请被免除面试。[/FONT]4. MICC disclosed during the meeting that BIQ HK has reviewed 35 pending cases which the new narratives had been submitted, and 10 files out of those 35 files have received interview waive. The decision will be sent out today or early next week. So far it represents 30% of total files got interview waive;5.CIC[FONT=宋体]要求[/FONT]MICC[FONT=宋体]为加拿大[/FONT]IIP[FONT=宋体]吸纳更多的投资和资产。[/FONT]MICC[FONT=宋体]将召开一个有移民顾问和基金参加的会议,告知大家更多的情况。可以肯定地是,没有就增长达成共识。[/FONT]5. CIC is talking with MICC regarding the net asset/investment amount increase for Canadian IIP. MICC will hold a meeting with the brokers for consultation. We will keep you informed of any new development. One thing for sure, there is no consensus right now for the increase.Last but not least, I look forward to the good news that one or more of your clients might receive the decision of interview waive.Best regards,
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