加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民是国人无耻还是安利无耻?


在美国,联邦贸易委员会禁止安利公司夸大其分销员的营业额、收入和利润,并且在提到这些数据的时候要附上分销商的平均数据,同时需要提示超过一半以上的分销商不能赚到钱、分销商平均每月赚不到100美元。1986年安利公司因违规被罚款10万美元。 而在中国,安利和传销没有区别,所有加入的人员都想着能暴富,总是被灌输谁和谁赚了多少,多少人像疯了一样在做梦。 FTC investigationhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_re_Amway_Corp. Amway and its American online incarnation, Quixtar, have had allegations that these companies are pyramid schemes or cults.In a 1979 ruling,[57][15] the Federal Trade Commission found that Amway does not qualify as an illegal pyramid scheme since the Amway system is based on retail sales to consumers.It did, however, order Amway to stop retail price fixing and allocating customers among distributors and prohibited the company from misrepresenting the amount of profit, earnings or sales its distributors are likely to achieve with the business. Amway was ordered to accompany any such statements with the actual averages per distributor, pointing out that more than half of the distributors do not make any money, with the average distributor making less than $100 per month. The order was violated with a 1986 ad campaign, resulting in a $100,000 fine.[58]Amway has avoided the abuses of pyramid schemes by (1) not having a 'headhunting' fee; (2) making product sales a precondition to receiving the performance bonus; (3) buying back excessive inventory (4) requiring that products be sold to consumers. Amway's buy­back, 70% and ten customer rules deter unlawful inventory loading. (5) Amway is not in business to sell distributorships.In the opinion section Commissioner Pitofsky stated:"Two other Amway rules serve to prevent inventory loading and encourage the sale of Amway products to consumers. The '70 percent rule' provides that '[every] distributor must sell at wholesale and/or retail at least 70% of the total amount of products he bought during a given month in order to receive the Performance Bonus due on all products bought . . ..' This rule prevents the accumulation of inventory at any level. The '10 customer' rule states that 'n order to obtain the right to earn Performance Bonuses on the volume of products sold by him to his sponsored distributors during a given month, a sponsoring distributor must make not less than one sale at retail to each of ten different customers that month and produce proof of such sales to his sponsor and Direct Distributor.' This rule makes retail selling an essential part of being a distributor. The Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) found that when the buy­back rule, the 70 percent rule, and the ten customer rule are enforced, they serve to prevent inventory loading and encourage retailing."In 1986 Amway Corp. agreed, under a consent decree filed in federal court, to pay a $100,000 civil penalty to settle Commission charges it violated a 1979 Commission order that prohibits Amway from misrepresenting the amount of profit, earnings or sales its distributors are likely to achieve. According to a complaint filed with the consent decree, Amway violated the 1979 order by advertising earnings claims without including in it clear and conspicuous disclosures of the average earnings or sales of all distributors in any recent year or the percent of distributors who actually achieved the results claimed.[59]

在安大略湖边,有个孤独的身影,在等你的出现。回复: 是国人无耻还是安利无耻?安利无耻

forever眼中的加拿大http://www.canadameet.com/member/index.php?uid=foreverhttp://www.canadameet.com/member/index.php?uid=forever&action=article回复: 是国人无耻还是安利无耻?我也觉得安利利用了中国人想赚钱但又很天真的想法。我妈妈就做过安利,还为我没有加入安利和我吵过。我尊敬那些踏踏实实做安利的人,但我不喜欢他们的宣传。

等闲识得东风面,万紫千红总是春。我的春天你快来。2007.3 FN. 有亲属。赞反馈:蓝胡子 2009-03-13#4 大拿
Miroir de la vie
16,970 $0.00 回复: 是国人无耻还是安利无耻?安利无耻

有所拿,有所不拿 ...回复: 是国人无耻还是安利无耻?国人天真, 安利无耻.

回复: 是国人无耻还是安利无耻?国外各种营销模式海了去了,以前我们国门未开,从未见识过,容易上当受骗。现在中国人也不像以前那么好骗了,这就是我们在进步的明证。让各种骗子的伎俩来得更猛烈些吧,把我们锻炼的火眼金睛,坚强无比!

卡尔加里家庭旅馆http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=658803国人天真, 安利无耻.点击展开...同意。LZ的标题有问题,难道不是安利无耻就是国人无耻? 监管不到位(或不作为)的时候,商家当然可以尽可能的利用体系和制度的漏洞,只要不违法。没有明文禁止的事情,当然有可以做自由,更何况有利可图。 作为消费者可以选择是或不,明知安利的东西很不靠谱(价格或其它),而仍然奋不顾身的使用,就很难讲了。

2007年12月01日 烤鸭了;2007年12月1X日 鸭子好了(没熟透,凑合了);2007年12月21日 申请表递HK了; 2007年12月24日 HK签收了; 2008年02月29日 申请费扣走了;2008年07月28日 FN (08月09号收到)回复: 是国人无耻还是安利无耻?为什么在美国不敢骗,在中国就敢骗?而且中国的安利没有几个外国人吧,我觉得还是要更多地在自己身上找原因。能到美国去告中国的安利吗?

在安大略湖边,有个孤独的身影,在等你的出现。为什么在美国不敢骗,在中国就敢骗? 而且中国的安利没有几个外国人吧,我觉得还是要更多地在自己身上找原因。 能到美国去告中国的安利吗?点击展开...为什么在英国、法国不敢烧,在中国就敢烧?这个问题一百多年前就有答案了,这能怪中国人么?

有所拿,有所不拿 ...国人天真, 安利无耻.点击展开...总结得好,美女有才气,学习

在安大略湖边,有个孤独的身影,在等你的出现。回复: 是国人无耻还是安利无耻?安利无耻,让友情全无,同学聚会中,一同学不停的给大家推安利产品,让聚会变味。

回复: 是国人无耻还是安利无耻?做保险的也一样啊

噶玛巴千诺国人天真, 安利无耻.点击展开...It isn't naive. It is stupid.

移民科幻小说《种秧帝国崛起之后》弘扬主旋律传播正能量的饥饿游戏版《红旗颂》回复: 是国人无耻还是安利无耻?安利再无耻,安利洗脑再厉害,嘿嘿,比得上打着某外国邪教幌子滴反*动组织麽...

回复: 是国人无耻还是安利无耻?前几天我老婆的表姐给她介绍“美ya”国际什么电话业务。算是一种传销形式了。他们的特点就是给自己戴帽子:3G,焦点访谈......

Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian回复: 是国人无耻还是安利无耻?国人的劣根性被充分利用。

06-09-01 新政第一天UPS寄出;06-09-04 9:48 Mr. CHEN签收;06-10-17 15:15 招行信用卡划款;07-02-14 北京收到FN信,VO:SKM;08-05-07 通过Email修改邮政地址,08-05-30在线查阅到传说中的地址栏。09-03-21收到确认信。12-02补料信。http://weibo.com/golftrip总结得好,美女有才气,学习点击展开...受用

回复: 是国人无耻还是安利无耻?It isn't naive. It is stupid.点击展开...Maybe........a little bit, but I am not sure.

回复: 是国人无耻还是安利无耻?为什么在英国、法国不敢烧,在中国就敢烧?这个问题一百多年前就有答案了,这能怪中国人么?点击展开...人傻, 钱多, 快来?

回复: 是国人无耻还是安利无耻?安利确实有点无耻,不过国人也有点问题,中国人民不是都是勤劳致富的嘛,天上不会掉馅饼的道理难道都不懂了。

  ·生活百科 任何具有较长寿命的回火阀....
·生活百科 聪明的户外吊扇



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